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5.2.2011 ♥ Eric. whispers: ho lemme in bamsen whispers to Eric. Don't patronize yo' elder like that Eric. whispers: purdy please? :0 me sucky sucky five dollar? bamsen whisper to Eric.: Gotta' take me out to dinner first Eric. whispers: but you like nothing :0 bamsen whispers to Eric.: *snaps* Eric. whispers: "MISTER WAITER DEARY, BRING THE ELDER LAD A GLASS OF MILK AND SOME CRACKERS PLZ" bamsen whispers to Eric.: Take me to a dairy farm- bamsen whispers to Eric.: <3 Eric. whispers: Let's go to wisconsin <3 bamsen whispers to Eric.: Yesss Eric whispers: my pop's lives thur bamsen whispers to Eric.: :o Fancy