User Since: ''Once upon a time, in some out of the way corner of that universe which is dispersed into numberless twinkling solar systems, there was a star upon which clever beasts invented knowing. That was the most arrogant and mendacious minute of "world history," but nevertheless, it was only a minute. After nature had drawn a few breaths, the star cooled and congealed, and the clever beasts had to die. One might invent such a fable, and yet he still would not have adequately illustrated how miserable, how shadowy and transient, how aimless and arbitrary the human intellect looks within nature. There were eternities during which it did not exist. And when it is all over with the human intellect, nothing will have happened.'' ChimeStyle: aha, so you're a sleepy pot head ChimeStyle: I am an angry drunk C0mBineD: its time to expose of you Kati.: did you stand there in a wizard suit and say you were magic? Xer: expose of me? what the fuck? C0mBineD: I am a beautiful flower un-Halo: scitnetifically provien C0mBineD: the moment has pasted DocSmartins: if a person go down its religion or meds Agent.Sun: When you hate your life your life hates you back. Rebus: yes, you know locomotive? Penmasterish: anyone who downvotes because it's "gory" should spend the rest of their life in a box. Ybur: mmm creampie <--- O.O C0mBineD: oh actually thats a diff girl C0mBineD: xD C0mBineD: hahaha C0mBineD: I was too distracted by the open mouth C0mBineD: I'd rather have her doing me Azurenex: o.o Azurenex: lmfao Soulfly: lloooooooooooooooooool C0mBineD: so I can lie down C0mBineD: lol not with strap on you cunts C0mBineD: do it faggot C0mBineD: oh wow I'm not tired at all anymore C0mBineD: thnx C0mBineD: laughing works Azurenex: lol ur a bizarre fellow C0mBineD: its because deep down I was inbred C0mBineD: when I tried giving it hair it looks like down syndrome but I like the way it came out. crimz: 'cause i mean its like this sausage that sticks out of you crimz: n it had a head Joya: i find joy in stuffing cigarettes in my ass. O.o sato: My face is a cute cock playin football. ''oh my this is gorgeous'' - our c0mbi is a gay man now. Sarzovski: its not the only thing ive shit on Sarzovski: i shit at the top of a twisty slide one time Sarzovski: thinking it would slide down Sarzovski: it didnt Sarzovski: it just made 2 people throw up Xer2: Kayla's christian Xer2: and refuses to take the controls of an ape LOL.