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Raikov: Kill: that cockeye Kill: one eye is looking at you Kill: one eye is looking at our future together ------------------------------------------ Tee: just set the fires on fire ------------------------------------------ ngo: i cant eat too much of anything my tongue gets tired pewpewpew.: sobs binch.: LMAO AyuShu: but how will u suck dick with that tongue stamina : C binch.: OMFG ngo: I CANT HANDLE THE D ------------------------------------------ りん様: all this poop talk りん様: opens my pooper Corazon: guess this is gonna be along morning on the toilet ------------------------------------------ Raikov: you don't need a penis to be beautiful Raikov: how bout pornhub though ------------------------------------------ Manti: /w Tomskie boobies Manti: oh shit ------------------------------------------ Gino: A KISS themed wedding aye? Manti: yea Gino: "You may KIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS the bride" Gino: Metalica style Manti: /angsty guitar solo KS: that would be pretty amazing ------------------------------------------ AyuShu: Comeee onnn toshii come onnn Captain: Come on Toshi~♥♥♥ ------------------------------------------ KS: I know how to eat lightbulbs now Teeb: ...thats great... KS: there was a tutorial about it on youtube KS: ... Captain: ... Teeb: ..... Manti: no nutritional value tho Captain: +99 exp -Life Manti: well except for the feeling of being brighter AyuShu: lol Teeb: pff KS: .. KS: omg manti KS: plz Captain: Enlightened indeed Teeb: guys gimme your best puns Captain: Straight to the heavens KS: aren't you the light of the party ------------------------------------------ Captain: Nipple: *Peek-a-boo* Giwi: i cant believe i saw a FILTY nipple with these once pure virgin eyes KubrickHan: what even are nipples Giwi: if you see a nipple and ur unmarried you go straight to hell when u die Giwi: bible fact crowe-: ! KubrickHan: I've 6 nipples Giwi: wow thats triple the sin gutsyGumshoes: what happens if ive seen my nipples Giwi: if you saw both nipples they cancel eachother out Giwi: and you're fine ------------------------------------------- Tamarii: i never draw below the waist unless its porn /shot ------------------------------------------- Paper.: I'll beef it up Paper.: beef it up Paper.: that sounds ggle: Paper hentai Paper.: SHUT THE FUCK UP ------------------------------------------- cappa: Help cappa: I'm being sucked into the FE fandom cappa: sdfsdfsdfsdfsdf dijfwa: better call the fanbulance ------------------------------------------- TXF: "what color are his eyes?" TXF: "square" ------------------------------------------- [Booty intensifies] (◞≼༼ຈ≽ ͡° ͜;益; ͡°≼ຈ༽≽◟) ┌(・。・)┘♪└(・。・)┐♪┌(・。・)┘ ------------------------------------------- (⊙╭Σ╮⊙ ) (⊙ᅀ⊙ ) (⊙д ⊙ ) (⊙Ω⊙ ) (⊙ω⊙ ) ( ಠ _ಠ) ( ಥ ωಥ) ( ಠ дಠ) ( ಥ v ಥ) ( ಠ╭ಠ) (⊙‿⊙) ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ ( ◠‿◠ ) (╯︵╰,) ( ◉◞⊖◟◉ ) (΄◉◞౪◟◉‵) (΄◉‿‿◉‵) <O> ‿‿ <O> ♥♥♥ (⊙‿⊙✿) (ㆁᴗㆁ✿) (´・ω・`) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 〜。・*・:≡( ε:) ╭∩╮ (︶︿︶) ╭∩╮ ╭∩╮ (⊙╭Σ╮⊙ ) ╭∩╮ (\__/) (•ㅅ•) (/(°∞°)\) (/( °˟° )\)