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Tumblr: now i cant get that christian bale dong out of my head crasybob entered this board. crasybob: bikr crasybob switched to the lobby. NyanPunya: Why do I have 6 seats, 4 when the emptiness? guest4780: LOL Kaileigha: Lol Filly.: lololololol stringsoffake: lol missandry: l ol Kaileigha: stop missandry: ok arcade: go choke on a carrot twinArmageddons: contract ebola arcade: well see who dies first arcade: me of food poisoning or you of malnutrition arcade: (spoilers: it will be you) twinArmageddons: im absolutely certain id slit your throat before that happened Vossler: B | Vossler: No Im not gay Xeno-: Voss can't be gay. :| Xeno-: I drooled on his shoe Vossler: ... Vossler: how is that relevant Zack-Fair: It just is. Vossler: ... Inimical: VARN Tony.Stark: ROGER. Shawy: BACON Kimaa: HAM.