User Since:
Best whispered convo I had yet: rawrpants. whispers: /flails at Bien whispers to rawrpants.: /noms on leg rawrpants. whispers: /noms on head Bien whispers to rawrpants.: 'Grrrreeuuuurghhhhh! D8<' /is slowly being nomed into hax rawrpants. whispers: /is slowly nomming bien into self o v o Bien whispers to rawrpants.: /is in hax . v . <3 Bien whispers to rawrpants.: Lol that sounded wrong rawrpants. whispers: ...FFF rawrpants. whispers: lol oh you dirty little boy :V Bien whispers to rawrpants.: -is listening to rude boy- Lol I'm dirty alright, clean me up pls D8 rawrpants. whispers: /licks clean rawrpants. whispers: .... rawrpants. whispers: that sounded just as wrong...didn rawrpants. whispers: 't it? rawrpants. whispers: OH HOW I HATE YOU ENTER KEY Bien whispers to rawrpants.: /moans rawrpants. whispers: /LOLS Bien whispers to rawrpants.: Lol yeah, Thats why you're the sex hax o: rawrpants. whispers: HNN, I AM = U = /awesomepose Bien whispers to rawrpants.: /fanboys over hax <3 8D Bien whispers to rawrpants.: Lol that link is awesome rawrpants. whispers: ik---whoa rawrpants. whispers: i'm being fanboyed over rawrpants. whispers: awesome BD Bien whispers to rawrpants.: 8D 'Kyaaaaa~ Hax, look at meee~' rawrpants. whispers: /spins head and gives a superflashy smile Bien whispers to rawrpants.: 'Kyaa! So hot D8!' /faints from blood loss rawrpants. whispers: /sexily throws a handerchief for you to clean yourself up with Bien whispers to rawrpants.: /cleans self up and waves hax's hanky like crazy 'MARRY ME BBY! <3' rawrpants. whispers: /flips hair, maybe, baby o 3 < Bien whispers to rawrpants.: /stampedes towards hax like a madfan 'I want your kids~' :T rawrpants. whispers: /''make your own BT'' Bien whispers to rawrpants.: 'But I can't reach it to the other side..' . n . rawrpants. whispers: ''what e _ e Bien whispers to rawrpants.: You know, the elephant to the peaches D: rawrpants. whispers: peaches~~ Bien whispers to rawrpants.: Yeah = v = Bien whispers to rawrpants.: Hey Failaru's on o: rawrpants. whispers: she is? rawrpants. whispers: good rawrpants. whispers: let's molest her