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Dᴀᴍɴᴄʜō | Danchou | DARNCHOO y̶o̶u̶ ̶c̶a̶n̶ ̶c̶a̶l̶l̶ ̶m̶e̶ ̶C̶o̶m̶m̶a̶n̶d̶e̶r̶ ̶w̶h̶e̶n̶ ̶w̶e̶'̶r̶e̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶b̶e̶d̶ hELLO YOU SHOULD TAL K TO ME BECAUSE I LOVE YOU ||STUFF|| Elrond: Okay Firefox is being a jerk. ProfessorSilver: did you try using chrome- Elrond: I'm using Cockmelt Elrond: ........ ProfessorSilver: .. Elrond: ******rOCKMELT ProfessorSilver: what Elrond: OMFG Elrond: fjesroedgf;odsgetsgd;fkx Elrond: rejhiarikIFHESDLKHFSLKGHDSL ProfessorSilver: //SPAT DRINK ______ Castielll angel tears werehere101 offers holy handercheif Castielll blows biblical snot all over it Castielll: Thank you, you're very kind ______ Metallicar: Ok. People didn't leave this time. slientstalker: xD slientstalker switched to the lobby. Metallicar: ... ________ PrincessTerro: what is open canvas anyway Metallicar: IT doubles as a paint program Metallicar: and iScribble's twin PrincessTerro: is it free? Metallicar: the origininal virgin is Metallicar: .......... Metallicar: VERSION PrincessTerro: .. ________ RivaiIIe: I'm a thug noodle, right macaroni? Marco.Bodt: wh Marco.Bodt: um Marco.Bodt: sure ________ stealthnacho: i always figured im gonna die from food drowning Danchou: FOOD DROWNING ________ BertholdtFubar: what up commander Danchou: mcsweats. 8) BertholdtFubar: eyebrow master Danchou: ah yes ________ L33o: ai is busy admiring some ass off in the distance Danchou: skeleguy's bony ass BERTHOLDTFUBAR: everyone admires his ass BERTHOLDTFUBAR: Arty is thinking about it stealthnacho: *skeleguy's bony cocyx ________ Nattz: you know some people die sometimes Nattz: some people burn on stake Nattz: its everyday stuff _________ Kimiko1 entered this board. Danchou: OPRAH Kimiko1 switched to the lobby. _________ [02:37] ellie-goulding signed out. [02:38] Danchou: IM FUCKGIN [02:38] Starlordy: .. [02:38] Starlordy: WELL [02:38] Danchou: LAUGHIGN SO HARD OGH MY GOD [02:38] Makolm: ...WELL THEN [02:38] beenye: hi fuckgin im dad [02:38] Danchou: .. [02:38] Makolm: ...diD YOU JUST