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You entered Hetalia randomness. China.Yao.: ...Why does everyone die when I come back into the board. China.Yao.: I'm a 'cool kid' too. China.Yao.: I'm hip. China.Yao.: I have 'swag'. China.Yao.: ..... China.Yao.: gdiaru. China.Yao: And I hate getting into giggle fits during classes dream.: pft China.Yao: It's so awkward trying to not look like your laughing China.Yao: and stay quiet dream.: ugh i think couhging fits are worse dream.: one time they kicked me out the class dream.: xD China.Yao: I end up looking like I have something up my ass and I sound like I'm choking dream.: - PFFT MysticPyro whispers: oh shit p2England RUN P2.England whispers to MysticPyro: Oh dear, why run? MysticPyro whispers: I value my intestines ;3; P2.England whispers to MysticPyro: But without them I won't be able to add them in my lovely cupcakes! P2.England whispers to MysticPyro: Oops, looks like I gave away one of my secret ingredieants. ONE of them. -gigglesnort- MysticPyro whispers: -covers her stomach and backs the FUCK AWAY- P2.England whispers to MysticPyro: Now, now dear, It won't hurt for long, you should die in a few moments while I rip them out! P2.England whispers to MysticPyro: Unless I take my time. MysticPyro whispers: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! -runs- P2.England whispers to MysticPyro: Oh fidlesticks, now I can't bake. You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! You and the stranger both like Hetalia. You: Why, hello there. Stranger: Sup! You: By any chance would you be interested in some of my SCRUMPTIOUS cupcakes? You: I've noticed Alfred tends to...detest them. Stranger: Um... You: The same with Matthew, Francis, Gilbert, Ludwig, Antonio- well, just about everyone! Stranger: I dont know. -eats hamburger- You: ...AH, you must be the normal Alfred. You: (P2!England if you can't tell XD) Stranger: ((I could tell it was him XD)) You: (...OH.) You: (lsdfskdjfSorry) Stranger: (its okay :|)) You: ...Goodness, you're just a precious little thing, aren't you? Stranger: Yeah.....e_e You: I could just eat you up! You: ....I could just eat. You. Up. You: -starts to laugh0 You: *-) Stranger: Literally? -drinks soda- You: If I'm tempted enough. You: But why would I want to see you all bloodied up. Stranger: ... You: Or see those gorgeous eyes roll up to the back of your head in pain? You: That wouldn't be TOO fun. Your conversational partner has disconnected. (I SCARED THEM OFF LOL)