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Hi. I'm Ichigo Kurosaki, and I like tigers. All my precious memories got deleted, but I still have one golden moment saved. --- MattJeevas: I NEED BLOOD MattJeevas: D: MattJeevas: Nowait Abarai.Renji.: ... MattJeevas: I don't. Raae: ... MattJeevas: I need to fit in. MattJeevas: is what I need. MattJeevas: And I just... don't fit in here. Raae: doyousparkle? Abarai.Renji.: my leg is hurting badly... Raae: inthesun? MattJeevas: ohgawd Yoruichi-San: o.o beaturboxout: back MattJeevas: only all the time MattJeevas: =u= MattJeevas sparkles Ichigo.: what happened? Raae: fffffffffff Yoruichi-San: matt Yoruichi-San: fitting in is for losers Yoruichi-San: o3o MattJeevas: They call me Ichigo.: OI Ichigo.: SPARKLE CHAN Yoruichi-San: lmao MattJeevas: Mattward Jeeven Raae: FFFFFFFF Ichigo.: OH... Ichigo. makes big desu eyes Abarai.Renji.: .... Raae: D: Ichigo.: I... I CAN'T RESIST THE VAMP... MattJeevas is irresistable Raae: HO SNAP Raae resists MattJeevas: I can't stop stalking you... Yoruichi-San: o3o MattJeevas: it's almost as though.... Abarai.Renji.: ... Abarai.Renji.: wtf? Abarai.Renji.: o-o Ichigo.: I don't want you to though... MattJeevas: you're the entire reason for my existence Ichigo.: Mattward... Abarai.Renji.: did i miss something here? MattJeevas: if you die MattJeevas: I die too. MattJeevas sparkles Ichigo.: ... Oh Mattward... Yoruichi-San: omg i know what theyre doing Yoruichi-San dies laughing MattJeevas: Ichabella... Raae: LMAAAAAAAAO Puppy.Urahara: back. Ichigo.: Mattward... MattJeevas: Ichabella... Yoruichi-San: ichella would be better Yoruichi-San: o3o Ichigo.: /Mattward/ MattJeevas: -ICHABELLA- Raae is gonna put this in her profile Ichigo.: will you come watch me sleep again tonight? MattJeevas: ----- MattJeevas: yes. Puppy.Urahara growls at Twilight and hides behind yoru Abarai.Renji.: .... what the fuck? Yoruichi-San: o3o MattJeevas: and I'm going to take apart your car. Ichigo. gasps MattJeevas: SO YOU CAN'T GO MEET OTHER MENZ MattJeevas: ALRIGHT? Ichigo.: oh Mattward... Puppy.Urahara continues growling MattJeevas: I know Ichigo.: I understand... Ichigo.: you do this for my own good... Yoruichi-San: lmao MattJeevas: I'm so in love with you Ichigo. gasps again Puppy.Urahara looks at Yoru Ichigo.: MATTWARD Puppy.Urahara: ;_; MattJeevas: I just need to isolate you from the rest of the world and.... hide you in my basement MattJeevas: ICHABELLA Raae is dying from laughter Ichigo.: I've been waiting for those words to come ever since you growled at me in chemistry... MattJeevas: oh MattJeevas: when I wanted Yoruichi-San is also dying of laughter MattJeevas: to eat your blood and flesh MattJeevas: Because MattJeevas: I love you so much MattJeevas: SO MUCH. Ichigo.: oh Mattward.. MattJeevas: Stay away from Jacob... Raae sits back eating popcorn MattJeevas: he might be a good influence Raae: LMAO Ichigo.: you sparkle like a thousand glittering broken bottles in a barfight... Puppy.Urahara: This is an amazing summary of Twilight. MattJeevas does so Abarai.Renji.: ... Ichigo.: OH MATTWARD Yoruichi-San: lmao MattJeevas: OH ICHABELLA Ichigo.: BUT MattJeevas: BUT? Ichigo.: JACOB IS MY FRIEND! Abarai.Renji.: oh my god ichigo o-o MattJeevas: ... beaturboxout: FECK wrong lay MattJeevas: Ichabella, MattJeevas: darling, Ichigo.: yes, my love? MattJeevas: don't have friends. MattJeevas: alright? Ichigo.: my DEAD DEAD LOVE Ichigo.: ah, yes... Abarai.Renji.: Are you two on crack or something O_O; Ichigo.: YES MattJeevas: WELL Ichigo.: THE CRACK MattJeevas: SHE IS LIKE Ichigo.: OF TWILIGHT Raae dies MattJeevas: MY OWN PERSONAL BRAND Ichigo.: YOU KNOW LIKE DAWN? Ichigo.: GET IT. MattJeevas: OF HEROIN Yoruichi-San puts this on her profile so others can die of laughter as well Abarai.Renji.: LOL Ichigo.: HAHAHAHAH Abarai.Renji.: YOU ARE ON CRACK :V Ichigo.: GODDAMN TWATLIGHT Raae: SHIT MattJeevas: 8D MattJeevas: AH COME ON Ichigo. high fives Matt Raae accidentaly cleared her chatbox MattJeevas: That was beautiful Ichigo.: HAHAHA Ichigo.: SUCKS MattJeevas high fives Ichigo Abarai.Renji.: lol put this on the bord ichi Abarai.Renji.: lmao Raae cries beaturboxout switched to the lobby. Ichigo.: no way Ichigo.: GOOD Abarai.Renji.: lmao Ichigo.: THEY LEFT Ichigo.: OHMYGOD Ichigo.: THEIR HORRIFYING Ichigo.: SKINNY Ichigo.: HOLOCAUST Yoruichi-San: o.o Ichigo.: PEOPLE. Abarai.Renji.: O_O Abarai.Renji. switched to the lobby.