User Since:
aka Hok Storm: MY BITCH IS RIGHT HERE Compas: OH SNAP bellsprout: MY NAME IS SLAVE ;_; Naked.Isa: LOL. Storm has bell on a chain Compas is the chain Storm walks amster C: Storm: LOL Storm: man compas Storm: you're so cold and tough >:C Compas: and HARD Storm: I just lol'd bellsprout: hey! stop flirting with my girlfri- Storm: compas shut up you rattle so much ugh Compas: i've been loling since backs bellsprout: i mean bellsprout: my master Storm: hahahahaha Compas: you dont like my jiggly junk? bellsprout: pleasedon'thitmemaster ;_; Storm: LOL Storm: JIGGLY JUNK Storm: i have to Storm: profile that and just that Storm: or this whole convo oh god