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Tricksy: this room is dirtier then charlie sheen's friday night ~ Juggernaut-: And yet, the night grows cold and dark without thou and thoust warm touch, for I feel empty without thy embrase Tricksy: you're not from the middle ages, speak like a normal bastard. Juggernaut-: Well then, Princess Pissface. Tricksy: Yeah, Sir shit-for-brains Juggernaut-: Lady Lunkhead. Tricksy: Duke dickface Juggernaut-: King cunt-licker. Tricksy: Master Masturbater Juggernaut-: Knight Tits-a-Lot. Tricksy: Count Kiss-my-ass ~ Tricksy: Need a new emoticon? Tricksy: (V)(^;;;;^)(V) Tricksy: Why not Zoidberg Tricksy: That emoticon was bad Tricksy: And I should feel bad ~ Trix-: You've got your heart in the right place but your head up the wrong place ~ velve.: sometimes i sit up late at night and think about all the bad things ive done in my life Trix-: Sometimes I sit up late at night and wonder if penguins have knees. ~ Trix-: all right, all right, Quiet your Riot ~ Fabu-luss: How's my make-up look? lol Willoughby: Dee Snider. In other words, beautiful. Fabu-luss: ...fuck you ~ Flora whispers: Sitting here crying at a sad game ending, yet all I can think about is 'Thank God I'm not an ugly crier.' ~ Trix-: Wait Trix-: Stop right there Trix-: Let me check my Trix-: Give-a-shit-o-meter ~ Trix-: My doctor says I have a bad problem Trix-: An extreme, possibly lethal low count of Trix-: Fucks to give ~ Flora. whispers: I lied about lying that I lied. Because lying is how I lied to you about lying as I lied anyway 'cus I can lie and I lied. BumbleFrisbee whispers to Flora.: ... Flora. whispers: P.S, I may have lied about that too. ~ Flora. whispers: I'm actually relaxed most of the time. Flora. whispers: I just kill people with my mind. BumbleFrisbee whispers to Flora.: I know, Ellis. BumbleFrisbee whispers to Flora.: I know. BumbleFrisbee whispers to Flora.: -Patpat- Flora. whispers: -Purr- BumbleFrisbee whispers to Flora.: Purr? Flora. whispers: Are you trying to turn this into some erotic sex scene? BumbleFrisbee whispers to Flora.: Wait BumbleFrisbee whispers to Flora.: What ~ Flora. whispers: -poke- BumbleFrisbee whispers to Flora.: -Doublepoke- Flora. whispers: -prod- BumbleFrisbee whispers to Flora.: -Whack- Flora. whispers: -bite- BumbleFrisbee whispers to Flora.: -Tackle- Flora. whispers: -stab- BumbleFrisbee whispers to Flora.: -Die- Flora. whispers: -disembowel- BumbleFrisbee whispers to Flora.: -Haunt- ~ Kreyan @ Mon Oct 08 2012; 12:01.23: Therefor, you are an anteater. ~ Ugly. whispers to Pan.: What time is it there again? Pan. whispers: 22:16 Ugly. whispers to Pan.: Oh, I see :B Pan. whispers: What about you? Ugly. whispers to Pan.: 17:19 Pan. whispers: You guys have 24 hour clock? Ugly. whispers to Pan.: No. Pan. whispers: Didn't think so Ugly. whispers to Pan.: What's it like in the future, then? Ugly. whispers to Pan.: Flying cars? Pan. whispers: In the process... We're hoping to combine nanotechnology with the work of a Dr. Sheldon Cooper- you may of heard of him. And oh yeas, Batman's having a temper tantrum while Spideys on the steroids. Nintendo have created a new hero based on every main character ever and PlayStation exploded. Plus I have magically turned into Lightning Farron and the Eidolons have turned chibi. Ugly. whispers to Pan.: I will be very disappointed if these standards are not met within five hours. Pan. whispers: I'd better get dying my hair pink then... ~ Sapphire.Rain-: damn Ugly.Inviter: Hey again :3 Sapphire.Rain-: i wanted to be your Sapphire.Rain-: person Sapphire.Rain-: or whatever Ugly.Inviter: You'll always be my person. ~ Ugly.: It's been forever since I updated my profile with an interesting conversation Ugly.: SAY SOMETHING INTERESTING Linkana: I like Crumpets. Ugly.: :O Linkana: I'm sorry, that was pants. Linkana: Uh... Ugly.: o-o Ugly.: :O Linkana: I'm sorry, that was pants. Linkana: Uh... Ugly.: o-o Linkana: What? Linkana: Do you have something against crumpets? Linkana: What did crumpets ever do to you? Linkana: Tch. Linkana: I refuse to achnowledge your crumpet hating existence. Linkana: Wait, does that count as achnowledgement? Linkana: *acknowledgement Linkana: Or however the heck you spell it. Ugly.: ; - ; I like crumpets. ~ Ugly. whispers to MaggiesMurder: YOU KNOW WHAT THEY DO TO GUYS LIKE US IN PRISON. MaggiesMurder whispers: Yeah I know, I heard it from OUR LADY OF SORROWS MaggiesMurder whispers: She told me about it Ugly. whispers to MaggiesMurder: HEAVEN HELP US if you get caught in there, girly. Ugly. whispers to MaggiesMurder: You'll be there TO THE END. MaggiesMurder whispers: What if I get sent to the HOUSE OF WOLVES with all the other TEENAGERS? Ugly. whispers to MaggiesMurder: I thought you might end up in some CUBICLES, where my MAMA works. MaggiesMurder whispers: Maybe.. Btw, I have some DROWNING LESSONS tomorrow MaggiesMurder whispers: It's gonna be the BEST DAY EVER Ugly. whispers to MaggiesMurder: But won't you STAY with me? We can watch some EARLY SUNSETS OVER MONROEVILLE together. MaggiesMurder whispers: I'd love to be your DEMOLITION LOVER, and sing the DESERT SONG with you too. Ugly. whispers to MaggiesMurder: Or did you think that HONEY, THIS MIRROR ISN'T BIG ENOUGH FOR THE TWO OF US? Ugly. whispers to MaggiesMurder: Well that's okay, because even if you don't come, I can KILL ALL YOUR FRIENDS. MaggiesMurder whispers: I thought you would have sent them to DESOLATION ROW, or have given them a big, brutal WELCOME TO THE BLACK PARADE Ugly. whispers to MaggiesMurder: But you better watch out, too, even if you think that VAMPIRES WILL NEVER HURT YOU. They want your BLOOD. If they try, you can SAVE YOURSELF, I'LL HOLD THEM BACK. MaggiesMurder whispers: But THE ONLY HOPE FOR ME IS YOU, so if you hold them back, won't you become DEAD!? Ugly. whispers to MaggiesMurder: All I wish for is that I never meet THE GHOST OF YOU. If you find me DEAD, call HELENA, and tell her I said "THANK YOU FOR THE VENOM." MaggiesMurder whispers: I will, I'd just have to dive HEADFIRST FOR HALOS, and then meet her on the SKYLINES AND TURNSTILES. ANd if I die BURY ME IN BLACK on CEMETARY DRIVE Ugly. whispers to MaggiesMurder: And if we each say our FAMOUS LAST WORDS, then we'll become THE KIDS FROM YESTERDAY. But even if we meet THE END, just know that MY WAY HOME IS THROUGH YOU. MaggiesMurder whispers: By the way, could you tell JACK THE RIPPER to GIVE 'EM HELL, KID and to put my SISTER TO SLEEP for me, also I NEVER TOLD YOU WHAT I DO FOR A LIVING. I'm trying to cure CANCER, and with the SHARPEST LIVES, THIS IS HOW I DISSAPEAR from THE MURDER SCENE (Album reference ftw.) Ugly. whispers to MaggiesMurder: I work in fashion and make VAMPIRE MONEY. But remember, IT'S NOT A FASHION STATEMENT, IT'S A FUCKING DEATHWISH. And I don't know how to make your sister SLEEP. Maybe I should give her a KISS BEFORE SHE GOES. MaggiesMurder whispers: Maybe.. Well you know THE WORLD IS UGLY, and I'm playing SONG 2 right now. It makes me want to visit the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W and sing NA NA NA to him as I HANG 'EM HIGH because THE JETSET LIFE IS GONNA KILL YOU. Ugly. whispers to MaggiesMurder: It's better to visit him in the SUMMERTIME, while the DESTROYA is there. Remind them both, though, that I'M NOT OKAY. My partner is giving ZERO PERCENT on our ROMANCE. MaggiesMurder whispers: You should tell him I DON'T LOVE YOU, and then KEEP RUNNING while the ASTRO ZOMBIES are after you. Because you're way more special than all the COMMON PEOPLE. Ugly. whispers to MaggiesMurder: What do you think JET STAR AND KOBRA KID would have to say to that? They'd put you on DESOLATION ROW for saying such a thing. MaggiesMurder whispers: Well we DON'T NEED ANOTHER SONG ABOUT CALIFORNIA, especially with all the TERROR AT THE CIRCUS. Ugly. whispers to MaggiesMurder: PARTY POISON will make sure of that. He's in the BLACK DRAGON FIGHTING SOCIETY, you know. MaggiesMurder whispers: Well I'm one of the MASTAS OF RAVENKROFT, so he better SHUT UP AND PRAY for his life. I'll meet him at the PLANETARY, and we'll be LOVING, HATING, KILLING, so he better LOOK ALIVE, SUNSHINE. ~ Blueyy whispers: Whisper Whisper Ugly. whispers to Blueyy: Whisper whisper whisper. Blueyy whispers: Whisper whisper whisper whisper Ugly. whispers to Blueyy: Whisper whisper whisper whisper ~ Pan.: kay Pan.: So... Pan.: How're you Pan? Pan.: I'm good Ellis, how're you? Pan.: Fine. Pan.: Oh... Okay... Pan.: Yup I dotted you. Pan.: Oh Pan.: Yup Pan.: ORLLY? Pan.: YARLLY? Pan.: Well, I just dotted you back. Pan.: . Pan.: Oh you did not go there. Pan.: Yup. Pan.: Damn, your being blunt o.o Pan.: Yup. Pan.: Shut up. Pan.: Yup. Pan.: Wierdo Pan.: Oh why thanks for the compliment. Pan.: Uh, you're welcome? Pan.: Mhm. Pan.: gh Pan.: What? Pan.: *Ugh Pan.: Oh Pan.: So what's up Ellis? Pan.: I burnt part of my gum... :/ Pan.: Ouch... Pan.: Yup. Pan.: How/ Pan.: *? Pan.: Chips... Pan.: Oh Pan.: The gum killer ~ Kreyan @ Tue Apr 10 2012; 18:08.51: You're doing a crap job of valiantly saving the day. Kreyan @ Tue Apr 10 2012; 18:09.14: It's returned again... Kreyan @ Tue Apr 10 2012; 18:09.27: It approaches... Kreyan @ Tue Apr 10 2012; 18:09.45: Fuck. Pan. whispers: (→ AllTheThings) And it might... Just be... Humping the desk. Pan. whispers: You just ruined my spam. Ugly. whispers to Pan.: Sorry sweetheart Pan. whispers: I'm not done. Ugly. whispers to Pan.: I'mnot usedtomy sister'scomputer, it fallsasleepquickly Pan. whispers: -continues- Pan. whispers: I'm not sure. Ugly. whispers to Pan.: Okay. -Hushhush- Pan. whispers: But I really don't wanna take a closer look. Ugly. whispers to FayTheBear: -Poke- Pan. whispers: Apparently the desk isn't that good- Oh wait no it's at it again. Pan. whispers: It's moved on to the wall Pan. whispers: And back to the desk- no the wall. Oh wait, the desk again. Pan. whispers: Dude, this guy's frisky. Pan. whispers: Horny bastard. Pan. whispers: I don't even know if it's a bitch or a bastard. Pan. whispers: Do i wanna know..? Pan. whispers: Oh shit, it's gone. Pan. whispers: AH Pan. whispers: Nevermind, found it shagging the wall again. Pan. whispers: This is like text porn for you isn't it. Pan. whispers: My Grandma just pwned the li'l bastard. Pan. whispers: Okay, I'm done now. Pan. whispers: She's dead Pan. whispers: NO Pan. whispers: SHE WAS SO YOUNG Pan. whispers: Ohnoes Pan. whispers: :< Pan. whispers: WhatamIgoingtodo? Pan. whispers: Oh i know. Pan. whispers: I'll dump the body! Pan. whispers: Just need a shovel... Pan. whispers: *Steals Lisa's shovel* Pan. whispers: Mwahaha. Pan. whispers: *Digs grave* Pan. whispers: Oh shit, this is my garden. Pan. whispers: Ah well, I'll live... Pan. whispers: *flees* Pan. whispers: Seriously? Pan. whispers: Your still dead? Pan. whispers: But your s'posed to wake up when I bury you alive! Pan. whispers: :< Pan. whispers: *puppy dog eyes* Ugly. whispers to Pan.: I'm dying Pan. whispers: :o Ugly. whispers to Pan.: D: Pan. whispers: B-but... You can't die. Pan. whispers: Who will be my homosexual? ~ Pan.: I kissed a can Pan.: and I liked it. ~ MaggiesHome: Make me a sammich MaggiesHome: Made of babies. Pitch-: Make me a sammich. Pitch-: OUT OF BABIES ~ Pitch-: -punches ugly in the face MaggiesHome: o-o MaggiesHome: You're feeling violent.. Pitch-: yup MaggiesHome: Your hand okay? x ~ Pan. whispers: I'm bored Pan. whispers: Un-bored me Ugly. whispers to Pan.: Hm. Ugly. whispers to Pan.: The duck walked up to the lemonade stand Ugly. whispers to Pan.: And he said to the man running the stand Ugly. whispers to Pan.: "HEY!" Bombombom. "Got any grapes? Ugly. whispers to Pan.: The man said "No, I just sell lemonade. But it's cold and fresh, and it's all homemade. Can I sell you a glass?" Ugly. whispers to Pan.: The duck said: "I'll pass." Ugly. whispers to Pan.: And he waddled away Ugly. whispers to Pan.: Waddle waddle Ugly. whispers to Pan.: Til the very next day Ugly. whispers to Pan.: Bom bom bom bom baba bom Pan. whispers: I'm not sure whether I regret teaching you that song or not. Pan. whispers: Maybe I should just facepalm. Pan. whispers: -Facepalm- ~ Ugly. whispers to MaggiesMurder: T Ugly. whispers to MaggiesMurder: H Ugly. whispers to MaggiesMurder: E Ugly. whispers to MaggiesMurder: G Ugly. whispers to MaggiesMurder: A MaggiesMurder whispers: DAMN YOUUUUU Ugly. whispers to MaggiesMurder: M MaggiesMurder whispers: D: Ugly. whispers to MaggiesMurder: E Ugly. whispers to MaggiesMurder: Didn't even let me finish. Ugly. whispers to MaggiesMurder: :B ~ Kreyan @ Fri Mar 16 2012; 14:28.09: Remember when I told you how my hair was a cross between Jesus and a lions mane? Yeah... Well, I'm pretty sure my hair is the result of a mating session between the two of them.. ~ Pan.: Oh nana, what's my name? Ugly.: Your name is Ellis. ~ Yingeh: Chubby people are always the best >W< ~ MaggiesMurder whispers: So o-o MaggiesMurder whispers: How have you been? Ugly. whispers to MaggiesMurder: Mm, same old, same old. Eating a cookie. Ugly. whispers to MaggiesMurder: Want a piece? :D MaggiesMurder whispers: Oh noicee :o I just ate a muffin o.o MaggiesMurder whispers: YES I WANT A PIECE OF YOUR COOKIE >:U MaggiesMurder whispers: You wanna muffin? o.o Ugly. whispers to MaggiesMurder: YES I WANT A PIECE OF YOUR MUFFIN >:U ~ Quirrel: TROLL! In the dungeons! Troll in the dungeons! ... Thought you ought to know. -Faint.- Dumbledore: SILENCE! Everyone go to their dormitories immediately! Slytherins: ... D: But our dormitories are in the dungeons! ~ RICHI3: WAIT RICHI3: BUMBLE BumbleBear: YES? RICHI3: I love you. ~ Ugly.: I'll wait for Maggie to come on. She'll understand the fangirl explosion-ness that comes to picturing a threesome. Ugly.: Between three sexy boys, that is. Pan.: I'm the innocent member Ugly.: Oh. Yeah. Ugly.: I forgot. Pan.: I'm not allowed to know what you're talking about Ugly.: Well Ugly.: How about we talk about ponies? :] ~ Ugly. whispers to FayTheBear: I'm meeting this girl tomorrow. FayTheBear whispers: :o Get some. Ugly. whispers to FayTheBear: ...A girl from my old school... FayTheBear whispers: Oh. FayTheBear whispers: You didn't see aaaaannyyyyyttthiiiiinnngggg.... o-o ~ FayTheBear: :| FayTheBear: So how's your day, Fay? FayTheBear: Oh, pretty good. FayTheBear: Well that's good. FayTheBear: Yeah, I know. FayTheBear: What're you doing? FayTheBear: Oh nothing, just listening to skrillex. FayTheBear: Oh really now? Skrillex is pretty good. FayTheBear: Yeaaah. FayTheBear: Yep. FayTheBear: So. FayTheBear: Soo... FayTheBear: I'm bored. FayTheBear: Me too. FayTheBear: Waiting for these hoes to come back. FayTheBear: Yeah? FayTheBear: Yeah. FayTheBear: Me too. FayTheBear: Ugh. FayTheBear: They sorta just left us. FayTheBear: I know right? FayTheBear: Yep. FayTheBear: Zak fin. *phew phew& FayTheBear: Lol. FayTheBear: I love Zak. FayTheBear: Me too. FayTheBear: He's hot. FayTheBear: Ikr. FayTheBear: Totally. FayTheBear: I finally got his book. FayTheBear: Oh did you? FayTheBear: Yep. Can't wait 'till I get to read it. FayTheBear: Why can't you read it yet? FayTheBear: Oh I can. I'm just too lazy. FayTheBear: Oh lol. FayTheBear: Yeah. FayTheBear: So what're you doing now? FayTheBear: Oh, about to go eat. FayTheBear: Same here. Brb. Food's already done. ~ Ugly.Bitch: ...I fucked up that song real bad, didn't I? MaggiesMurder: xD No, I thin kthat's my fauly MaggiesMurder: *Fault Ugly.Bitch: We both fucked up together 8D Ugly.Bitch: I was gonna say "fucked together" but then I was like "...Shit." ~ FayTheBear whispers: But... wanna webby? You haven't seen my new room yet. D: BumbleFrisbee whispers to FayTheBear: I can't D: My sister's using the other computer FayTheBear whispers: D: BAD SISTER. FayTheBear whispers: Tell her to gerroff before i lick her butt. o3e FayTheBear whispers: .................... ~ Rawr.-: my mouth hurts Rawr.-: DX Rawr.-: like Rawr.-: my lips BumbleFrisbee: Oh, want me to kiss it better? :D ~ Ugly.: You're a creeper in so many ways, actually. Ugly.: When you really think about it. xD FayTheBear: D; FayTheBear: Nuhu! Ugly.: Says the girl that figured out Bam Margera's phone number. FayTheBear: SHUDDUP, SOMEONE MESSAGED ME HIS NUMBER ON TUMBLR.