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Rocker.Zexion: OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK Rocker.Zexion: ALL THIS TIME Rocker.Zexion: I FORGOT TO PAUSE SIMS guest4952: ooooooooooooooh fuuuuuuckkkk maaaaaan Rocker.Zexion: VAUGHN'S ALMOST DEAD Rocker.Zexion: FUCK FUCK FUCK Xion-: ...Hi? guest4952: that aaaaaaaaaaaaintttt goooooooodddd guest4952: why dont you keeeeeeeeeep 'emmmm on freeeeee willlllll? Hime: THIS IS WHY YOU GET A'S Hime: YOU ASIAN Hime: NOT Hime: BSIAN Anaklus: I tried to draw a dude with arm hair once. Anaklus: It looked like Tony the Tiger. Rocker.Zexion: They make them in Fucking Hugeass size? Elaeus: saw this on my front page. Elaeus: I'm like: more like the emo kid inside. Elaeus: GUYS. Elaeus: SOMEONE Elaeus: Convince me to shower Elaeus: before my stepmom gets on my ass. Rocker.Zexion: If you don't shower. Rocker.Zexion: Your hyigene motive will go in the red. Rocker.Zexion: And inventually. Rocker.Zexion: You'll get attacked by a horde of flies. Rocker.Zexion: And die. Altair-: real men wear pink. Altair- nodnod. Acumen.Zexion: Real gay men wear pink. Acumen.Zexion: Altair doesn't wear pink. Altair-: That too. Altair-: Because maybe Altair-: altair can't afford pink dye Altair-: He's too busy dyeing his outfit RED with BLOOD Acumen.Zexion: |:| Penis flavored condoms. Altair-: I still think they sound gross. Altair-: ..With penis flavor there's not much use in having one. Altair-: It would be like putting a ziplock bag on your wang. Altair-: I knocked my tooth out with a CD case once. Altair-: Well actually my cousin did. guest6969: lolol Acumen.Zexion: Talented as always, Alt. Altair-: Shit happens. guest6969: Shit happens. guest6969: Venie leaves. Altair-: no Altair-: Forrest Gump didn't leave when shit happened :o Altair-: ...actually he did... Altair-: he was running... Altair-: so nevermind, ignore me guest6969: Lol F.Axel runs away with Roxy F.Axel switched to the lobby. iRoxas isn't going. > w> Altair-: My toe hurts ever since I dropped shampoo on it Altair-: the bottle, not actual shampoo, because that would be sad. Rocker.Zexion: ... There may be a reason for that, Tasky. Altair-: "*drips shampoo on toe* OW THE HERBAL ESSENCES" Altair-: me and my friend made a song about Altair Altair-: and it goes like this. Altair-: Ridin', a pony, named Churro (named Churro). Got mah cowboy boots an' mah cowboy hat, BUT WAIT, I'm not a cowboy! I'm an assassin! (and the tempo picks up) DON'T BREAK THE JAR, YOU BROKE THE JAR, DON'T BREAK THE JAR, YOU BROKE THE JAR--QUICK! THE GUARDS ARE COMING Bunnie-: dirty perverted horny derp clown Anaklus: I just thought they were bros Fly- switched to the lobby. Bunnie-: Bros? Anaklus: but all of a sudden it's like... what? Bunnie-: More like Bunnie-: unf bros Anaklus: xD Gamzee-: There was so much porn on tumblr today Panda-: Unceunce. Anaklus: Bros before hos. Gamzee-: Like holy crap Anaklus: Gamzee just takes it literally. Panda-: LOL. Panda-: xDD Naoi: bros with a benifit Anaklus: xDDD Marluxia.: DUDE Marluxia.: SILENT HILL AND HARVEST MOON CROSS OVER Altair-: WHOA Marluxia.: EPICNESS Altair-: CAN YOU MILK PYRAMID HEAD? Rocker.Zexion: .... iSexyRoxas: O AO Rocker.Zexion dies of laughter. Acumen.Zexiion: It looks like the words say AUTOTUNE instead of ADVENTURE. Altair-: AUTOTUNE ADVENTURE featuring Rebecca Black. Acumen.Zexiion: ... LOL. Altair-: Co-starring the Black-Eyed Peas. Acumen.Zexiion: Only in our dreams, Alt. Acumen.Zexiion: LOL! Rocker.Zexion: YOU SHUT YOUR NOISE TUBE. gamz: did you guys fuckin know gamz: the sound of the tornado in the movie twister gamz: is actually a camel moaning in slow motion? Altair-: LOL. arachnidsGrip: LOL Xavier.: i was listing to music and she looked over and was like uhmm bro your dog like full on whizzed on the bed Keikitty: xDD Cat..: XD Xavier.: lifted his leg up and everything Cat..: vulb;kml;nbivyrxse Xavier.: fff hate my dog right now Xavier.: he can tell Xavier.: its kinda funny Cat..: hahaha Xavier.: hes like staring at me from a distance with a guilty face Cat..: Aw.. Cat..: I forgive the baby Cat..: Poor puppy means well haha Keikitty: Yeah, means well Keikitty: "Lemme piss on your bed" Keikitty: "Warm it up for ya" Altair-: Looks like a green penis shape with red marks Altair-: looks kind of painful cokedout: LOL cokedout: That was completely unintentional Altair-: xDD Altair-: except it's like a skinny weenie. Altair-: Like one of those Play-Dough snakes I used to make by rolling it on the table cokedout: Or its thick but even longer cokedout: LOL Altair-: that was the most creative shit ever Altair-: I'm like cokedout: It could be 4 feet in girth but then be 20 feet in length Rocker.Zexion: Back, sorry. Altair-: mommy, take a picture, I'm da Vinci-ing it up over here Keiran-: I wish I could turn into a guy for a week instead of bleed Panda-: YES. Panda-: They don't get cramps either Keiran-: I'd make a fruity guy though xD Panda-: D:< Panda-: xD Lmao Keiran-: but then that would make it awkward after you got married.. Keiran-: For a week every month it would be gay marriage. Panda-: LOL Gay marriage. Panda-: I just thought of that. Keiran-: and like what if your husband wanted sex and he walked into the bedroom to see you all manly Cat..: o.O.O Keiran-: and you're like "Hey babe," in a deeper voice and he's like "Ugh, not TODAY of all times" Panda-: LOLOLL Panda-: OH GOD. Panda-: LOL. Acumen.Zexion: You need to learn to draw the Me Gusta face. Acumen.Zexion: ANd put it on Danny Phantom. Acumen.Zexion: "Me Ghosta." Gamzee.. starts dancing gardenGnostic facepalm L3G1SL4C3R4TOR D4NC3S TOO Gamzee..: HeLl YeAh adiosToreador: ,,,, adiosToreador can't dance. :c gardenGnostic: Its okay Tavros, I'm sure you can manage to WALK IT OFF.)) caligAquarium: wwere you in my room Gamzee.. curls up into a ball Gamzee..: hOnk.... hOnk. caligAquarium: tryin to get closer to me eh kar carcinoGeneti..: FUCK YOU ERIDAN carcinoGeneti..: FEF TOLD ME caligAquarium: oh cod dont lie i know you wwant in on this carcinoGeneti..: ERIDAN I WOULD NEVER PUT YOU ON ANY OF MY FUCKING QUADS carcinoGeneti..: EVER!!!!! caligAquarium: kar is that a mirror in your pocket cause i can sea myself in your pants carcinoGeneti..: ERIDAN IS THAT A POLE IN YOUR ASS adiosToreador: LOL OH GOD I'm dying) carcinoGeneti..: IF SO carcinoGeneti..: PULL IT OUT caligAquarium: sure thing gotta make room for you after all carcinoGeneti..: ERIDAN carcinoGeneti..: I HATE YOU Gamzee.. GRABS THAT MOTHERFUCKER BY HIS HAIR, YANKS HIM BACK AND KICKS HIS CROTCH Gamzee..: SLAP ME AGAIN MOTHERFUCKER AND SEE WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENS caligAquarium LFKDS;LFKSDGFKDSLGFKSD'FKDSL;KF;L Gamzee.. AND I JUST STARTED adiosToreador: i THINK, iF YOU KICK HIM THERE ANYMORE, hIS LEGS WILL BE EVEN MORE USELESS THAN MINE MAYBE,, tAVROS: trollin' tAVROS: trollin' tAVROS: trollin' on the riiverr adiosToreador: i THINK, adiosToreador: tHE HUMAN SAYING IS, adiosToreador: wHAT WRIGGLES AROUND, cOMES AROUND, mAYBE, carcinoGeneti..: OH MY GOG adiosToreador: oR DO HUMAN THINGS EVEN WRIGGLE, i DONT KNOW, CarcinoGeneti..: ILL JUST FIND SOMETHING ELSE TO INSULT YOU ON adiosToreador: lIKE WHAT, CarcinoGeneti..: YOUR HAIR CarcinoGeneti..: IT LOOKS GAY adiosToreador: i THINK IT IS COOL, adiosToreador: bUT, CarcinoGeneti..: I THINK ITS GAY adiosToreador: i KNOW WHAT MIGHT BUG YOU, CarcinoGeneti..: WHAT adiosToreador: yOUR HORNS ARE, uM, nUBBY, adiosToreador: i THINK THAT BUGS YOU ANYWAY, CarcinoGeneti..: FUCK YOU FUCKING BULL adiosToreador: nUBBY HORNS, CarcinoGeneti..: GO SUCK A NUT adiosToreador: yOU ARE JEALOUS, i THINK, CarcinoGeneti..: LEAVE THOSE OUT OF THIS adiosToreador: oF MY HUGE HORNS, CarcinoGeneti..: YOURS LOOK DUMB adiosToreador: tHEY ARE SO HUGE IN FACT, CarcinoGeneti..: AD RETARDED adiosToreador: tHAT I CANT FIT THROUGH DOORS, sOMETIMES, adiosToreador: aND, adiosToreador: wOMEN APPRECIATE THEM, i THINK, mAYBE, adiosToreador: aT LEAST A LITTLE, CarcinoGeneti..: VRISKA DOES \:B adiosToreador: mAYBE SHE DOES, adiosToreador: iM SURE YOU DO TOO SECRETLY, aM I RIGHT, CarcinoGeneti..: NO! adiosToreador: yOURE JEALOUS, CarcinoGeneti..: I WOULD NEVER adiosToreador: yES YOU ARE, CarcinoGeneti..: TAV adiosToreador: wHAT, CarcinoGeneti..: HAVE I EVER TOLD YOU CarcinoGeneti..: THAT YOU adiosToreador: yES, adiosToreador: yOU PROBABLY HAVE ALREADY SAID ANYTHING INSULTING YOU POSSIBLY CAN TO ME, CarcinoGeneti..: ILL GIVE YOU CarcinoGeneti..: 5 MINUTES adiosToreador: oKAY, adiosToreador: hMMM, CarcinoGeneti..: TO TRY TO FLIP YOUR SHIT AND INSULT ME adiosToreador: yOU ARE VERY LOUD, adiosToreador: aND ACTUALLY, rEALLY ANNOYING SOMETIMES, lIKE ERIDAN, adiosToreador: bUT MAYBE NOT AS BAD AS HIM, adiosToreador: bUT STILL ANNOYING, adiosToreador: aND, adiosToreador: yOU INSULT MY RHYMES BUT I BET YOU COULDNT, uM, mAKE BETTER ONES, adiosToreador: bECAUSE YOU JUST YELL, adiosToreador: aND CUSS, adiosToreador: aND YELL MORE, i GUESS, adiosToreador: aND YOU ARE NUBBY, i LIKE TO MENTION THAT A LOT BECAUSE I THINK IT IS FUNNY, adiosToreador: aND YOU ARE JEALOUS OF MY GINORMOUS HORNS, adiosToreador: wHICH CANT FIT THROUGH DOORWAYS, aND ATTRACT WOMEN, i GUESS, adiosToreador: aND, adiosToreador: yOU HAVE, adiosToreador: fUNNY, adiosToreador: ,,, adiosToreador: eYES, adiosToreador: aND YOU ARE SMALL BUT I GUESS I KIND OF AM TOO, adiosToreador: iN FACT I THINK WE ARE ALL KIND OF SMALL BUT, wHATEVER, adiosToreador: aND, adiosToreador: mY, adiosToreador: lANCE IS COOLER THAN YOUR SICKLES, adiosToreador: tHE END, i GUESS, CarcinoGeneti..: RST OFF ALL I DONT GIVE A FLYING SHIT ABOUT YOUR HORNS, THE REMIND ME OF ERIDANS EGO, BIG AND ANNOYING. AND I CAN COME UP WITH MUCH BETTER FUCKING RHYMES. YOUR LANCE REMINDS ME OF A TROLL DICK, AND MY SICLE COULD CUT IT IN HALF. ALSO YOUR LUSUS IS THE SIZE OF MY FIST, I COLD FUCKING CRUSH IT WITH ONE BLOW. OH YEAH ONE MORE FUCKING THING, I DONT REALLY GIVE A BITCH TITS MOTHER FUCKING ASS ABOUT YOUR OPINIONS, SO GET OVER IT. CarcinoGeneti..: LIKE I SAID, COMING UP WITH INSULTS TO UTTERLY FAIL. adiosToreador: Sorry, I had to get dinner.) adiosToreador: I like how they insult each other by comparing one another to Eridan. xDDD ) CarcinoGeneti..: (ikr) Gamzee. walks back to where he got up at and looks down at the two adiosToreador KNOWS WHAT MUST BE DONE. adiosToreador: pUPAPUNZEL, lET DOWN YOUR HAIR, }:) CarcinoGeneti..: I HOPE YOU KNOW I DONT UNDERSTAND SEAGOAT LANGUAGE CarcinoGeneti..: SO IF HE GETS ANGRY CarcinoGeneti..: TELL ME CarcinoGeneti..: SO I CAN RUN adiosToreador: oKAY, adiosToreador: oNLY IF YOU PROMISE TO PUSH ME AS YOU RUN, Ayome: ^^ the perfect s0ng f0r y0u tav~ CarcinoGeneti..: STFU TAV Gamzee. curled up asleep adiosToreador: oOH, tHIS IS A NICE SONG, Ayome: mhm~ ^^ adiosToreador: aLSO, i WILL NOT SHUT UP BECAUSE APPARENTLY I AM BEAUTIFUL NO MATTER WHAT YOU SAY, adiosToreador: aND YOUR WORDS CANT BRING ME DOWN, adiosToreador: oOOH NOOO, CarcinoGeneti..: SO TAV CarcinoGeneti..: YOU ENJOYING THE NEW LEGS CarcinoGeneti..: CAUSE IF YOU ARNT CarcinoGeneti..: GET THE FUCK OVER IT adiosToreador DOES A BACKFLIP THROUGH THE WINDOW AND LANDS PERFECTLY IN WHATEVER AREA THEY ARE IN. CarcinoGeneti.. GOES OVER TO KAMZEE AND STARES AT IT LIKRE THE STATUE THE THINKER CarcinoGeneti..: DO SOMETHING STUPID SO I CAN JUDGE YOU FOR IT adiosToreador: uM, CarcinoGeneti..: AND TELL YOU HOW HORRIBLY IT WAS DONE adiosToreador: There's a pair of my mom's pants hanging on the exercise machine behind me (don't ask, idk why) and for a split second I turned around and the only thing i saw was PANTSKAT.) L3G1SL4C3R4TOR: *Gamzee's petting of Kazmee caused her to lose the ogle off* L3G1SL4C3R4TOR: 1 W1N! L3G1SL4C3R4TOR: F1N4LLY! CarcinoGeneti..: HEY TEZ L3G1SL4C3R4TOR C4CKL3S L3G1SL4C3R4TOR: WH4T CarcinoGeneti..: JUST OT LET YOU KNOW CarcinoGeneti..: THE ONLY REASON THE DOG STARES AT YOU CarcinoGeneti..: IS BECAUSE CarcinoGeneti..: IT THINKS YOUR GOING TO GIVE IT SOMETHING CarcinoGeneti..: CALM YOUR TITS adiosToreador: wHAT, adiosToreador: wHAT ARE THOSE SERIOUSLY, adiosToreador: aRE THEY LIKE HORNS, CarcinoGeneti..: IVE HEARD GAMZEE SAY IT BEFORE CarcinoGeneti..: I THINK ITS LIKE CarcinoGeneti..: HORNS ON A HUMAN CHEST CarcinoGeneti..: ONLY THE FEMALE HUMANS HAVE IT adiosToreador: tHEIR HORNS CAN GET UPSET, wHAT, adiosToreador: tHAT IS THE WEIRDEST THING I HAVE EVER HEARD I THINK, CarcinoGeneti..: TEZ THAT DRAWING IS SHIT L3G1SL4C3R4TOR: 1 WORK3D R34LLY H4RD ON 1T CarcinoGeneti..: i hear the annoying wimpyess that i feel as if CarcinoGeneti..: tavros is near adiosToreador: Come to the dark side) adiosToreador: we have tongues) Sollux.Captor: you guy2 are 2o fuckiing loud ii2 hard two beliieve terezii 2lept that long. CarcinoGeneti..: AND YOUR SO FUCKING ANNOYING ITS HARD TO BELIEVE NO ONES KILLED YOU YET CarcinoGeneti.. LEADS DAVE TO THE TOP OF THE CLIFF turntechGodhead: wait let me guess turntechGodhead: everything the light touches will be mine turntechGodhead: except that dark spot over there CarcinoGeneti.. CLIMBS TO HIGHEST POINT OF GAMZEES HOUSE turntechGodhead: time to serenade Karkat) turntechGodhead: I WISH YOU WOULD STEP BACK FROM THAT LEDGE, MY FRIEND) CarcinoGeneti..: (LOL) turntechGodhead: YOU COULD CUT TIES WITH ALL THE LIES YOU'VE BEEN LIVIN IN) CarcinoGeneti..: (IM GOINGTO LISTEN TO THAT NOW) turntechGodhead: AND IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO SEE ME AGAIN) turntechGodhead: I WOULD UNDERSTAAAND) turntechGodhead: lol nice.) CarcinoGeneti..: YOU DO KNOW IM JADES PATRON TROLL CarcinoGeneti..: AND SHE WILL MORE LIKELY LISTEN TO ME CarcinoGeneti..: THAN YOU turntechGod: i dunno man CarcinoGeneti..: NO IT MEANS A BIT OF ME RESIDES IN HER. CarcinoGeneti..: IN A WAY CarcinoGeneti..: SHE IS ME turntechGod: me and jade are pretty tight CarcinoGeneti..: KINDA turntechGod: holy shit she is in no way like you CarcinoGeneti..: YOU WILL SEE SOMEDAY YOU RETARD CarcinoGeneti..: AND THE REASON I CANT KILL YOU IS CAUSE YOUR TEZ'S KID. SHES YOUR PATRON TROLL turntechGod: so turntechGod: im turntechGod: inside of her turntechGod: I like how Dave trolls the trolls. :| ) centaursTesti: yes <3 ]] turntechGod: INCEPTION) Sollux.Captor: OHSHI )) centaursTesti takes hold of Karkat's shirt. CarcinoGeneti..: WHAT CarcinoGeneti..: DO CarcinoGeneti..: YOU CarcinoGeneti..: FUCKNIG WANT CarcinoGeneti..: NOW centaursTesti: D --> You will surrender this fabric at once, candyb100d centaursTesti facewipe. (Dave talking to Equius.) turntechGod: okay turntechGod: fuck turntechGod: seriously turntechGod: what is wrong with you turntechGod: you sweat more than guys on gatorade commercials Sollux.Captor: nobody know2. turntechGod: and they are like turntechGod: rivers with legs caligAquarium: oooh you touch my trollala Sollux.Captor: I wonder how they get the grubs to design what they want their houses to look like. centaursTesti: fuck ive always wondered that centaursTesti: GERBER centaursTesti: LIKE THE BABY FOOD Sollux.Captor: XD turntechGodhead: They give them a crayon turntechGodhead: and try to build something that matches what the grubs scribble up turntechGodhead: and if it's not what they wanted turntechGodhead: TOO FUCKING BAD. centaursTesti: D --> Nepeta centaursTesti: D --> Back pocket arsenicCatnip: :33 < k! *ac hops down and retrieves the elastic band, giggling* h33h33 i touches your butt CarcinoGeneti..: WTF SOLLUX arthoursUdder: D --> Are your fingers lazy arthoursUdder: D --> If you are going to roam with such 100d language at least spell it out turntechGodhead smells like urine and has just been molested by Karkat. T3R3Z1PYROP3: so lets say) T3R3Z1PYROP3: that dave took one of daves shirts) turntechGodhead: ...) turntechGodhead: INCEPTION) turntechGodhead: I always imagine Eridan with a British accent.) turntechGodhead: My friend is like "No, I imagine her with a New England accent *rants about New England*." I'm like huh?) T3R3Z1PYROP3: i cant imagine him with anything but octopimps voice.) T3R3Z1PYROP3: XD) turntechGodhead: LOL Tez I love that voice) turntechGodhead: wait) turntechGodhead: I just called Eridan a her) turntechGodhead: LMAO) T3R3Z1PYROP3 T4K3S OFF GL4SS3S 4ND M4K3S CUT3ST PL34S3 F4C3 POSS1BL3 T3R3Z1PYROP3: PL34S33!!! T3R3Z1PYROP3: >:[ turntechGodhead stares awkwardly because Terezi still looks like a shark. A shark begging for you to let it eat you. T3R3Z1PYROP3 //M34NWH1L3, 1N G4MZ33S H41R... deviouslyLupine: YOU GRAMMAR NAZI.) turntechGod: HEIL ENGRISH.) [12:10:07 AM] carcinoGeneticist: [12:10:32 AM] eggtoBurgologist: DAVE IS THAT YOU eggtoBurgerologist: because i didnt know how to do the windy thing. omg omg dude if eggburger is a burger would he actually do the Wendy thing System: The maximum number of board users has already been reached. Anaklus whispers: It's secretly an orgy and everyone wants in [9:09:11 PM] Kendall, perhaps?: I understood it. [9:09:32 PM] Kendall, perhaps?: *is the analogy queen* [9:09:58 PM] Kendall, perhaps?: Your analogy is to me as men are to Ke$ha; eventually we can't tell the difference between the good and the bad. [9:10:49 PM] Kendall, perhaps?: And then we're all over them and in the morning we wake up in a bathtub. [5:10:40 PM] turntechGodhead: so i ate some fish earlier [5:10:44 PM] turntechGodhead: your friends i bet [5:12:08 PM] arachnidsGrip: fucker [5:12:20 PM] turntechGodhead: it was delicious [9:53:57 PM] turntechGodhead: my god typo fairy is raping me [9:54:09 PM] turntechGodhead: her incorrect busom is in my grammars face [9:54:12 PM] turntechGodhead: it cant focus Adicard: usually they react around 6 weeks old Keikitty: a year Keikitty: a whole year Keikitty: that's like six weeks times Keikitty: six Marluxia.Rose huggles alty and kisses Altair-: I want steak. Rocker.Zexion: LOL. Altair- ruined the moment LOL Altair-: In Sims 3 I made a town that's just Altair-: like Altair-: every house is full of my ocs Altair-: and Luke kept fucking flirting with the maid Altair-: and he attacked anyone that talked to her Rocker.Zexion: LOL. Altair-: I was like UAFDG. Pimp.Luxord: This is the only name it would let me on with Acumen.Zexion: That. Acumen.Zexion: Ginger Roy. Acumen.Zexion: Is creeping me out. Acumen.Zexion: He's like. Acumen.Zexion: "Hey Marth *heavy breathing* Let me eat your soul...." Altair-: My brother walked up to me and was like "Wanna see something cool?" so I said "Sure," and he made me open Notepad Altair-: and then Altair-: he typed Altair-: "THE GAME" in all caps on the biggest font size. Altair-: and he was like, "You lose." and walked away laughing. Altair- GETS Altair- NAKED Acumen.Zexion starts to break at his whimpering. Altair- ALSO DANCES Altair- WHILE NAKED Acumen.Zexion: LOLALTAIR. Acumen.Zexion: Wouldn't. Altair- DONT LAUGH. Acumen.Zexion: Your junk like. Acumen.Zexion: Fly around. ToddlerMarluxia: dangle Acumen.Zexion: All over the place. ToddlerMarluxia: since hes old? Acumen.Zexion: If you pelvic thrusted naked. Altair-: Yes, it is a sword, why do you ask TheTwelveth: 'Ezio did not kill civillians' TheTwelveth: WELL TheTwelveth: WHAT THE FUCK DID HE DO Altair-: FUCK THE CIVILIANS Altair-: KILL EVERYONE Demii SLOBBERS ON KEI Keikitty YES. YES. I LIKE THIS. Altair-: I gotta showa Altair-: to get Altair-: powa Altair-: um\ Altair-: wax my eyebrowa Altair-: in da showa Altair-: and it hurts so i say owa Altair-: GRIZZLY BEAR NIPPLES. Luvs2Fart: Breasts aren't porn when they're disembodied Anaklus: Sounds like a night in Vegas WhiteTiger: ... WhiteTiger: Lol. Anaklus: Vomit on the bedsheets, a girl sleeping in the corner, and people trying to eat you. WhiteTiger: When you said that Aku: Thaaats where he was when the apocalypse hit. Aku: hangoverrrr WhiteTiger: I pictured Korey in one of those frilly crazy dancing girl outfits with the feather headdress and stuff. Anaklus: xD Anaklus: I pictured Mike as a pole dancer. Anaklus: Let me post before this gets out of hand. WhiteTiger: lololol Anaklus: OOPS IT ALREADY DID. Aku: .. Just Nick, totally piss-ass drunk, making out with the hookers.. WhiteTiger: Korey being one of those hookers... Aku: Still drunk, still smooching. WhiteTiger: Wake up in the same bed next day WhiteTiger: Korey castrates him. Aku: Nick pukes on her. Anaklus: and Mike asks where the hell his tips are. WhiteTiger: LOL. Aku: xD Aku: The part of your mind where you store all of those sexy mental images or pictures of woman to masturbate to later. Aku: Its a dude thing. WhiteTiger: YOU'RE A GIRL. Anaklus: "i once sneezed so hard I thought my uterus fell out. Turns out I sneezed my tampon out :B" WhiteTiger: Oh dear... Aku: -vomit- Aku: tampons just gross me out. Aku: just hell fucking no. Anaklus: They scare me. xD WhiteTiger: I prefer them to pads because it doesn't feel like I've perpetually wet myself. Anaklus whispers to VampireBermuda: BERMUDA IS A VAMPIRE? VampireBermuda whispers: Yes. As of now. Because i got bored. XD Anaklus whispers to VampireBermuda: So THAT'S why everyone disappears in the Bermuda Triangle... >_> VampireBermuda whispers: Sure, Lets go with that....C: Altair-: The Grand Highblood's bucket <> John's grandmother. Altair-: In art class, my friend painted floating chocolate milk that looked like a penis Altair-: I told him it looked like a penis Altair-: so he painted extra parts to it nona9 entered this board. Rocker.Zexion: lol Rocker.Zexion: ffff. Altair-: and I told him it looked like a penis with two tentacles and a wing nona9 switched to the lobby. nona9 entered this board. Rocker.Zexion: LOL. Altair-: and he was like "Oh god." nona9 switched to the lobby. Altair-: and I was like Altair-: "It's Cthulu Sephiroth." Altair-: I just added "nads" to the dictionary in MS Word by accident. sexyandaware: btw sexyandaware: that umbrella is black hole proof Marluxia.: Whos [screenname] Mouser.Rocker: a weeabo Marluxia.: Why the hell do i have her in my friends list -.- Altair-: I'm bored out of my miiiiiiiiiiiiind. Axelle. puts you back in your mind Altair- falls out again. Axelle. glues you to it Altair- slides off slowly. Altair-: Is this Elmer's? Altair-: 'Cause that stuff takes forever to dry. Altair-: One time when I was like 13, I thought bees spun webs Mouse.Acumen: Also. Altair-: and then I hit my head on a chair and my cousin was like "Stop eating so much sugar." Altair-: I had Altair-: two Altair-: mini Reeses cups. Mouse.Acumen should I turn back into a human, hun...? Altair-: YES. Altair-: Because I'm sick of cleaning up Altair-: your little mouse doodles. Altair-: I like surprises but not when they're SHITTY. Axelle.: You clean them? Altair-: With my eyelashes. Altair-: They make for a great broom Squidward.: I USED TO TAKE AN ARROW TO THE KNEE LIKE YOU Squidward.: UNTIL I TOOK A SPONGE AS A NEIGHBOR. Desu-chii: ilu squidman Squidward.: THAT'S WHAT THEY ALL SAY. Desu-chii: AWWW Squidward.: THEN THEY SPEND ONE NIGHT WITH YOU IN VEGAS, TAKE YOUR WALLET AND YOUR FAKE I.D., AND THEN THEY RUN. Desu-chii: you just blew my mind. Squidward.: SO DID THAT HOOKER IN VEGAS, BEFORE SHE TOOK MY CASH. GraveReaper: Sarcasm is anger's ugly cousin] Obesity: well my name is Obesity so Obesity: Thief of Space Altair-: ooooh Sheeeeeellttooonnn Altair-: For you my heart is meeeeeeeeeellltiiin Altair-: A ring for you I'm smeeeelllltiiin' Altair-: 'cause.. Altair-: ... Altair-: My blushing cheeks are sweeelteriiin' Altair-: FOR YOUU Altair-: OOOOOOOOOOH SHEEEEEEEEEEEELTON Altair-: *it turns into a power ballad* Altair-: SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON Altair-: WHOOOOA SHELTON DON'T GOOOO Altair-: I LOVE YOU SOOOOO Altair-: SHELTON YOU HAAVE MY SOOOOUUL Altair-: YYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAH Altair-: SHELTON Altair-: YOU HAVE A FISHY TAIL Altair-: MY HEART FEELS OH SO FRAIL Altair-: I'LL GET YOU OUT OF JAAAIL Altair-: WITH MY ARMS FULL OF BAAAAAAAIL Altair-: FOR YOUU Altair-: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH SHELTON Altair-: SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELTON Altair-: WHOOOOOOOA SHELTON DON'T GOOO Altair-: I LOVE YOU SOOOO Altair-: SHELTON YOU HAAVE MY SOOOUL Altair-: YEAH Altair-: SHELTON THE MERMAID Altair-: OOH Altair-: SHELTON BABY Altair-: *and it gets gentle* Altair-: shelton... Altair-: *end song, a guitar chord still echoes* Venie: oh Venie: tommrow Venie: if you need me Venie: don't Roxas-Num.13 is a dick Acumen.Zexion stands up instantly and reaches a hand to pick him up. ... Acumen.Zexion hello mr. dick. Acumen.Zexion am i gay now? Altair-: LOL Roxas-Num.13 were you ever not? Krakt was about to ask that. Acumen.Zexion true, true. Rocker.Zexion: JESUS CHRIST Rocker.Zexion: GOLBAT Rocker.Zexion: THAT MOUTH IS FUCKING HUGE Altair-: okay Altair-: this is how I do it. Altair-: First Altair-: get naked. Altair-: Then, Altair-: seduce EVERYTHING. Altair-: And then you beat the game. Altair-: That means they got what they wanted. Altair-: They have sought their revenge and sowed the seeds of vengeance. Rocker.Zexion: Tiggles was that a bad pun? Altair-: No, it was a good one. Rocker.Zexion: so why does the full heal cost almost half of the hyper potion? Altair-: Because... it's a recession? Krakt: list of online friends Krakt: everyone in this room Krakt: And a lone mango out in the public boards Altair-: list of online friends Altair-: like Altair-: 4 people in here Altair-: /list Altair-: wait no Altair-: i AM one of my online friends Altair- sobs. loli.Xeno: + v+ Zexy I made you cupcakes loli.Xeno: with the flesh of my peers Xeno.: i love how creepy you draw me ]] Acumen.Zexion: I love how creepy you draw you. Altair- sets templar corpse on the counter. This is dinner. Xeno. let's make some pasta! Xeno.: ........... Lil.Vanitas-.: .... Xeno.: + v+ oh good, he brought meat. Erica: like, i fell asleep at 3am rping with my friend lksgf; like 404 sleep not found Altair-: omg Altair-: "Fun fact: Every year Hawaii is moving 4 inches closer to Japan. SOON IT WILL BE KAWAII" Altair-: brb in a stream Acumen.Zexion: swim altair Acumen.Zexion: swiiiiim Acumen.Zexion: swim like your life depends on it!