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Lol Random age LOL I FAIL Harrowing.: -Clings- They might turn off our electricity o.o Rosamund: o.o Rosamund: MOVE TO NEBRASKA Harrowing.: LIHDSAFLIHVSUHIGDIK\\] Harrowing.: HELP ME PAY FOR THE TICKET!@ Rosamund: PACK UP FOOD IN A BOX Rosamund: THEN GeT IN THE BOX Rosamund: SEAL THE BOX Rosamund: SEND TO FEDEX Rosamund: FEDEX SEND TO NEBRASKA Rosamund: I OPEN BOX Rosamund: I OBTAIN A HARROWING Rosamund: *zelda victory music plays* Verlo: WELL Verlo: I'll be leaving you fantastic people Verlo: To return to my kingdom of rainbows and crack Verlo: Farewell! *flies off magically* Bismuth: My cat was eating the dust bunnies off the floor. Bismuth: Yeah, it takes a special kind of stupidity. Bismuth: She also eats spiders and dirt My personal Colour Code Library: Kurulo: d9b14a ff1e0e - R ff9000 - O fffe00 - nY 8bff02 - lG 2bff00 - G 01fff5 - lB 1016f3 - B a800ff - I 890192 - V Know your own personal ROYGBIV