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Hi, my name on iscribble is Happyfeet. But you can call me Hestia. There isn't much about me exept for the simple stuff, you know like favorite fruit, color, animal ext... But with stuff like what you hate and what you like, I may be able to help you there. I hate when people don't have friends, I have to go over to that person and hang around with them the rest of that day. I hate prepy people, they think they are all that and one in my school made me loose all of my best friends. I hate when people curse every five seconds. I like when I come home with a good report card. I like when all of my horses, dogs, cats, rabit, and fish are ok. I like whe I am alone, i don't really want attention. I like when me and my sister get along, we always fight. Just in this small message, a lot was told about me.