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Funny Chat room stuff: nixxi: And Foosas :D IfLOPS: XD Storm.: Foosas pwn you Storm.: lol nixxi: Hmmm what about civets? IfLOPS: Fennecs! IfLOPS: :D nixxi: Bat-eared~ IfLOPS: ;D Storm.: FENNECS ARE SO CUTE! nixxi: OMG bat rps would be epic :D IfLOPS: i know! IfLOPS: :DDD IfLOPS: I want one IfLOPS: ;A; nixxi: On zoo tycoon I have like 34 of them XD Storm.: ill name a fennec bob xD Storm.: if it was a guy xD nixxi: Bobbette if she was a she? IfLOPS: XD Storm.: lol xD Storm.: yush Storm.: o3o nixxi: lol epic Sunny- was still sleeping in the nursery Toon. sleeps in a open area,like where a meadow used to be but the grass was gone.He shot his eyes open and lifted his head up,awaking from a bad dream.He got up quickly and walked around calling"Mom?Mom?" he had forgotten that it was only a dream but he still kept searching.His fur was ragged and covered with brambles and such.He was horribly skinny.A blue gem hang from his necka nd danggled around as he walked around searching for his mom. Sunny- woke up and rolled on her paws. stretching. Vinnen finished and walked off the the watering hole to get water Sam..: She sat up and looked at the sky Vinnen shook off the debris from his striking striped coat and gentally placed his snout into the water and began to lap it up Sunny-: (would anyone like to be sunny's mother? xD) Vinnen: *shakes head*] Sam..: >> <<] Sunny-: LOL Sunny-: xD Vinnen: XD] Sunny-: that was funny xD Mint.: 2 GAY BABIES WERE BORN TODAY! Cloudfeather.: *breaks the silence* HIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Feathertail.: *faints* GAYBABY.1 entered this board. Cloudfeather.: XD Feathertail.: LOL Mint. signed out. Feathertail.: D: Mint. entered this board. Feathertail.: :DD GAYBABY.1: ... Cloudfeather.: lol Cloudfeather.: hi gay baby Cloudfeather.: XD Feathertail.: *runs over and takes picture with teh gay baby* Cloudfeather.: XDDDD Cloudfeather. *Makes a post card of the gay baby* GAYBABY.1: *talks gayly* gagabooboo Feathertail.: *gives hug and begs for an autograph* GAYBABY.1: *trys to sign but is a baby* Cloudfeather.: lol cute, but gay, baby xD Feathertail.: *takes a swab of teh gay spit* flamepool nuzzled Sands chest. "I missed you!" She looked around. "Whered u come from?" Feathertail. //Sandshadow frowned, "Um...I missed you too! and I came from the forest." Feathertail. //Sandshadow thought for a moment, "no...I came from my mother's rear end..." Cloudfeather. walks out of the warriors den. Cloudfeather.: o-o Cloudfeather.: XDDDD Feathertail.: XDD flamepool rolled her eyes. "Well duh, but did you come from Hazeclan? or are you a rougue nao?" Cloudfeather. noms on a fench from the kill pile, his tail waving, happily. flamepool smiled and walked around him. "Then you know what we should be doing rite nao?" flamepool: and ooooooooh flamepool: nvm then flamepool: french kill pile? o-o Cloudfeather.: yerr lol Feathertail.: XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD flamepool: xD u nommed the french!!!!!1 Cloudfeather.: EWW Cloudfeather.: XDD Feathertail.: XDDDDD Cloudfeather.: i didnt mean that xD Shadow..: lol lets all eat the french :p Cloudfeather.: LOL flamepool: NO MAI GRAMPA ISH FRENCH Y.Y flamepool: T.T* Shadow..: i asked maih cuz once chy she lieks boiled spanish. Cloudfeather.: LOL Cloudfeather. walks out of the den and sees a group of she-cats near him. he grins "Hey, ladies!" he flips his hair. The she-cats faint. He chuckled to himself: he knew he was sexy LOLOLOLOL XD jk Spudooli: XDDDDD Cloudfeather.: nahh cloudies already engaged xD Bounceheart luves poofing Cloudfeather.: to feather XD Spudooli: :'D selkitten: uh! noez! >:3 HE WILL BE MINE! XD Spudooli: nuh uh! Cloudfeather.: lol Spudooli: x3 Cloudfeather. "Ladies, ladies! Calm down! There's plenty of Cloud to go around ;)" selkitten: cat fight over cloud at dawn betches! XDJK Cloudfeather.: LOL selkitten: BE THERE XD (Lol this is a Human rp when My charrie Levi was driving Sarah, Spud's charrie home xD) Sarah.. smiled. "Thanks for the ride, see you at school tomorrow." Sel. // Cleon coughed, I don't like despies...." he was still on yhe ground and was humilated Levi.. Smiles "Okey, Bye!" he then drives off to his house, thinking of how awesome it was to drive a girl to her house xD Kelly. laughed "So look here little miss diva you should be used to it by now you look like your in high school" she smirked Sel.: xD he doesnt get out much does he??? Sarah..: lol Levi..: XD Levi..: lol Kelly.: XDD Sarah.. walked into her house and peeked out teh window. Sel.: *bows down* Thakn you, TThankyou, your too kind x3 Levi.. walked into his house "That...was...AWESOME!" xDDDD Sel.: XDDDD Sel.: levi is teh PWN!!! Levi..: XDD Sel.: x3 Sarah..: lol, levi XD Cloudehx3: grr i really want to do a scribble war D< Kytes: x3 Spudooli: lol Kytes: cream vs spud Cloudehx3: or...BOARD RAPING PLZ? :D Kytes: :D Spudooli: 8D Cloudehx3: lawl Cloudehx3: RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAAAAAAPPPEE! >8D Kytes: :D Spudooli: lol x3 Cloudehx3: hmm i got an idea Requested layers have been merged. Cloudehx3: >:3 Kytes: x3333 Sel. entered this board. Cloudehx3: its the mexican dr octaganapus! Spudooli: xD Cloudehx3: lawl Cloudehx3: ksadjfadgjalsdgjaks SEL Sel.: lol hi there sexycloud x33 Cloudehx3: >3 Cloudehx3: Oh dont get me started, babe >D (rofl) Sel.: hurr *nosebleed* ;D Cloudehx3: It's the power of pinesol, baby :D Kytes: oh, hi sel :Y Sel.: hiiiiiiiiii Sel.: lolwut Kytes: i got a shitty haircut today :D Cloudehx3: lawl Sel.: ;A; noo Spudooli: 8D Kytes: my dad didnt want to pay $20 for a real barber so he paid an old dude 3$ do cut my hair >.> Sel.: what a cheapskate o3o Sel.: i wouldnt trust an old dude with scissor around my neck... Kytes: i wouldnt either :Y Kytes: but i would if there was a fat man ready to kill you if you didnt Sel.: o^o;; Cloudehx3: lol