
User Since:

(formerly sandwich) [11:40] ColbyDraws entered this board. [11:40] hunny-: i still cant believe i licked his sweat off my hand [11:40] ColbyDraws switched to the lobby. [07:21] whatdoyewant entered this board. [07:21] narcotic: ther should be a store [07:22] narcotic: man hands™ [07:22] whatdoyewant switched to the lobby. [04:34] SuperWho entered this board. [04:35] narcotic: ur missing the lock [04:35] SuperWho switched to the lobby. [04:35] narcotic: HDJFHJUJFD [04:35] narcotic: THEYRE NOT ABOUT THAT SHERLOCK LIFE [8:02:21 PM] sen-π: i like bruised knucks [8:03:19 PM] Ambie: [8:03:31 PM] Ambie: Bruised knuckles [8:03:32 PM] sen-π: I HATE U [8:03:39 PM] Ambie: LMAO [8:03:40 PM] sen-π: OH yM GOD DAD I KNEW U WOULD [8:03:46 PM] Ambie: I HAD TO [8:03:50 PM] sen-π: NO u DINT [8:03:53 PM] sen-π: IM SVREaMFCInbg [8:03:57 PM] Ambie: YIU KNOW I SD [8:04:04 PM] Ambie: ITS IN MU HLOOD I CABT HEKP IT [8:04:07 PM] sen-π: IM SO DIApOuITnEd [8:04:17 PM] Ambie: U SHOUKD BD PROUD [8:04:21 PM] sen-π: I AM nTK [8:04:30 PM] sen-π: DIsApoNTED sOn NIOseDS [8:04:47 PM] Ambie: CACKLES DADDLY [09:09] h4nna: hello-yello everyone [09:10] opiate: hey dude.... [09:10] opiate leans in [09:10] Dank..: run [09:10] h4nna signed out. [09:10] Dank..: G5EARU534EAUI [09:10] opiate: FUJCNFFHD