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..Hrm. Shh -------------------------------------------------- Feral-Enchilada entered this board. Am: Feral's iScribble faaails. Feral-Enchilada signed out. RP.800.invited: God, stop pmsing and let women get higher pay. RP.800.invited: :C NeverNever: I'm sorry NeverNever: I'm trying to negotiate with Jesus here. Zoinkles: This is the fifth time today. anhouroflove: You're level is too low for me to respect you, hrmph! Zoinkles: FFf- Zoinkles: It would grow if you stopped ignoring me! StripperAmerica: OhMyGod-What if its...ONEOFUS? Am: ONE OF US. Am: ... Am: >v> Am: It's not me- I swear. paintpoint: -whistles- Am: ene Am: Get a mirror Am: AND DO IT Am: ........