
User Since:

Info: - Proud to be Canadian - about 9 feet 7 inches tall - very sarcastic - laughs at my own jokes too much - 13 years old - i am a WOMAN - JIM ROOT IS MY HUSBAND - if you know who he is, i love you. - i like to eat cheese pizza - Full Metal Alchemist. - /awesomeness - can't think of anything else at the moment awesome conversations: ________________________________________________ n9horsesbubbles: s n9horsesbubbles: p n9horsesbubbles: a n9horsesbubbles: m n9horsesbubbles: t n9horsesbubbles: h n9horsesbubbles: e n9horsesbubbles: b n9horsesbubbles: o n9horsesbubbles: a n9horsesbubbles: r n9horsesbubbles: d Juicieroot: t Juicieroot: h Juicieroot: e Juicieroot: g Juicieroot: a Juicieroot: m Juicieroot: e Juicieroot: :D n9horsesbubbles: I n9horsesbubbles: j n9horsesbubbles: u n9horsesbubbles: s n9horsesbubbles: t n9horsesbubbles: l n9horsesbubbles: o n9horsesbubbles: s n9horsesbubbles: t n9horsesbubbles: t n9horsesbubbles: h n9horsesbubbles: e n9horsesbubbles: game _______________________________________________ X.Sita.X: >.< My dad just asked me... if a smile had a sound, what would it sound like? xD n9horsesbubbles: beb Juicieroot: CLAP Elvira...: lol Elvira...: a smile can't have a sounddd, it's too special c: X.Sita.X: xD Juicieroot: NO Juicieroot: it'd be a farting sound Elvira...: lololol ________________________________________________ -LOL- Momentum: Those are sexy tentacles. Juicieroot: i read that as testicles instead of tentacles... __________________________________________________ iHerd: i made raviolu Juicieroot: wuzzat iHerd: vaviola iHerd: raviooli guest5058 entered this board. Juicieroot: wut iHerd: raaviloli Juicieroot: oh iHerd: ravioli* iHerd: there _________________________________________________ Xani: GAY: http://www.glogster.com/media/4/34/29/38/34293814.jpg iHerd is scared of all links iHerd: D: Xani: It's just a picture. Juicieroot: i'm scared to click it iHerd: me too Juicieroot: D: Juicieroot: you go first iHerd: nou iHerd: NO U Juicieroot: RPS CHALLENGE Juicieroot: ROCK Juicieroot: PAPER Juicieroot: oh this won't work iHerd: ok iHerd: hmm iHerd: we both whisper either rock, paper, or scissors to Xani iHerd: and he'll tell us who won Xani: Ya that would be good! Xani: I'M A GIRL! iHerd: ok iHerd: she'll* iHerd: ready? iHerd: 1 iHerd: 2 iHerd: 3 iHerd: WHISPER Xani: NO Xani: ROCK Xani: PAPER Xani: SCISSORS Juicieroot whispers to Xani: PAPRER Juicieroot: LOOOL Juicieroot: TYPO Xani: Juicieroot whispers: PAPRER iHerd whispers: rock iHerd: FU iHerd: >> Xani: Jucierootwins! iHerd: D: iHerd: ok iHerd: fine iHerd: give link Juicieroot: YESSS Juicieroot: EYSYEYSEYSYEYEYES Xani: GAY: http://www.glogster.com/media/4/34/29/38/34293814.jpg Juicieroot: XDD iHerd: ohlol iHerd: it's fine iHerd: :D Juicieroot: waht is it iHerd: eevee evolutions Juicieroot: oh Juicieroot: loool Juicieroot: THAT HUGE ARGUMENT OVER THAT iHerd: XD _________________________________________________ Juicieroot: i'm thinking now it's just a competition for who will last the longest without doing an emotion... n9horsesbubbles: Yeah. Juicieroot: hm Juicieroot: howabout Juicieroot: on 3 Juicieroot: we do an emotion thing n9horsesbubbles: K Juicieroot: 1 Juicieroot: 2 Juicieroot: 3 n9horsesbubbles: ^^ :) |D xD XD Juicieroot: HAHA I WIN Juicieroot: XDDDD n9horsesbubbles: FFFF----------------------- _________________________________________________ TakeOffUrPantz: I HAVNT SEEN U FATBEAR SINCE YESTERDAAY. TakeOffUrPantz: D: Juicieroot: THAT'S A LONG TIME! D: FatBear: I KNOW FatBear: its...how many minutes? FatBear: first person to say so is safe FatBear: last person...you get to go see my camp counsolor :D Juicieroot: 9001 Juicieroot: minuets FatBear: well because i suck at math i cant prove you to be right FatBear: good for you gurl :D Juicieroot: YEAH! :D __________________________________________________ n9horsesbubbles: IM. n9horsesbubbles: GOING. n9horsesbubbles: To. n9horsesbubbles: FAIL. n9horsesbubbles: FRENCH. Juicieroot: ALL YOU NEED TO DO Juicieroot: IS Juicieroot: PUT "LE" IN FRONT OF EVERYTHING Juicieroot: AND GROW A MUSTACHE __________________________________________________ (Axl = Juicieroot in disguise) Umbrefawx: What happens Umbrefawx: If I get Umbrefawx: A TV remote Umbrefawx: Stuck up my anus Umbrefawx: And can't get it out Umbrefawx shot. Sera--: but dial Sera--: butt Axl.: you get a crowbar Axl.: :D Froggi: :D Or a wrench Axl.: XDD __________________________________________________ Juicieroot whispers to iherd: YOU GIT BACK HERE, YOU-- MUDKIP System: User is offline. Offline-message stored. Juicieroot: dammit >.< __________________________________________________ AngelAmongDemon: juicie can i marry you Juicieroot: .... are you a woman? AngelAmongDemon: yea Juicieroot: then no. __________________________________________________ Hunterlvr132 throws internets at Juicie Hunterlvr132: ;u; Juicieroot catches Juicieroot then dies Hunterlvr132: D: Hunterlvr132: OH GOD Hunterlvr132: ;3; Hunterlvr132: I JUST KILLED THE PIXELING JESUS Hunterlvr132: D': ___________________________________________________ Juicieroot: there's an eyelash in my soup D'; iHerd: ew iHerd: i ate that iHerd: D; iHerd: WAIT iHerd: THAT EYELASH MUST BE MINE Juicieroot: OMG iHerd checks eye iHerd: 1... iHerd: 2.. iHerd: 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 iHerd: 49! iHerd: IM MISSINGONE iHerd: ONE* Juicieroot: OH MY GOODNESS ___________________________________________________ Wobniar: Its a miracl! Wobniar: MIRACLE Wobniar: >.< Wobniar: I didnt mess up yet XD Wobniar: Actually did... Wobniar smaks keboard Wobniar: ... Wobniar: nvm ___________________________________________________ Juicieroot: *slow motion run towards you* xSinox: *jealousy* o3o Juicieroot: dun dunnuh dun dun... dahh! xSinox: *slowww moooo xSinox: *slomo huugggg* Juicieroot: RRRUUUUGGGGAAAAHHHHHRRRGGGGHHHHH *slow mo yell* Juicieroot: :"""D xSinox: *makeoutsession?* Juicieroot: *OMGYES* Juicieroot: *jkman,* xSinox: MUAAAAHAHHHHHHLAIHHH ___________________________________________________ TakeOffUrPantz entered this board. Juicieroot: PANTZ xSinox: HEYYYYY Nomberss: PANTS Juicieroot: PAAAAAANTZ Juicieroot: PANTZ TakeOffUrPantz: HAAAAY Juicieroot: ZTNAP TakeOffUrPantz: JUICIE Juicieroot: YES TakeOffUrPantz: JUICIE xSinox: WATS UP MAN TakeOffUrPantz: JUICIE Juicieroot: PANTS TakeOffUrPantz: CAPS PARRATAAY? TakeOffUrPantz: HUH Juicieroot: YEEEEEEEEEEYUH xSinox: PARATTAYYYY TakeOffUrPantz: mmhmm Nomberss: hell yeah Juicieroot: I'VE GOT THE BOOZA Juicieroot: *BOOZE Nomberss: WOOT Nomberss: wait your underage D:< TakeOffUrPantz: HELL YES Juicieroot: LULZ I'LL BRINGE THE BOOZA TOO TakeOffUrPantz: SO AM i >.> xSinox HAS THE CRACK. Juicieroot: YES Juicieroot: WE NEED CRACK xSinox: THE CRACK IS TAINBOW FLAVOR xSinox: *RAINBOW TakeOffUrPantz: NO CRACK TakeOffUrPantz: WE NEED WEED Juicieroot: AND COCINE xSinox: WEED AND COKE? Juicieroot: AND Nomberss: oh god xSinox: AND SUGAR. Juicieroot: .... THAT OTHER ONE THAT STARTS WITH AN M Juicieroot: SUGAR. xSinox: AND KOOLAID TO PUT ON THE SUGAR. Juicieroot: YES Juicieroot: YES xSinox: MARIJUANA> Juicieroot: YEEEA xSinox: AND HEROINE. xSinox: TO INJECT IN OUR BLOODSTREAM Juicieroot: WE'RE SO SMART, WE KNOW ALL OUR DRUGS xSinox: LMAO Juicieroot: AND HOW TO USE-- Juicieroot: WAIT TakeOffUrPantz: o3o Juicieroot: I HATE NEEDLES __________________________________________________ Nomberss: lml my friend fell asleep xD wimp. Nomberss: cant stay up late for crap Juicieroot: DRAW ON THEIR FACE Juicieroot: WITH A SHARPIE Nomberss: i was texting him o-o Juicieroot: .....oh __________________________________________________ SlimeAttack: ;A; g2g to sleep~ g'night Juicieroot: NO Juicieroot: YOU STAY Juicieroot: ASDGLFHKSD Juicieroot: HERE Juicieroot: EAT SOME CAFFINE Juicieroot: *throws coffee* SlimeAttack signed out. Juicieroot: D: ____________________________________________________ Juicieroot: ok Juicieroot: someone remind me that there's maceroni on my stove in 5 mins SIimeAttack: YOU HAVE MACERONI IN UR STOVE Juicieroot: ... i ment TehDarkness: How'd it get in his stove? Juicieroot: on my stove TehDarkness: her* SpaceLamp: LOL Juicieroot: IT'S IN A POT. TehDarkness: Fail. >.> TehDarkness: How'd a pot get in the stove? Juicieroot: nooo Juicieroot: it's ON the stove Juicieroot: on the element thing TehDarkness: That's what SLime said though. D: Juicieroot: wat Juicieroot: no Juicieroot: just Juicieroot: SOMEONE REMIND ME IN 5 MINS TehDarkness: SIimeAttack: YOU HAVE MACERONI IN UR STOVE TehDarkness: D: Juicieroot: slime said IN not ON SIimeAttack: ITS IN D:< TehDarkness: How'd it get in your stove? D: Juicieroot: NO IT'S ON THE STOVE Juicieroot: IT'S NOT IN MY STOVE TehDarkness: But Slime Said it was in your Stove. D: Juicieroot: SLIME WAS WROOOOONNNNGGGGGG AHAHAHAHAH SIimeAttack: IT'S IN UR STOVE! :D SpaceLamp: THE MACK IS ON HER STOVE OT IN IT NOT AROUND IT NOT POURING DOWN THE SIDE OF IT ON TOP OF IT Juicieroot: it's ON my stove TehDarkness is facetious Juicieroot: thank you, space XD SIimeAttack: IN ;D -long pause- SpaceLamp: HEY JUCICE YOUR MACK IS ON YOUR STOVE SpaceLamp: YU SHOULD GO CHECK THAT MATE __________________________________________________ WolfCry: you make me want to kill myself your so awesme WolfCry: awesome* WolfCry: XD Juicieroot: trust me. Juicieroot: i do too. __________________________________________________ Maddie.: I NEED YO HELP ! Juicieroot: with waht Maddie.: I need a lie . Maddie.: An excuse. Maddie.: Someone is keep asking me to hangout, but honestly I don't want to go ! Juicieroot: ok Juicieroot: here Juicieroot: you died a horrible death by getting hit by a train and then your powers overheated and you came back to life just to find that you have no arms. _________________________________________________ pyroomaniac: they're the kinda person that refreshs 24x6 Juicieroot: 24x6? pyroomaniac: yes Juicieroot: don't you mean 24/7? pyroomaniac: they're not on tuesdays pyroomaniac: LOL Juicieroot: XDD ___________________________________________________ iHerd: BUT I'M WIPING OUT A SPECIES THAT PLAGUES THE FIELDS OF ISCRIBBLE iHerd: Boardhopper. iHerd: s iHerd: BOARDHOPPERS iHerd: ROAWR Juicieroot: sext target: typos. Juicieroot: *NEXT ___________________________________________________ nomberss: damn all my epic convos have you xDD Juicieroot: lol i was just reading them XD nomberss: xDD nomberss: are you gunna add tahta?? nomberss: *that Juicieroot: ....no Juicieroot: I WILL NOW Juicieroot: HAHAHAHAHAHHAH Juicieroot: AHAHHHEHA Juicieroot: hahahahshh Juicieroot: asduhl;bvjj nomberss: whoa nomberss: calm yourself Juicieroot: ok Juicieroot: i'm done nomberss: good __________________________________________________ (i went to the bathroom... NEVER AGAIN.) Nomberss @ Sun Jul 24 2011; 21:11.31: :P xSinox @ Sun Jul 24 2011; 21:11.42: WHATCHA DOIN THERE Nomberss @ Sun Jul 24 2011; 21:11.42: you just wanted us to send you messages Nomberss @ Sun Jul 24 2011; 21:11.47: blahblahblah xSinox @ Sun Jul 24 2011; 21:11.55: R U POOIN ON DAT POTTY? Nomberss @ Sun Jul 24 2011; 21:12.00: they dont like it Nomberss @ Sun Jul 24 2011; 21:12.10: its mean xSinox @ Sun Jul 24 2011; 21:12.12: OR ARE YOU HIDING YOUR RAPE ABILITIES Nomberss @ Sun Jul 24 2011; 21:12.38: its xSinox @ Sun Jul 24 2011; 21:12.38: PERHAPS YOU CHOOSE A FINE LOOKING GIRAFFE Nomberss @ Sun Jul 24 2011; 21:12.43: illegal in the us Nomberss @ Sun Jul 24 2011; 21:12.45: but xSinox @ Sun Jul 24 2011; 21:12.49: OR A FRESHLY ABORTED BABY FETUS Nomberss @ Sun Jul 24 2011; 21:12.51: in cannaaaadddaaa Nomberss @ Sun Jul 24 2011; 21:12.54: idk Nomberss @ Sun Jul 24 2011; 21:12.57: maybe Nomberss @ Sun Jul 24 2011; 21:13.01: i think so Nomberss @ Sun Jul 24 2011; 21:13.10: i forgot what i was talking about Nomberss @ Sun Jul 24 2011; 21:13.15: doo tooo odoooooooooooo Nomberss @ Sun Jul 24 2011; 21:13.23: im not being reallly pervvy Nomberss @ Sun Jul 24 2011; 21:13.33: i could xSinox @ Sun Jul 24 2011; 21:13.35: PERHAPS A SLIM HIPPOPOTAMUS xSinox @ Sun Jul 24 2011; 21:13.42: OR Nomberss @ Sun Jul 24 2011; 21:13.58: hmmmm Nomberss @ Sun Jul 24 2011; 21:14.01: werd Nomberss @ Sun Jul 24 2011; 21:14.04: :D Nomberss @ Sun Jul 24 2011; 21:14.08: :P Nomberss @ Sun Jul 24 2011; 21:14.13: :O Nomberss @ Sun Jul 24 2011; 21:14.16: :3 xSinox @ Sun Jul 24 2011; 21:14.17: EVEN THE RARE UNICORN FART Nomberss @ Sun Jul 24 2011; 21:14.21: :* Nomberss @ Sun Jul 24 2011; 21:14.26: ^-^ Nomberss @ Sun Jul 24 2011; 21:14.30: ^.- Nomberss whispers: spammers xSinox whispers: WHICH ONE DO /YOU/ LIKE TO RAPE THE MOST Nomberss whispers: :DD Nomberss whispers: longness (lol you guys, you're on crack) ___________________________________________________ waterheart: there's practically mountians in my front yard Juicieroot: i wanna live there D: waterheart: everyone does XD Juicieroot: well............. Juicieroot: my driveway goes downhill waterheart: AWESOME ___________________________________________________ n9horsesbubbles: Do you know what my favorite sport is? Juicieroot: NO Juicieroot: no Juicieroot: lol n9horsesbubbles: xD n9horsesbubbles: Well... n9horsesbubbles: It's.. n9horsesbubbles: HUGGING! 83 Juicieroot: KILLING SPREES! Juicieroot: ....oh n9horsesbubbles: LOL n9horsesbubbles: Wow, those two are really different.. _________________________________________________ iHerd: grime iHerd: grape iHerd: rape iHerd: stray cay iHerd: cat* Juicieroot: iherd, Juicieroot: take your meds. Juicieroot: XDD iHerd: NU chargra: lol iHerd: NU U _______________________________________________ Sino-: i prefer saying soda Nomberss: soda Nomberss: pop Nomberss: your right o3o Sino-: soda pop Nomberss: LMFAO Essidi: ... Sino-: i have heard people say that Essidi: I drink water kthx _________________________________________________ Herd: RAGRR iHerd: NEED iHerd: TO iHerd: EAR iHerd: ... iHerd: what iHerd: EAT