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SkywardLink catches the blade by the metal, wincing slightly. He pockets it. "Hmm. Well, I'll just have to find a Moblin, I guess." Naga-Luffy.: [Metal grass?] Naga-Luffy.: [ouo] Naga-Luffy.: [OH WELL- SkywardLink: ("tosses the blade") SkywardLink: (I caught the blade you threw.) Naga-Luffy.: [Blade of grass.] SkywardLink: (The heck.) Naga-Luffy.: ['by the metal'] SkywardLink: (Okay then, metal grass.) Naga-Luffy.: [Vhat.] Marth.: I'M GONNA TELL BIG SISTER WHAT YOU'RE DOING Marth. cry Zelda.: lol Zelda.: xD Ryuu.: ...WHAT DID I DO ;___; Marth.: EVERYTHING Ryuu.: shoved my dick in a cheerio? Marth.: ..It's that small? Akasu: Apparently Aalis: WHY DO YOU CONCEAL YOUR UGUU DRAWINGS Aalis: WITH A BLANKET OF BLUR What.: BECAUSE I MISPLACED ALL OF THEM IN THE PORN FOLDER What.: I think I might have left them in the disk What.: I dont know,I lent it to my brother What.: ........ What.: Dear god,I have to get it back ke: ITS HARD TO SEE WHAT YOU GUYS ARE SYAING ke: SINCE Akasu: GO Akasu: TO Akasu: SLEEP ke: YUO BOTH START WITH A AND END WITH U Link.-: does it involve whacking other people upside the head with planks ZeIda: me and asa do that :D Pit-: in west philadelphia born and raised Kotana: yes Pit Kotana: If you were born in Alaska Kotana: you would've caused 2012 to occur Aalis: ...On the playground where I spent most of my days iPheonix: Moo iPheonix: Or as the french say it, iPheonix: Moo Aalis: Hey, we Frenchies may be cows, but we're still skinnier than Americans. Soren-: i'm going to alchemize my nipples with my fists and create the world's most devastating weapon anyone has ever been in the same dimensional plane with at the same time hen: i lie to you all the time hen: i could be lying now even Aalis: ken with you i can never really tell so i just sit there and take it Aalis: we have a great friendship Meta.Knight: aha hen: it's so very one sided Aalis: fuck you hen: don't you mean fuck you? Aalis: that is what i just sAID Meta.Knight: You don't get it, Ma Meta.Knight: You just don't Meta.Knight: You doofbag hen: no i mean fuck YOU hen: not me hen: you're the one that sits there and takes it Aalis: i"M SORRY Aalis: oh Aalis: OH Meta.Knight: HAHAHAHA Aalis: I DIDN'T SEE THAT Meta.Knight: ur dum Aalis: WELL THEN Aalis: consider me fucked cause damn Aalis: that is Aalis: pretty funny Meta.Knight: yawns externally Marth.: are you getting sleep tonight `o `? Meta.Knight: maybe Meta.Knight: I'll see where wind takes Meta.Knight: me Meta.Knight: wait there's no wind in my room Marth.: open a window Meta.Knight: NO DO YOU WANT ME TO FREEZE Meta.Knight: You're going to freeze me alive and store me away aren't you Marth.: any other day you would say Meta.Knight: And when you melt me you'll point and laugh at me Marth.: omg it;'s fucking hot in here gonna open the window and shove snow down my shoirt Luigi.: wat Marth.: shirt* Meta.Knight: "You missed Kai's pre-orders" Luigi.: hot Luigi.: cold Marth.: That is the best plan ever Meta.Knight: Also I got my heating to work so it's not hot anymore Marth.: oh good then Meta.Knight: I don't even know how big a B cup is Meta.Knight: I don't know these things Zelda: whats a b cup Meta.Knight: And I don't even think I should MIAOU im a b Marth.: wait then how do you measure boobs in europe zelda: who letters cups what the fuck Meta.Knight: I don't know Ma? MIAOU: a is tiny MIAOU: d is huge Meta.Knight: I don't pay attention to boob sizes Marth.: A, B, C, D, E, F I think it goes to K... Zelda: and S is for Shae Zelda: LEL MIAOU:dome people are odd MIAOU: hOLY SHIT Marth.: S hAHAH Zelda: me neither because i dont need to Zelda: AHA Meta.Knight: THERE IS FOUR BOOB SIZES. FLAT, SMALL, SOFT AND HOLYFUCKYOU'REFAT. Zelda: LOL Marth.: LOL Marth.: SON Meta.Knight: I DON'T FUCKING HAVE TO KNOW ANYTHING ELSE. snoopdogg: o wait i think i might have went somewhere last year to swim but it wasn't a pool, more of a lake where everyone goes to swim ZeIda: we have loads of places to swim ZeIda: ..lel snoopdogg: i'm not sure what to expect next time i go if i go again snoopdogg: last time a giant spider humped on my leg snoopdogg: *JUMPED Marth.: HAHAha snoopdogg: i h8 you keyboard ZeIda: LOL Marth.: Spider got some leg ZeIda: "oo ye" Marth.: two litttle ducks Marth.: swimming in a pond Marth.: of eachother they grow quite fond Marth.: one jumps up Marth.: the other does too Marth.: both of them whisper 'i love you' Marth.: off they go, singing a song Marth.: they come back before too long Ex.142: AND THEN THEY BOTH DIE VIOLENTLY. lke.: omfg Marth.: CRIES Ex.142: AHAHAHA lke.: THAT RUINED IT Ex.142: That was mean but idgaf Also shallowfantasy.deviantart.com go.