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Im gonna add all the good times i had talking to people here x3 OH yeah, when you see my i can be: Dirge, Xephyr., or Nudge ;D Xephyr.: baby? BabyKittenEggs: he and McG are really rabid Quid fans Piye switched to the lobby. Xephyr.: why is your username BabykittenEggs? that sounds like a horrible omlette to me xD BabyKittenEggs: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha BabyKittenEggs: That was SOO funny!! BabyKittenEggs: LOL Xephyr.: sarcasm Xephyr.: right? BabyKittenEggs: no, seriously Xephyr.: oh xD BabyKittenEggs: I'm am dying of laughter!! BabyKittenEggs: XDDDDDDDDDDDD Xephyr.: i thought you were being sarcastic Xephyr.: xD BabyKittenEggs: XDD BabyKittenEggs: I am drawing that Xephyr.: XDDDDdDDD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Xephyr.: i cant draw people though .3. BabyKittenEggs: LOL Draq entered this board. Draq switched to the lobby. cjpetee: you make it up for with the epic dragon cjpetee: thing cjpetee: XD BabyKittenEggs: SRSLY Xephyr.: exactly :D Xephyr.: i drew dragons all my life :DD Xephyr.: wish i had a tablet thoughhhhhh >.> cjpetee: I used to fail draw ocs Darkgun: y-ya don't? cjpetee: then I got a tablet BabyKittenEggs: HOSHET Potter: lol Xephyr.: HONEST YES cjpetee: ... BabyKittenEggs: YOU DON'T HAVE ONE? cjpetee: WAIT Xephyr.: NO Potter: i can tell he doesn't have a tablet cjpetee: WHAT Xephyr.: DAMNIT DjNeko signed out. cjpetee: XEPHYR YOU MOUSE PRO DAMMIT BabyKittenEggs: XDDDD Xephyr.: XDDDD Potter: he draws like i do Potter: sketchy sketchy lines Potter: or she Xephyr.: she .__. BabyKittenEggs: Potter is READING YOUR MIND? cjpetee: XD Xephyr.: XDD ~~~~~~~~~~~ Xephyr.: lololol Xephyr.: i made snape say Xephyr.: Wow hug guest1363 entered this board. Xephyr.: OH MAH FEEG Xephyr.: I GUEST :DD Xephyr.: hey guest you must sign uppp guest2012 entered this board. Xephyr.: ANOTHER GUESTTT :DD Xephyr.: YOU BOTH guest2012: nope :D Xephyr.: GO SIGN UP guest1363 switched to the lobby. guest2012: i is a lie :/ Xephyr.: oh wow Xephyr.: i noticed your guest Xephyr.: 2012 Xephyr.: lollool BabyKittenEggs: XD DjNeko entered this board. cjpetee: Guest is a lie guest2012: yep/ guest2012: can i draw? Xephyr.: well you have to sign up first :/ BabyKittenEggs: AYE guest2012: OMG guest2012: is that snape? Xephyr.: Dj Xephyr.: YES IT IS cjpetee: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPoH78eKqfE&feature=sub DjNeko: DcD:< Xephyr.: DJ IS BACK guest2012: lol i already signed up ;/ DjNeko: OH YES I AM Xephyr.: WAIT A SEC Xephyr.: GUEST IS A LIE guest2012: I TOLD YOU Xephyr.: i get it noe xD Xephyr.: *nowww guest2012: xD guest2012: lolol so can i drawwwww? Xephyr.: IT WAS ALL A LIE guest2012: xD Xephyr.: LIKE THE CAKE LED TO ME DjNeko: lmao guest2012: i toldzz yaaaaaa guest2012: D: Xephyr.: it was just like the CAKE Boomtown. switched to the lobby. Xephyr.: hmmm... cjpetee: OTL Xephyr.: what color should the necklace thing be? cjpetee: idk what to draw cjpetee: >u> Xephyr.: draw//..... BabyKittenEggs: OMG LOL Xephyr.: a person? Xephyr.: GET IT SERRIUS Xephyr.: lolololo DjNeko: LOL. Xephyr.: im so lame i laugh at my won jokes >3> Xephyr.: *own BabyKittenEggs: : D guest2012: LOL cjpetee: lol guest2012: i get it >.> DjNeko: Lol. cjpetee: lol Xephyr.: lol cjpetee: slow guest Xephyr.: xD cjpetee: WAIT cjpetee: YOU AREN'T A GUEST DjNeko: Took em like 5 minutes Xephyr.: XDDDd guest2012: i is a lie Xephyr.: LOLOLOL cjpetee: YOU SNEAKY REG YOU guest1363 entered this board. DjNeko: LOL. Xephyr.: XD cjpetee is slow guest2012: xD ~~~~~ Az24al: VUT ZE FAK Xephyr: ISH THIS Az24al: RETARDUD Xephyr: SHAT Az24al: LOL ~~~~~~ Xephyr: lets hear it for art block!! Xepyr: HIP HIP Az24al: ASS? Xephyr: NO Rooben: SHIN? Xephyr: NO DAMNIT Xephyr: Lets try it again! Rooben: Lets not Xephyr: HI{ HIP Az24al: HI HIP? o3o Rooben: Hi shin bone :D Xephyr: lolwut