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It's Monday morning, and I would kill for a chance to drive. Get so far away from here with you my dear. Than I'll never leave your side. Nobody knows the troubles I've seen. MEMORIES ~~~~~~~ AmmaOkami hides in a bomb shelter AmmaOkami: LOL ChellyHowler5 follows Amma bluefox83 hides behind amma RaveyTheeKing runs in a cheese factorys AmmaOkami plays go fish with chelly and blue RaveyTheeKing and seals the yummy cheese. bluefox83: do u have an ace Danax is confused as hell ChellyHowler5 -asks- Amma do you have any 8's? AmmaOkami: nope and nope ;D ChellyHowler5: DANNNNG ChellyHowler5: BUT I DONT WANNA FISH AmmaOkami asks Chelly "you have any 10s?" ChellyHowler5 -shakes head- GO FISHHHH bluefox83: me amma and chelly are playing gofish PandaRanger -looks at Chelly's cards- LIAR YOU HAVE 3 10's! bluefox83: lol ChellyHowler5: ... NO I DONT AmmaOkami: :O ChellyHowler5: -hides 10's behind my back- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~