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Maulbit.: Xat is dissappoint there are now ducks. So now there is one. Maulbit.: disappoint* Maulbit.: fuckyouspelling Maulbit.: Idontloveyouanymore Maulbit.: Letsgetadivorce - Stephano: sander Stephano: can I touch your face Stephano: :U Sander: why u wanna touch guy faces? Stephano: cuz I can Stephano: hmmm...but do I dare Stephano: to make 6 hard packs PopcornBall. places Stephano's hand on Sander's face. PopcornBall.: There you go. Stephano: ........ Stephano: the fu- Stephano: thanks pop... Stephano: this looks compeletly gay Stephano: if it was ever out in public PopcornBall.: You're welcome. - Strome: When I was young, I thought woman boobs gave milk and man boobs has coffee. - guest7451 entered this board. DuckFetish: hi guest guest7451 switched to the lobby. DuckFetish: bye guest - sunflare: mine are huge robots that change into vehicles... for the rest i am perfectly normal, and i just got a new haircut :D Lavendarclaw...: you mean like Titanic? sunflare: .. no Lavendarclaw...: Wait.. what the fuck?! xDD Totally wrong movie - Smoker. signed out. Summerfenrir switched to the lobby. Return: sorry I died redruM..: weebee redruM..: Looks like we got ditched. redruM..: :c Return: Yeah pretty much Return: and now you reveal that you were the murderer all along and kill me Return: don't think I didn't notice that name - Skunk4hipis: smoking TIME! Silv.: o.o Silv.: Smoking is bad. >:U Whutplz: lets steal their cigs and throw them into a pool of honey. Whutplz: and make them go get it Silv.: Yes. - Sleep.In.Lobby whispers: lol red pikachu. should have thought of better oc RedsPikachu whispers to Sleep.In.Lobby: lolnub. Red is the original character to pokemon's games? He has a pikachu. RedsPikachu whispers to Sleep.In.Lobby: Durrrr. Sleep.In.Lobby whispers: there's no aprostophy RedsPikachu whispers to Sleep.In.Lobby: I think you are new to iscribble. Bye. - guest4669: oh. guest4669: remember the time guest4669: when i said I'm JEsus? guest4669: yeah. that's still true. JoeysRattata: No, Bobby the Pidove is Jesus JoeysRattata: you got fired last week. JoeysRattata: Remember? guest4669: oh... guest4669: no, i'm jesus. JoeysRattata: Nope. Sorry dude :c guest4669: so, i cooked some soup in the microwave. guest4669: and it blew up. guest4669: and i was like, "omgwow" JoeysRattata: Amazing. guest4669: so i cleaned it up. guest4669: i don't remember much after that. guest4669: but.... guest4669: it was cool. JoeysRattata: But not Jesus material. YoungsterJoey blinks. JoeysRattata: I'm pretty sure thats Chuck Norris. YoungsterJoey: Hi, Vault. Lol. guest4669: vault? guest4669: what's a vault? guest4669: gtfo. JoeysRattata: xDDD JoeysRattata: Vault ilu YoungsterJoey facedesks. YoungsterJoey: Not in the mood to deal with other trolls atm YoungsterJoey goes back to drawing fear. guest4669: saywhaaa? guest4669: i gotta practice clarinet guest4669: cause i'm a bandgeek guest4669: and have no friends. JoeysRattata: You might wanna work on your methods, though Vault. You make it too obvious to point you out. xDD YoungsterJoey: Go for it. guest4669: Seeya later! :D YoungsterJoey: Lol YoungsterJoey: Bye. JoeysRattata: Bye bby JoeysRattata: We love you JoeysRattata: and your clarinet - Cheska. brofist Hayyel- brofuckingfist. Cheska.: wait brothers are fist fucking? Hayyel-: yes. Hayyel-: and it's sexy. Cheska.: Sounds a bit painful. - Zigzagoon.: Foxy that looks like a camel. Zigzagoon.: or...a llama Kirlia: a llamel Zigzagoon.: I'm not sure what. Zigzagoon.: Yeah. Zigzagoon.: That. Kirlia: Let's evolve it into llamerupt. Zigzagoon.: Yes. Zigzagoon. chucks firestone Zigzagoon.: Oops. Zigzagoon.: It was Zigzagoon.: A grass type. Kirlia: It's burninnng Zigzagoon.: Ohnooooo. Kirlia: I think it evolves by level; we need to stuff it with candy. Zigzagoon. whispers to Kirlia: xDDD Zigzagoon.: But isn't that bad for it? Kirlia: Of course! Do we care? Zigzagoon. forces rare candy in its face. Zigzagoon.: Of course not. Zigzagoon.: Oh dear. Zigzagoon.: Now its obese. Zigzagoon.: And evolved. Kirlia: And vomiting candy all over the nice clean carpet Zigzagoon.: Let's put it out of its misery. Zigzagoon.: USE FLAME WHEEL, RATICATE. Zigzagoon.: Fwooooosh.