
User Since:

Silent-Mime: i don't recall rping condoms THUNDERCRACKER kisses Boe's ass Static.: Your processoing plant was a computer and your programming father smelt of tar! cchantdelete: Take Bobby. factry: I WILL TAKE BOOBY babu: DONT CONDOM Nanoaxel-: okay You entered ★ T R A N S F O R M E R S ★. Thundercracker: Oh Im Slip I'm Starscream's bitch side bLiTzWiNg: ...bwahaha- Thundercracker: I have tits Lugnut-: MEGATORN IS ALL POWERFUL Lugnut-: AND GREAT bLiTzWiNg: YOU CAN'T EVEN GET HIS NAME RIGHT- RenTinTin: colordo people make you fat RenTinTin: they eat snow RenTinTin: and are like the fat kid on southpark Crossfire-: (9/11 Crossfire-: (Oh not funny Crossfire-: (LOL Soundwave. whispers: COMFORT HER Soundwave. whispers: THEN SEX HER UP >;U Lugnut-: HOW DO SEEKERS WORK? Thundercracker: Wanna know? Lugnut-: My rper does Thundercracker: we work Thundercracker: like this Thundercracker thrusts! Thundercracker: UPMH Lugnut-: what bLiTzWiNg: do I respond. Mr.Nygma: you clearly don't know how to have fun with your penis then RenTinTin: i have plenty fun with my dick thank you very much