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Yaoi: What a strange board Hexm: What a strange name. Yaoi: <3 Hexm: <3 FarmerLlama whispers: Hellorandompersonidonotknow. Hexm.- whispers to FarmerLlama: HellorandompersonwhichwhomIdonotknowaswellthatsaidhitome. FarmerLlama whispers: Now, why are you on my friendslist. Did you hack my computer in order to make me friend you so you can get popular and rule the world? Hexm.- whispers to FarmerLlama: Damnit, you saw through my guise... I thought you would not be able to notice such a wonderfully plotted scheme but alas, you have foiled my attempts at world domination... Hexm.- whispers to FarmerLlama: You win. Hexm.- whispers to FarmerLlama: :C FarmerLlama whispers: THE PAJAMA LLAMA WINS AGAIN! Stay in school kids, /thumbsup Hexm.- whispers to FarmerLlama: I WILL GET YOU NEXT TIME, PAJAMA LLAMA!!! /evilwillprevail FarmerLlama whispers: Why would you ever hurt a llama like me? FarmerLlama whispers: I'm totally harmless and spit acid at people! Hexm.- whispers to FarmerLlama: Well, it's not necessarily about hurting anyone. See, my evilness is not particularly malicious as it is diabolical. It's just the concept of good versus evil that makes me out to be a bad person, when in actuality, I'm just a troubled soul looking for a way to find some sort of contentment in this corrupt and crooked world. FarmerLlama whispers: You just gangbanged my mind. Hexm.- whispers to FarmerLlama: ... Okay.jpg Hexm.- whispers to FarmerLlama: This needs to be profiled... xDDD FarmerLlama whispers: Profiled? FarmerLlama whispers: /google Hexm.- whispers to FarmerLlama: One moment while I edit this to be an awesome chat in my profile page. FarmerLlama whispers: LOLNO FarmerLlama whispers: NO Hexm.- whispers to FarmerLlama: And, why not? ;A; FarmerLlama whispers: THE GREAT AND POWERFUL LLAMA SHALLT NOT BE SEEN FarmerLlama whispers: For i, is a shadow llama. Hexm.- whispers to FarmerLlama: Butbut... ;A; FarmerLlama whispers: /secret agent music time Hexm.- whispers to FarmerLlama: Oh, phoooey... FarmerLlama whispers: dun dun dun, dun dun dun, doo doo dooo...doo doo dooo. Hexm.- whispers to FarmerLlama: I wanted to save this moment for generations to come and let my children's children listen to the story of when doctorwho and Pajama Llama fought for supremacy. snakeinmyboot: put your dukes up TheRealHoex: ...my... dukes? jakoshark signed out. Hoex pulls ukes up Hoex dukes* LOLOLOLO TheRealHoex: LOLOLLLOLOL. snakeinmyboot: no put that down Hoex is a seme snakeinmyboot: you're scaring it BananaBoobBagel: I JUST TOOK A HUGE SHIT. Hexmpoop: WAS IT A FOREARM??? :D boyfriend: Thank you for telling us bagel. BananaBoobBagel: DAMN RIGHT IT WAS. BananaBoobBagel: Np babe. Hexmpoop: DAMN STRAIGHT. BananaBoobBagel: YEAH- TXF.: that awkward moment when your brother asks you to the prom BananaBoobBagel: mmm Sherlock. bun.buns: LOL YES Arky-Devil: that awkward moment when your dad shows you a video of a deer smacking into a child and is laughing hysterically at it Hexmpoop: :O bun.buns: omg YES bun.buns: SHERLOCK BananaBoobBagel: That akward moment when you say yes. Hexmpoop: That's sweet of your brother. ;3; bun.buns: -.- Unregistered signed out. Unregistered. entered this board. GothyGirl: The awkward moment when they start to go into detail about their sex life......and your enjoying it. TXF.: that awkward moment when the night with your brother ends at a hotel Arky-Devil: that awkward moment with your mom Hexmpoop: ... BananaBoobBagel: That awkward moment when you find out you're not pregnant and feel disappointment. bun.buns: no no moms! Hexmpoop: That awkward moment the morning after, and trying to come up with an explanation... bun.buns: my eyes! Lydiamay: that awkward moment when online people give you the creeps Arky-Devil: that awkward moment when link and ganondorf have sex in zelda's bed bun.buns: the awkward moment when you do it over again bun.buns: ... TXF.: that awkward moment when someone named Lydiamay is creepy BananaBoobBagel: That awkward moment when you find none of this awkward. Neriko: I love you Nana :B BananaBoobBagel: I love you too Neri. GothyGirl: the awkward moment when the awkward moment jokes stop abrubtly. BananaBoobBagel: :o Teebohne: I hate you Boob B: BananaBoobBagel: What akward moment jokes? BananaBoobBagel: :C BananaBoobBagel: <:C Arky-Devil: about 50 gay babies have been born because of the awkwardness Hexm..: Too many people are here. |: tsubasa92: oh herroo tsubasa92: lol tsubasa92: ok tsubasa92: I'll leave c: SaintReverie entered this board. tsubasa92 signed out. SaintReverie switched to the lobby. Hexm..: ... ;A; Hexm..: I DIDN'T MEAN FOR YOU TO GO. ;A; Hexm..: /shootsselfinface Hexm..: /also, kicks tsu zandycek entered this board. zandycek: What's OC? Hexm..: Optional Cocks. zandycek: .. Hexm..: In other words, a tranny. zandycek signed out. Beef entered this board. Axelle.: crotch Beef: wat System: Zaapz was reported. Zaapz switched to the lobby. Sketchpad entered this board. Lady-Ra: ugh. . .that thing is annoying Yuuta: o.o guest2351 entered this board. Hexm.: Hey, Sketch. Lady-Ra: heya sketch dokuhacker: oh hey sketch [.....Edited to be shorter.....] Sketchpad: So what's the problem? guest2351 switched to the lobby. Hexm.: Doku, your drawing looks... liney. |: ricecakeeater: a dude drew a black line on my sketch but I erased it. sorry. Axelle..: Kid did the same on dokus Hexm.: I think this dude drew black lines on the second layer over people's art. ricecakeeater: Oh I see that line there lerl Zaapz entered this board. dokuhacker: i thought i did that when i was snipping lol ricecakeeater: w/e this guy gets abs then lol ricecakeeater: nah I'ma do a shirt Knochen: Hey look Zaapz is back Hexm.: I was just about to say that. Hexm.: xD dokuhacker: well i left the evidence Hexm.: I suppose that's the culprit. Zaapz: ^.^ Hexm.: LD Hexm.: :D* Zaapz: i suppose i am c: Hexm.: I suppose you are indeed. :D Zaapz: :3 Hexm.: :P dokuhacker: can i erase this now? Eviathon: yeah. Zaapz: yesh, yesh u may c: Eviathon: i said i saved. ^^; dokuhacker: well im not sure if sketch needs the evdience or not Hexm.: I don't think anything will really happen, Doku. dokuhacker: yeah Zaapz: ive had my wee bit of fun :3 System: User Zaapz (Zaapz) has been warned (#1). System: Zaapz (Zaapz) kicked by Sketchpad Zaapz signed out. Hexm.: Now, did you learn your lesson, Zaapz? |: Sketchpad: I was waiting for him to do it again. Hexm.: Aww. Axelle..: XD Zaapz entered this board. Hexm.: I wanted to chastise him first... Zaapz: sorry :c Hexm.: Oh, you're back. Hexm.: NOW, did you learn your lesson, Zaapz? Hexm.: |: Sketchpad switched to the lobby. Zaapz: i was bored.... :c Hexm.: Well, answer the question. |:< Hexm.: Or else, you get a TIME OUT. Zaapz: yesh Hexm.: Good. :D Hexm.: LESSON LEARNED. Zaapz: time out? :o Hexm.: VICTORY. :D Hexm.: Now you can go about your own business, Zaapz. Hexm.: :D Zaapz: can i do one wittle thing? c: Zaapz: it wont mess u up :3 dokuhacker signed out. Axelle..: no dokuhacker entered this board. Axelle..: now go into the corner Zaapz: :c Axelle..: No cookies for you Axelle.. gives hexy a cookie Zaapz: otay... :c Zaapz: :p Zaapz: *:o Zaapz: b-but i wanna cookie :c Axelle..: Maybe when you think over what you have done Zaapz: -ponders- Sticks entered this board. Zaapz: i know what i has done :c Zaapz switched to the lobby. suu: dont even talk to these people Hexm.: I talk to them all the time. dokuhacker: i know Hexm.: It's good entertainment. Hexm.: :D Snoozie: I get very angsty when I'm near the end of a drawing Snoozie: and then screw up with eyes Decade: ohhh Snoozie: and then brawl onto bobbu's shirt like a little girl Decade: I get lazy Hexm.: Lawl. Hexm.: You brawl on his shirt. Hexm.: :3 Bobbu: indeed Bobbu: brawl away, bruh xen.: you guys need to reload cereal: no you TXF.: YOUR MOM NEEDS TO RELOAD xen.: I BORROW A TABLET MUSHY Mushy-Peach: OH WHAT Mushy-Peach: DUDE SRSLY? xen.: YES Mushy-Peach: OMG DRAW SOMETHiNG NOW MAN xen.: i try to pratice with it xen.: a bit Riocard signed out. guest3895 entered this board. Mushy-Peach: is Mushy-Peach: is it hard? Mushy-Peach: to use, i mean? TXF.: no :V xen.: to me TXF.: MUSHA, IT'S ALWAYS HARD Hexm: NOT YET, MUSHY. TXF.: osnap xen.: i try to use xen.: it xen.: good Hexm: OH XEN, YOUR WORDS TURN ME ON. Mushy-Peach: HEX YOUR FACE iT Mushy-Peach: iT.. UNF. Hexm: ;3; Hexm glimmery eyesdesuuuu. xen.: omg xen.: what xen.: since xen.: when xen.: did i say xen.: something xen.: that turns on xen.: what Seka: Back TXF.: Front cereal: side LadyRa: other side TXF.: frootyyy cereal: top cereal: hey tixf LadyRa: bottom Hexm: behind. Mousee entered this board. v-funk: that makes me feel so much better Seka: Everybody fuck :D Mousee switched to the lobby. Raikov: 8===============D I like my girth Hexm: That's length, not girth. Hexm: |: Axelle.: thats how long it is in RL Raikov: Look at how thin it is Raikov: LOOKA T HOW THIN IT IS Axelle.: I rather have it thick then long Axelle.: whisper fail.... Raikov: LOL randonym: LOL. Hexm: ... |: Lucille: ♥ TXF.: draw YOUR MOM Hexm: Hell, I don't even know what John and Sherlock sound like IRL. Hexm: All I've seen are gifs and stills and drawings of them. Hexm: And, that's it. |: Hexm: And, TXF, no. Hexm: Just. No. TXF.: DOIT Hexm: YOU DO IT. Hexm: |:< TXF.: NO U Hexm: NO U. TXF.: NOU Hexm: NOU. TXF.: U ON Hexm: U ON. TXF.: NO YOUR MOM Hexm: NO YOUR MOM. Dumoas: That's turning out really nice Doku ;3; First one to do more than a face short on that oc Hexm: CCCCCOMBO BREAKER!!! TXF.: B( dammit dumoas Dumoas: wat? Hexm: Totally profiled. xD Rasputin: How old are you, Dash? Rainbow.Dash.: I am. Rainbow.Dash.: 98240983209. <w> Hexm: Well, you're too old for us. Hexm: Go away. Rainbow.Dash.: WELP. Rainbow.Dash. I WAS LYING. Hexm: LIAR. Rasputin: I'll take that as 12. Get out. Hexm: We do not like liars. Rainbow.Dash. IM 16. HURRHURUH- Rainbow.Dash.: oh shit. Rainbow.Dash.: how did yo- Rainbow.Dash. runs away Rainbow.Dash. switched to the lobby. Rasputin: O_o Hexm: PROFILED. xD Axelle.: I have to pee TXF-: then pee Issachar: do it Issachar: right here TXF-: /hands elle a cup Axelle.: I cant im not allowed to use the bathroom when mom is sleeping Hira: LOL Issachar: don't tell us TXF-: what kinda rule is that Hira: ELLE Hira: That makes no sense Issachar: you're so obedient Axelle.: The tolet is very loud and wakes her up TXF-: "I'M SLEEPING..YOU BETTER NOT NEED TO PEE" TXF-: so TXF-: tell her to stfu Axelle.: i dont like her yelling at me :c TXF-: be all.. "WHEN YA GOTTA GO YOU GOTTA GO" TXF-: fine TXF-: pee on her instead Issachar: ^ TXF-: that'll teach her to not let you use the bathroom Axelle.: [ Edited for Axelle's sake. <333 ] TXF-: wat Axelle.: ......i really need to watch what i say Axelle. erases TXF-: pee in a cup TXF-: throw it at your mom TXF-: same thing Issachar: and leave it outside your mom's door TXF-: ^ TXF-: NO Axelle.: she sleeps in the living room there is no door TXF-: PUT IT IN A BUCKET TXF-: then balance it above the door TXF-: PRACTICAL JOKE PEE TXF-: oh. Issachar: how are we supposed to know? Axelle.: i dont know use your magic internet powers Issachar: Do you expect us to know the house's layout and/or your names of friends/family? TXF-: you mean you don't know that? TXF-: I keep that info here in my stalker note pad Issachar: Of course not Axelle.: Name one of my friends Issachar: I don't wish to follow Axelle Issachar: :U TXF-: i follow everyone Hexm: this entire conversation should be profiled. Issachar: TXF shoud load TXF-: YOUR MOM SHOULD LOAD Issachar: YOUR FACE SHOULD LOAD TXF-: YOUR MOM'S FACE SHOULD LOAD Hira: Tsu's on too but not on iS . . Issachar: YOUR FACE'S MOM SHOULD LOAD TXF-: also Loading... Axelle.: YOUR PENIS SHOULD SHOOT SPREM OR LOADY HAPPYNESS TXF-: wat Issachar: NO U TXF-: NO U Axelle.: no hira :D Hexm: CCCCOMBO BREAKER. Axelle.: you have no idea how many gay men i get on my ride dokuhacker: LOOK IM TALL dokuhacker: elle dokuhacker: that sounded bad Hexm is totally not gay though... TXF-: elle gets all the gay men Hexm: ... Hexm: Elle. Hexm: You whore, you. |: Axelle.: ? Axelle.: what? i work in rides dokuhacker: read that as Axelle.: zero gravity Hexm: And, they PAY you too? Axelle.: so many people go on that Emily.Nightstar entered this board. dokuhacker: " i ride a lot of gay men" Hexm: Man, I wanna get on Elle's ride too. xDD Emily.Nightstar switched to the lobby. Axelle.: ....... stol: you guys are still here o__o Dumoas.Vlos: present Hexm: I'm always here. Hexm: ALWAYS. Hexm: :| stol: >A> Hexm stares. stol: <A< Hexm: ... Hexm: ALWAYS. Axelle. stares into his eyes Dumoas.Vlos hides under Death's cape in fear ForDaPony: always? Axelle.: you got an eyelash on your cheek Katee01 draws terrible >3< Hexm: ALWAYS. ForDaPony: I'm sorry... how long is that again? Hexm: ... Axelle.: You do prettly good for a mouse Hexm le sigh... Dumoas.Vlos: eh? Hexm: ALWAYS. Tsukiko-Yahisa: can someone please draw this http://www.tektek.org/avatar/41579800 for me? dokuhacker: >:C Hexm: Tskiko, this isn't a'We'll Draw Your Fail GaiaOnline Avatar' board. |:< Hayacchi: lol Lyric. entered this board. Tsukiko-Yahisa: -_- Hexm: DOUBLE FAIL!!!! Hexm: ALL THE WAYYY!!!! Hexm: WHOOOOOOOO!!!!! Tsukiko-Yahisa: seriously rude Hexm: SO INTENSE!!!! Hayacchi: SO BRIGHT SO VIVID Hexm: WHAT DOES IT MEAAAAAAN??? dokuhacker: WOOOOOO Lyric. switched to the lobby. Bunnies88 switched to the lobby. Mr.Sexy.: yEAH YEAH YEAH YEAAH Tsukiko-Yahisa switched to the lobby. dokuhacker: ALL THE WAAAAY Hayacchi: we scored :U Hexm: We totally did. LINK-: ARR0W: wonderdami: Hexm2: Maddi.: No. Hexm2: C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!!! sarahsays: i love 4 people in this board Reincycle: Am I one? cub: Me ? :c damisays: me? Reincycle: lol Hexm2: ME??? brenmuffins: you? sarahsays: of course matt Hexm2: :'D cub: n_n sarahsays: of course dami sarahsays: eh.. damisays: D cub: I'm just way to cute.. sarahsays: no Hex