User Since:
[07:00] PM: but she alls0 t0ld me 0nce [07:00] PM: that she legit l0ved me. [07:00] AL: :D [07:00] PM: I alm0st had a heartattack [07:01] AL: That;s s0 cuuuuute [07:01] PM: yes [07:01] PM: Heartattacks are ad0rbs Terezi.: I crochet them Terezi.: Along with the scalemate. mintlemonade: wow skillzz mintlemonade: i knit a ton of thingd mintlemonade: *thongs mintlemonade: *things omg Terezi.: LOL Terezi.: Wow mintlemonade: not funny mintlemonade: at all Matizorosa git Grell with pan Grell.: Y.A.R.P Alucard-: I use cond- .. Umh.. Grell.: ,,, Git... Alucard-: :T Grell.: How does one Git? Alucard-: I have no idea.