Warlord and Pets

Ryoumu did the warlord and the girl falling. I *Kitara* did the blue moster thing and the blue little foxes. Also. No idea who did the face. Michi started the grey and black figure underneath my monster and Ryoumu's warlord. Thx!

  • Kitara  (61967 strokes)
  • Gloomi  (24324 strokes)
  • als-e  (20831 strokes)
  • Brie  (18969 strokes)
  • norjalainen  (13351 strokes)
  • pete  (9493 strokes)
  • Michi  (8173 strokes)
  • psycospaz  (6065 strokes)
  • penmasterish  (2259 strokes)
  • Cam  (591 strokes)
  • grim015  (299 strokes)
  • XanaCSA  (1 strokes)