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nanali13: hey do you guys watchhouse?? Arky-Devil: no but i watchmen Zombi3 whispers: CANT GET THE FFF IN Arky-Devil whispers to Zombi3: WHORE FASTER Zombi3 whispers: I AM Arky-Devil entered the board T V lord5:I drank soda while watching this load. Big mistake. Kleinaheavn: well i was drinking coffee....HUGE mistake Arky-Devil: well, i was drinking ACID.....GREATEST MISTAKE Arky-Devil switched to the lobby PanelCore: Hargling Arky-Devil: sounds like rape PanelCore: That is a made up word PanelCore: for laughing Arky-Devil: sounds like laughter before rapeing someone PanelCore: LOL ohrii.: what r u guys getting for poppa's day Bluey.: I'm making my dad tuna meatballs and rice pudding Arky-Devil.: well my dad's in jail so he's gonna get butt raped YAY ElegentDisgrace: LMAO Hipster.Karkat.: LOL ohrii.: LOL Maleen-: hello! question TXF.: goodbye! answer cereal: did you check the FAQ's TXF.: no Maleen-: yea Maleen- switched to the lobby. TXF.: ha cereal: what Arky-Devil: isweartogodifyousayanythingelseiwillfindwhereyouliveandiwillfdjksal;fjdksal;fjdksa;fjdksalyousideways Adopted entered this board. Mishaaaaaargh: brb penis <:o Arky-Devil: i could buy a strap on :o Baww: See Arky-Devil: and dump baww sperm all over it Adopted switched to the lobby. Jomp: Lupin's hair Jomp: is like Jomp: a unicorn's mane Jomp: OHWAIT Jomp: NO Lily: PFFFF Jomp: NO I MEANT Mongoe: hahah im watchin the red jacket series Jomp: Draco's dad's hair Mongoe: green and red were good Jomp: is like a unicorn's mane Mongoe: ja Arky-Devil: lolol Jomp: Lupin's hair Jomp: is just Jomp: ok Jomp: BUT HIS MOUSTACHE Arky-Devil: harley wants your autograph :u Mongoe: LOL Mongoe: my autograph? Mongoe: i can draw her a pic TXF.: if harl would get her naked body over here, she could have mine. :V Mongoe: LOL if she brings her sketchbook Arky-Devil: she will pay good dora Arky-Devil: *dorra Arky-Devil: not dora fuck me TXF.: dora? TXF.: the explora? Aridima: im done Arky-Devil: no chris Willowbee switched to the lobby. Arky-Devil: yes harley pays in little mexican children sic: i like it cause i can grab it and fuck you hard sic: WHOOPS Arky-Devil: lolol p0np0op: FUCK U SIC sic: was sposed to whisper that world-eater: you mean Arky-Devil: LOL p0np0op cries [10:37:07 AM] Arky-Devil: oh and we are the RED DEVILS son! >:DD [10:37:09 AM] Jequ: We have ceramics and shit as well [10:37:13 AM] Jequ: XDDD [10:37:14 AM] Arky-Devil: niiiice :DD [10:37:18 AM] Jequ: SATIN [10:37:22 AM] Jequ: Wait [10:37:24 AM] Arky-Devil: SATAN [10:37:30 AM] Arky-Devil: NOT SATIN. WE AINT FABRIC [10:37:40 AM] Jequ: STUPID TYPE CORRECTOR [10:37:44 AM] Arky-Devil: LOL [10:37:44 AM] Jequ: WTF Jump: cannot Jester124: FINE Jump: compute Kazeshini: I used to do that. Arky-Devil: SO MANY J'S Jump: i mokazon: dont be so enter happy Kazeshini: lol Jump: cannot Jester124: ARE U A ROBOT?! Jump: compute Jump: does Jump: not Jump: compute Jump: does Jester124: wtf Jump: not Jump explodes Jester124: HES A ROBOT!!!!!!!!!!! zimmer: Someone needs to restart him Arky-Devil: :O zimmer: up nevermind zimmer: :C Jump: mm yes Kazeshini: Haha , how have you been eric? Jump: my power button Jump: is right down there Jump: turn me on again zimmer: LOL Jump: lolwut Jump: MY Jump: NUTS Jump: ARE Jump: ON FIRE Jester124: XD Kazeshini: std? Arky-Devil: amg my door almost killed me the other day Arky-Devil: fucking thing fell off its hinges and pushed me down the stairs Arky-Devil: lol talkischeap: LOL talkischeap: nice work arky cereal: O: Arky-Devil: YOU NO PASS cereal: poor arky Arky-Devil: lol Arky-Devil: i obviously didn't play with its doorknob enough cereal: o: arku: :o Pagerda signed out.Ravenous signed out.Tavvi signed out.dokuhacker signed out.WheatIey signed signed out.Falli signed out.silkk signed out.Aurora- signed out.milk- signed out.Hirschwave signed out.Peura signed out.wittyangel signed out.bastard signed out.Mordacia. signed out.Pictoris signed out. Spoon- entered this board. guest7614 signed out. cereal: spooooon Spoon- slides back in milk-: =o= milk- ripples in pleasure Spoon-: omg i gotta peee cereal: o: milk-: not in me plz milk-: i like to stay cereal: LOL milk-: white cereal: ew Spoon- gets out [7:04:00 PM] Arky-Devil: i think feeding starving little jackals is more important than taking time to tell you i have to feed them before they start mauling the house down like termites LEET: arky let me guess LEET: you took LEET: art school LEET: :> Arky-Devil: actually Arky-Devil: no sii: nope LEET: art classess? LEET: s* Arky-Devil: never been to an art school Arky-Devil: or ever had art classes sii: bonefied artistic talent Arky-Devil: shhh nope LEET: ok so what then Arky-Devil: waddya mean? sii: she siphoned my powress LEET: you just learned yourself? LEET: HOW?WW?Ww LEET fiants Arky-Devil: uh Arky-Devil: practice princeai: just do it sii: by attatching with sharp fangs Arky-Devil: i've been drawing since 6th grade princeai: all the time sii: and inhaling sharply LEET: how long a day princeai: even in youre sleep Arky-Devil: i dunno Arky-Devil: whenever sii: about 27 hours Arky-Devil: 27 hours a day princeai: your* sii: by the end, i go into a state of shick sii: shock LEET: how long did you practice averagely sii: from the loss of talent and blood lintz: considering she's on like lintz: all the goddamn time Arky-Devil: most of my practice included whip cream art on sic's body and then licked it off~~ princeai: ...... i mean i dont think anyone here "practices' in a traditional sense lintz: 8 hours. sii: whoa dayum gurl princeai: arku you delicious perv! Arky-Devil: shh you liked it princeai: so pervy sii: maybe Arky-Devil: and then i got fat from all the whip cream Arky-Devil: so i just sat at the computer all the time Arky-Devil: and drew and drew and drew Arky-Devil: my life story Arky-Devil: right there Raikov: Hi Arky Arky-Devil: hey rai Raikov: happy birthday Arky-Devil: lol thx Raikov: Your birthday Raikov: is the day the world Raikov: ends Raikov: not really Arky-Devil: yup Raikov: 12121212121212121212 Arky-Devil: i'm the mayan's WMD Necco entered this board. kallos entered this board. Raikov: You come Raikov: bearing the sign of death Arky-Devil: totally kallos: i thought you were talkin to me holy shit kallos: or are you kallos: :0 Raikov: Maybe Raikov: I might be Arky-Devil: pff Raikov: You too, shall bear the sign of death Arky-Devil: wow look at all this chatter since i've been gone sic: been workin hard Arky-Devil: or hardly workin? sic: /smacks serte: we've been trashtalking you on the board instead Arky-Devil: aw Arky-Devil: i wanna trash talk too sic: obby talk dirty ot me serte: bin Arky-Devil: you have three nipples Arky-Devil: thats about as dirty as i can get sic: but my udders >: Arky-Devil: you're udders are delicious sic: ; w; Arky-Devil: omai i'm just giggling away Arky-Devil: excuse me while i snort juice sic: HEHehehEHEhiabrhjibfejieo sic: k sic: ew what sic: wtf Arky-Devil: *snort out sic: lmfao Arky-Devil: oops sic: i read orange text differently than black Arky-Devil: lol sic: same with green sic: and grey sic: and blue sometimes Arky-Devil: i read orange text like 'amgimgonnafuckyouinyoursleep' kinda thing cuz shit gets real when text goes orange sic: lmfao Arky-Devil: cere i was so disappointed yesterday :T i had never seen the ring before and i had managed to 'rescue a copy from gypsies' and the movie was such a total poop :T Arky-Devil: i expected more Arky-Devil: give me a good movie to watch so i dont feel so Arky-Devil: cheated cereal: expected more? cereal: what do you mean Arky-Devil: i thought it was gonna be scary :T Arky-Devil: and it was total poop lol cereal: what sort of scary Arky-Devil: i dunno Arky-Devil: lol cereal: lol Arky-Devil: stuff wif spiders Arky-Devil: lol cereal: what cereal: its more of a thriller Arky-Devil: no lol thats not what i meant XD cereal: does things to amp your adreline up cereal: cannot spell when i wake up Arky-Devil: well the only thing that amped up my adrenaline was watching that poor horse get ground up by the ship cereal: O: Arky-Devil: :O Arky-Devil: yea i know Arky-Devil: that face cereal: lol Arky-Devil: hurp Arky-Devil: horse is just like DUUURRR I WONDER WAT IS OVA DAH EDGE OF THE SHIP AHUUUNNNNG Jequ entered this board. Iuddie: :OOO Iuddie: Jeeequuu Jequ: luddie Jequ: luuuuuddddddiiiieeeeee Iuddie: you came baaack Jequ: yush Jequ: ;) lintz: to molest you Iuddie: ohohoho Jequ signed out. Iuddie: D: Iuddie: too much love Arky-Devil: luddie Arky-Devil: i will Arky-Devil: bounce on your cock Arky-Devil: when you're done Iuddie: I'm hurrying! Iuddie: oh Iuddie: I thought you were mad at me HiCallMeLucy: deep nerdyhind: so deep HiCallMeLucy: mmhh Arky-Devil: gay nerdyhind: what nerdyhind: what nerdyhind: YOU WHAT HiCallMeLucy: lolol wisedread: i will not fight against you, oh great overload nao~ :D wisedread: overload? wisedread: im great XD wisedread: overlord* XP Arky-Devil: :I Arky-Devil: oh dear Arky-Devil: lolol Arky-Devil: i am a great overload Arky-Devil: orz wisedread: well, you always used to complain about how big your boobs were... wisedread: im sure you could give great boob overloads :D Arky-Devil: >:OO wisedread: whatever this means... Arky-Devil: what?!! wisedread: i dont even know XD Arky-Devil: i did not!! Arky-Devil: .... did i? ... wisedread: you totally did wisedread: xD Arky-Devil: :I Arky-Devil: holy poop.... wisedread: it was ages ago.. wisedread: but you totally did XP Arky-Devil: oh dear... Arky-Devil: they are only c's though... that aint big :c Arky-Devil: i honestly dont remember complaing... WHY THEY HELL ARE WE TALKING ABOUT MY BREASTS wisedread: it took you that long? wisedread: really? XD Arky-Devil: HUSH wisedread: maybe i should get you on pills more often xD Arky-Devil: dear god i'm going to shove my schlong into you sideways Arky-Devil: teach you should Arky-Devil: drawing the first space Arky-Devil: so i can smash it with colours Sensei: drinks are awll on me. Arky-Devil: mate Sensei: looool Firebunny: >:D Sensei: but but Sensei: tabby is on floor Sensei: and i am fat and cannot move. Arky-Devil: kick it Sensei: 8( Sensei: get it for me Arku Arky-Devil: :u Arky-Devil: wai i gots dio evryting Sensei: cuz you da husband duuhhh Arky-Devil: cuz mark is such a sucky oneeeh Sensei: lool naawwww Sensei: only sometimes sonone: what tool is that? Sensei: 8D Arky-Devil: lol HD1080: blur Arky-Devil: well i'm glad he doesn't suck all the time Sensei: autocircle Arky-Devil: semicircle Sensei: yer face is a semicircle 8( Arky-Devil: yews is a hemisphere Arky-Devil: )8 Sensei: r000d Arky-Devil: d000r Sensei: lol door Arky-Devil: 8) Sensei: 8Dc Sensei: as in Sensei: i smashed my face off a door Sensei: several times Arky-Devil: omai Sensei: to get it that way Arky-Devil: well Arky-Devil: squidward Arky-Devil: you look marvelous Sensei: looool Sensei: irememberthatepisode silentreaper: SUCH AMAZING ARTISTS ON HERE.... silentreaper: D: silentreaper: i feel left out. Sensei: ikr Iuddie: look at all the sexy going on *O* silentreaper: espiaccially arku... silentreaper: D; silentreaper: imma leave. arku: nah TXF.: all 3 boxes are pro arku: lol arku: i'm like arku: lying silentreaper: you guys are to good for me. arku: i'm not drawing arku: i've got arku: someone else drawing for me TXF.: the person drawing for you is named arky arku: yoy arku: yup lol arku: i'm just a fat liar guest6910: what in the heck os drawing the stupid idiot pencil neck son of a bitch of Satan? Monkeylol: Arly Monkeylol: Ary Monkeylol: ARUY Monkeylol: FN Monkeylol: ARKT Monkeylol: ARKY Zombi3: gosh i feel rusty Arky-Devil: /rubs with steel wool Chronicle: O-oh... I'm at the very top.. Chronicle: -sheds a tear- Arky-Devil: aw poor robin Arky-Devil: /pats Chronicle: No, these are tears... of joy. Chronicle: Ha ha ha ha ! Chronicle: I have finally beaten all of you. Chronicle: You measly peasants. All down there in the dirt. Chronicle signed out. Tsuntsundere: archer is a loveable asshale Turtle: he issss Turtle: I also love Troy too Turtle: but he has diededdeded Turtle: -sobs- Tsuntsundere: basically they're all loveable Tsuntsundere: except cheryl Arky-Devil: MY NAME IS HARRY MASON Arky-Devil: HAVE YOU SEEN A LIL GIRL Tsuntsundere: GOD DAMN IT ARKY