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FAGGOTY MAGGOTY ASSES CLEARING MY PROFILE I HAD A LOT OF MEMORABLE CONVERSATIONS ON HERE GOD DAMN IT Buzzard: what u get for chrostymas joj Judgement: munny Judgement: my sis got me skyrim Judgement: and mom got me rayman Judgement: and some owl shit Buzzard: coole Judgement: becuase i fucking love owls Judgement: wbu Judgement: did you get a horse cock Buzzard: no Buzzard whispers: yes Judgement: loled Judgement: buzz has your whorses ever got an eraction before maid: HAHAHa Buzzard: no Buzzard whispers: yes Judgement: LOLLLLL Hen (MSN) says: -looks up at you as if in shock, lips parted a bit- -but feeling a bit...entranced? he still knows whats going on- Judgement (MSN) says: -yee entranced is perfect- -the tiniest urges creeping forth- -wanting that taste- -of whatever that was- -like you were on the cusp of something mind blowing- Hen (MSN) says: -bacon bits- Judgement (MSN) says: -and bacon bits- Sketchpad: You can all eat a dick maid: stop watching Judgement: sorry maid: stop watching maid: lol Judgement: no maid: stostpdo draw maid: your own maid: safsd Judgement: ok maid: :) Judgement: u told me to draw my own Judgement: i did maid: gj Judgement: u didnt say whether i should put effort or not zzub: no dildos in d offis Jaques.: Then Jakob went to jakob and jakob'd his jakob until they both jakob'd all over eachother's jakob. JacobTheWolf: Jacob* JacobTheWolf: sily. JacobTheWolf: jakob fucked jakob hard FlintCragley: lol JacobTheWolf: but then jakob got herpees Jaques.: i wan spaskle secks loool FlintCragley: LOL hornfels: lol Judgement: oh i tried rootbeer Judgement: it Judgement: was odd Judgement: could only have a small amount djyellow: rootbeer is nice Judgement: a bit rich djyellow: i dont like cock or pepsi djyellow: coke djyellow: GOD (Note: The following board was made in a parody to a similarly named board along the lines of 'I can't draw but come and draw with me anyway.') You entered I SUCK AT ART!!! come give me compliments :))). Board description: jesus christ how annoying (Most people got the joke until...) Kuggle: You suck at art Kuggle: now read a book and get better Judgement: omg thank Judgement: !!!!!!! Kuggle: and i'll tell you you're good Judgement: ur 2 nice Judgement: thank Judgement: i appreciatng Kuggle: i suck too Kuggle: dont worry djyellow: thanks for kind ciriticism ill take to heart and become a good manga artist Kuggle: i'll never be good enough Judgement: i love anime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^___________________________^ djyellow: very good helpful djyellow: words djyellow: i appreciate... arigatoful. ^_^ Kuggle: wow Kuggle: fuck off Kuggle switched to the lobby.