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My Yugioh! Gx Story that i was writing here on IScribble, i was doing it basiclly just to keep my friends from getting bored xDD Judai walks over to the edge of the balcony of the Duel Academy's Slifer Red Dorm, it was a cool, yet warm night, he sees Jade walking torwards his dorm below, slightly waving while having on that adorable smile of hers. She comes up the steps and leans on the balcony slightly sighing. Judai turns over to her "Whats wrong..?" he asked politely. Jade looks at Judai, her eyes glowing with rage, its that damn energy i've been sensing lately, it had better not be yubel or something like that..." she spat, her words coming out like bricks hitting a gong. Judai twitches, 'Apparently she hasent figured out that Yubel and me have fuzed into one being yet, i'll have to tell her to let her know that this dark energy is not bad...." Judai closes his eyes, concentrating on yubel's power to be opened by him and unleashed inside of himself. Judai unlocks it, and he feels the power of Yubel flow throughout his body, the tender warm feeling of his best friend from his past envolope him. Judai sees Jade's eyes widen, maybe this wasn't a good idea. he thought while his eyes finally turned to the colors of bright orange and teal blue. Jade turns her head slowly torwards Judai, her eyes widening more as her head turns. She then backs away and jumps up and on the roof, staring, horrorified at Judai "Judai!?" she screamed "The dark energy i've been feeling was you..!?" her eyes then darken, eyes narrowing and a dark aura surrounds her. Judai backs away a step 'Now what's this energy im feeling..!?" he said, gawking at Jade's dark and enormous aura. Jade's millenium puzzle starts to glow, then there was a flash of light and there stood Yami Jade, staring At judai. her eyes narrowing as he eyed Judai's eye color "You have Yubels power...How did you get it Judai-kun..?" Judai raises an eyebrow, Apparently this wasn't the Jade from earlier, this person was more calm and effeciant then the Jade he knew. Finally, Judai says "Wheres Jade first...your apparently not her since she was scared to death of me when i showed my true power..." Yami Jade chuckles "I am Jade, just an older and ancient version of her. And i'm her Me no Boku...like your Yubel there..." she smiles. her pearl white teeth glowing in the moonlight. Judai blinks "Oh, i see...!" Then he nodicees some slight changes in Jade's tranformation to Yami, she had grown a little,but not taller. her hair was spiked in the back, strange how it wasn't up in the air like her fathers was. Yami jade jumps down from her perch and onto the balcony next to Judai "You are not the dark aura that Jade-kun had thought you were. even though your power is darkness itself, you are clearly not the one that Jade-kun has been feeling lately. I must leave now, i hope to see you again Judai-kun..." Jade transforms back to normal, her size and everythng that came with the transformation slowly fading. Jade turns her eyes torwards Judai and gasps, backing away. then she falls over, looking like she was hit really hard with a giant rock. Jade gets up after the 'look like a hard hit' moment and gases at Judai "So...your not the dark power that i've been sensing...but how did you-?" Judai walks over and places a finger on Jade's lips. Silenting her "I fuzed with Yubel using the Super fusion card, me and Yubel are one now. And we will stop this chaos that is happening now..."