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*Robert grabs my binder and starts to look in it* Meagan: NONONO! STOP! DON'T OPEN IT! Keri: That's what she said. *We all start laughing* ------ Keri: Coco beans!! Meagan: I bet you like that, don't you? Keri: *laughs her arse off* *I just get it and start laughing with her* ----- *I grab Keri's book* Keri: YOU KEEP FLINGING IT AROUND! Keri: That's what she said. *We both laugh* ---- "Promise her anything, give her Toto." (Awww.) "Whatever you're into, get into Toto." "Please Don't Squeeze The Toto." "Get More From Toto." "Have a Toto and Smile." "Life Should Taste As Good As Toto." (XD) "If You Like A Lot of Chocolate on Your Toto, Join Our Club." (O.,O) "Once You Pop, You Can't Stop Toto." (EWWWW. If you haven't a CLUE why that's gross, note me. ACTUALLY. Just note me with what you THINK. XD XD) "Hungry? Why Wait? Grab a Toto." (XD) "Any time, any place, Toto." (Kinky) "Get the Toto out." (XDXD OUT OF WHERE?!) "And All Because The Lady Loves Toto." (I should make this a poem) "There's First Love, and There's Toto Love." "Devon Knows How They Make Toto So Creamy." (EWWWWW! XD) "How Do You Eat Your Toto?" (WITH LOTS OF CREAM. XDXD EWW) ----- We Do Toto, Coco, Yoyo, And Momo Right.