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--- Artiechokey entered this board. Vroom: Vroom: guys are sexy Vroom: and I wanna be a guy Vroom: because Vroom: I wanna have Vroom: a body squibbit: you dont have a body O_O Artiechokey: you don't have a body?!! loreydoor: Is that all? Vroom: .. Vroom: YES I HAVE A BODY Artiechokey: 0_0 Artiechokey switched to the lobby. --- squibbit: 1 plus 1 does not equal 2 squibbit: and the center of the universe is so made out of cake --- Aleda: What're you making? o 0o BlameQui: ull c ittl only take a min. Aleda: Mmkay. o wo BlameQui: c? Aleda: xD BlameQui: now we do pixel art Aleda: Nooo not pixel art. D: BlameQui: ;o; BlameQui: ok BlameQui: u have to draw on the second layer Aleda: .-. BlameQui: using ur eraser Aleda: I know, but I don't really want to do pixel art. D: Aleda: ... Aleda: o___o BlameQuii entered this board. BlameQuii: ;o; Aleda: .. Wait what? D: BlameQui signed out. BlameQuii: thar BlameQuii: oops Aleda: DUDE. Aleda: I do not want to do pixel art. D< Aleda: Pay attention to meeeee BlameQuii: were not Aleda: ; ___ ;