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EzioAuditore. would tuck salai in but he needs to wash his hand first Salai: ..... Aquila. will tuck Salai in for Ezio Salai does not even want to know EzioAuditore. appreciates it, Aquila Kadar: ARGH Kadar: I ATE PINEAPPLES EARLIER Kadar: AND NOW MY MOUTH IS ALL GRITTY Kadar: IT WONT GO AWAY Kadar: ARGH Kadar writhes EzioDaFirenze: .. EzioDaFirenze: LOL EzioDaFirenze deep mouthed kisses EzioDaFirenze: ill fix it EzioDaFirenze: |: EzioDaFirenze USES TOUNGE Kadar: YOU'RE ALREADY FRUITY