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2015 http://varjokani.tumblr.com/ Nowdays I mostly draw with my laptop. --- *Update 2011* I finally got my drawingboard working! -Varjokani/Kohokki / tanya / whut evaar juu like. Okay.. About meh. I m rabbits loving creature from Finland. Most of peoples are 99% sure that my father was bunny... I dunno why^^'. Still I like rabbits and I think its nice to draw them. I enjoy drawing really much. I just love it. I m logged in Sumo paint.com As Campion. Kohokki is Finnish and means Campion. Oh and I love Watership down. ^^ ~Varjokani ps. I m drawing with laptop (= ^ _ ^ = ) My favorite music is: All from Phantom of the opera to Fall of Efrafa and Mitsuko Horie´s Voltes of five