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Bread-chan here ;3 Also known as Roxas, Roxy, or Rolo FrenchMaid-Roxy: Rude confuses me only a smidget FrenchMaid-Roxy: Because Mar-Mar: No, better question, how does he scare you and how does kadaj not scare you? FrenchMaid-Roxy: Who the hell wears sunglasses during the day? Reno.: uhm Reno.: most people? FrenchMaid-Roxy: ... Mar-Mar: ... Mar-Mar: XD ------ Zack-Fair: If you did, you know I'd kill you. :D RenoSinclair-: I'd be in mexico by then, Zack. Zack-Fair: You wouldn't get out of the room. RenoSinclair-: Ph-lease. RenoSinclair-: Im a Turk, I can get out of a straight jacket. Zack-Fair: Well, so can I. RenoSinclair-: What? By BURSTIN' out of it with your muscles. RenoSinclair-: And tearin' the material? Zack-Fair: Well, that, and I actually know how to get out of one. RenoSinclair-: Lucky you. Because all I can do it naw off the material and run. RenoSinclair-: How do yea' get out? Zack-Fair: Well, when they're putting it on you, tense up your muscles really bad until it's on. Zack-Fair: Then, when it's on, go limp, and you should be able to have enough slack. Zack-Fair: Take your strong arm and jerk it towards your other shoulder to pull it over your head. RenoSinclair-: ... Zack-Fair: I actually saw this on a TV show. RenoSinclair-: I'll think about that next time Tseng puts me in the hospital! Zack-Fair: XD RenoSinclair-: Now..I have to get muscles. RenoSinclair-: :| RenoSinclair-: ZACK. Zack-Fair: Well, you don't even need them, just go as tense as you possibly can. Zack-Fair: RENO RenoSinclair-: Let me borrow your muscles. Zack-Fair: Sure? RenoSinclair-: -grabbyhandsatarms- Zack-Fair: -blinks and hides behind Roxas- Devil-Roxas: -is used as a meat shield- RenoSinclair-: -lets arms down and sighs sadly- RenoSinclair-: I just dont want in any Mako, yo. Zack-Fair: Just go.....on a workout regimine RenoSinclair-: That'll take years! Zack-Fair: Not if you do a montage with inspirational music RenoSinclair-: xD Devil-Roxas: Pf xD RenoSinclair-: No way man, am I bein' like Rocky. Zack-Fair: xD It'd work! RenoSinclair-: Fine, fine, get me a band, some violins, and sweats. Zack-Fair: -throws a pair of sweats, grabs a violin, and pokes Roxas- You gotta sing. RenoSinclair-: -puts it all on and puts on a hat- Devil-Roxas: Sing?! Devil-Roxas: ...sing what. Devil-Roxas: Beautiful Soul? Zack-Fair: Do ittt. RenoSinclair-: Someth- RenoSinclair-: -puts on headphones- Zack-Fair: xD RenoSinclair-: xD