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WHERE HAS ALL THE TYPOS GONE?! Static. whimpers as he removes his hand from the wound Clicker sits down next to Static, a goofy grin plastered on his face. He looks over the wound momentarily, before smiling widely "ten points to the old fart in blue!" Static.: |:< ---- Zion. shakes Static Static. warrblgarbl ---- Clicker: (ANOTHER PUZZLE SOLVED. Static. WE GOT 1 PICARATS. THAT FUCKING SUCKED ---- BIurr: (Despite that fact I just don't like him cause of G1 Season 3. BIurr: (He's a faggot. BIurr: (He ruined everybody's life. BIurr: (EVEN YOURS, PERCY. Perceptor was a one night stand to rodimus. Oh well, Drift is better. Perceptor: (//shot BIurr: SDKHGSADGH ----- Static. WISHES HE WAS NEVER BORN ;A; HE WISHES HE WAS A EMBRYO AGAIN WheatIey: WOULDN'T BE THE FIRST TIME Soundwave.: ................. Dysire.: Timing.