
User Since:

Kagaminez entered this board. Lee.Lee: Ç _ Ç Shadow..: BETCH U DID NOT JUST SAID THAT! RAWWWWRR rapes shadow superchan921: XD :D Waker..: Yay~ Kagaminez switched to the lobby. Lee.Lee: LOL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MelodyWhitewolf: OMFG BOOBS MelodyWhitewolf: oAo Lee.Lee: WHAT Lee.Lee: WHERE?!? AngelHedge: WHERE MelodyWhitewolf: Awwww AngelHedge: JINX Lee.Lee: >A> AngelHedge: GIVE ME A COKE :D Xd AngelHedge: kidding :B Lee.Lee: I never planed to give you a Coke anyways.... MelodyWhitewolf: We owe you nathink >8U -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lee.Lee: Shiaaaa shia342shia: i cant not see you XD Zexor gives odo a free cake Lee.Lee: Draw more Lee.Lee: o U o shia342shia: ahhh i dont know what to draw Lee.Lee: SEX Lee.Lee: wut? shia342shia: mm.... Lee.Lee: >U> shia342shia: really shia342shia: ? Blare: u cant draw that here Lee.Lee: Yeah you can Lee.Lee: kinda Lee.Lee: >U> Blare: no u cant Ireadthe rules shia342shia: mm... ok Lee.Lee: Dude. shia342shia: :l Lee.Lee: Pple draw porn all the time on here. And up-load it. Odottar: ikr Blare: thats not right Odottar: nothing happens till some ass opens thier trap. Lee.Lee nods Blare: and does the rite thing Odottar: NO Odottar: ONES Odottar: cARES MelodyWhitewolf: lol Blare: WELL Blare: I Blare: DO! Blare: X( shia342shia: yes or not a droww? Lee.Lee: Ugh, WHY MUST THERE BE PEOLE WHO READ THE RULES?!? Lee.Lee: WHY?!? Odottar: THEN GTFO IF YOU DONT LIKE IT. Odottar: ikr Odottar: srsly. Odottar: = A = Lee.Lee: And the people who are 10 year olds, all like," EWWW WTF?! IMMA REPORT U!" MelodyWhitewolf: Yuri and Yaoi are fun to draw 8U Odottar: = u = Lee.Lee: Yus Blare: I read the RULES because I dont want them to report me Odottar: 8U yes. Odottar: dude Odottar: no one cares Odottar: you could like Odottar: draw 934264909234 dicks in here Odottar: and we wouldnt give two shits. Blare: I wouldnt care if the site let me MelodyWhitewolf: LAWL Odottar: LOL Blare: WAT WRONG WITHU Blare switched to the lobby. Odottar: ... Odottar: LOLOLOLOL Lee.Lee: LOL Odottar: OLOLOLLLOLOLOLOLLOOL MelodyWhitewolf: LOL Odottar: HAHAJAHAHAHAHIASDGSUFSGFHDS!! MelodyWhitewolf: lo MelodyWhitewolf: lo MelodyWhitewolf: l MelodyWhitewolf: ol MelodyWhitewolf: ol MelodyWhitewolf: o MelodyWhitewolf: lo MelodyWhitewolf: l MelodyWhitewolf: ol MelodyWhitewolf: o MelodyWhitewolf: lo MelodyWhitewolf: l MelodyWhitewolf: o MelodyWhitewolf: olo MelodyWhitewolf: l MelodyWhitewolf: ol MelodyWhitewolf: o MelodyWhitewolf: olo MelodyWhitewolf: l MelodyWhitewolf: olo MelodyWhitewolf: l Odottar: LOL WHAT AN IDIOT. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lee.Lee feels so lurved~ Lee.Lee <3 xxShea rapes Leah. :3 Lee.Lee feels very lurved now. ;P Melody-W-W: LETS ALL HAVE GAY SEX Lee.Lee: EVERYTHING IS GREENN Lee.Lee: -silence- Lee.Lee: -or lag- Melody-W-W: SJRARJARJ Melody-W-W: JR Melody-W-W: J Melody-W-W: JRAJT Melody-W-W: J Melody-W-W: J Melody-W-W: RTJ zel. signed out. Lee.Lee: <:U Lee.Lee: YOU SCARED ZEL Melody-W-W: I KILLED ZEL Lee.Lee: xDD Program- entered this board. Melody-W-W: IM A BASTERED Melody-W-W: WHEEEEEEEEEE Program-: lolmel Melody-W-W: LOL IHATEMYCOMPUTER entered this board. Melody-W-W: TIMING -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Falli: UH. Falli: UGHGHGHGHG. Falli: TOO MUCH LAUGHING. ChibiDan read that as Unf unf unf unf unf Lee.Lee: Oh, I thought you were making sex noises--- Falli: Get your m- ChibiDan: LOL Lee.Lee noms on her cake. Falli: pffff- Falli: hnhnhnhn- Falli collapses. ChibiDan: r u done? :V Lee.Lee . A . Falli: No. :> ChibiDan: other peeps want to draw too ya know oAo lilzel signed out. Nyko-: back ChibiDan: wb Nyko-: thx Lee.Lee thinks today feels like Friday... e A e Nyko- Maybe Because You're Rebecca black. xShea: rofl Lee.Lee LOLNO Nyko- Are You Suuuuree? Lee.Lee is very sure. Nyko- Show Me. Nyko- that You're Not Rebecca black. Lee.Lee was all like: BABY BABY BABY NOOO xShea: I had that song stuck in my head this morning. :I Nyko- e.e ChibiMel signed out. Nyko- then You're Justin Beaver. Lee.Lee killed Mel with her awesome singing. |B AngelGabby: "Dallas why are you so ugly?" "I don't know, ask your mom." "Mom, why is Dallas so ugly?" "Oh you need to stop that." Lee.Lee does a hair flip. |C Nyko- pfsd Lee.Lee ;B Nyko- dances ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dan-It bites jeb head with loove Jeb-: Im not sure if thats a compliment or... Jeb-: AND I STILL DONT KNOW WHAT GENDER YOU ARE Ceci.-: He's a male Ceci.-: so you should be afraid Jeb-: I dont believe it Ceci.-: x'D He IS a male, honestly Jeb-: I WANT TO HEAR IT FROM DAN Dan-It: im a girl Dan-It: she lies. Jeb-: HA Ceci.-: LOLDAN ChibiMel-: LOL tinyzel: yes Ceci.-: YOU'RE SUCH A FUCKING LIAR LOLOL tinyzel: a girl tinyzel: with a manly voice Shea.: wut? tinyzel: <3> Scyko: and Scyko: i Scyko: fucking Scyko: died Scyko: again Shea.: Dan is a girl. pfth. Shea.: I'm skyping with her now. Scyko: yeah Scyko: dan is a chick Shea.: her, Scyko and Leelee arer skying together Dan-It: u w u Dan-It: with a nice ass. Jeb-: WRECKED Dan-It sits on max face Ceci.-: ...youguysarehorrible x'DD Shea.: ..showe me it. Scyko: what are you talking about ceci? Dan-It: ew no perv Scyko: I've seen dan before on skype Ceci.-: eue yeah, so have I Scyko: her name is dannielle Ceci.-: ...ohmygodxDD tinyzel puts make up on dan Dan-It flips hair around Dan-It: no u haveb't Dan-It: but i like to be called dan Jeb-: What did I tell you Dan-It bites zel hands off Dan-It eats them Lee.Lee: derp tinyzel kicks dan Scyko: i thought dannielle was a much better name Dan-It bites zel leg off Dan-It: :B Dan-It walks off Dan-It hugs jeb with loove Dan-It: <3 ChibiMel-: lol Shea.: . Ceci.-: ohgod Lee.Lee: bwahh Lee.Lee: :D Shea.: flirting fuck. Dan-It: ;n; ChibiMel-: XD Lee.Lee: lol Jeb- hugs back Dan-It: why r u so mean jack. Ceci.-: OHGODLOL Lee.Lee: XDDDD Ceci.-: x"DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Ceci.- dies Jeb-: jeez calm down tinyzel: xD Dan-It: they all dont like me thats why :( Ceci.-: No Dan Ceci.-: no one likes you Scyko: yeah she can be a bitch sometimes Dan-It: ceci abuses me Dan-It: scyko talks crap about me Dan-It: shea just.. Scyko: hey hey! Jeb-: D: Scyko: not all the time Scyko: jesus Lee.Lee: trolololol Scyko: only when you are angry as fuck Dan-It: a horse ass. Dan-It: <________< Dan-It: NOT ALLLL THE TIME Scyko: on your period Scyko: which is almost 90% of the time Dan-It: weelll thats tru-- ChibiMel-: lol Dan-It: ok ok ok not all true there Dan-It: <n< tinyzel: lol Shea.: wut? Ceci.-: XDD Dan-It hugs jeb again Dan-It: so jeb Jeb-: derp probly gonna go soon Dan-It: c: Jeb-: so Dan-It: jeb Ceci.-: NOOOOOOOOOO Dan-It: i want to ask u something Jeb-: LOL Jeb-: XD what is it Dan-It: will u go out with me? c: Ceci.-: ... Ceci.- DIES LAUGHING ChibiMel-: LMAO tinyzel: xP Jeb-: I think we should just be friends... Ceci.-: ..... Scyko: oh Scyko: my Ceci.- dies laughing even MOAR Scyko: god... ChibiMel-: XD tinyzel dies Dan-It: good cas im a fucking boy :B Ceci.-: FINALLY tinyzel: :B Jeb-: YOURE SHITTING ME Lee.Lee: XD Lee.Lee: XDDDD ChibiMel-: LOL Shea.: You knew it. Dan-It: NOOOPE Ceci.-: you all made me look like the mother fucking liar xDDD Scyko: fuck i am dying Jeb-: YOU GUYS ARE A BUNCH OF FUCKS ChibiMel-: XD Jeb-: oh my god XD Lee.Lee: LOL Ceci.- dies laughing Scyko: the best chat Scyko: ever ChibiMel-: omfg XD Ceci.-: I TOLD YOU GOD DAMMIT tinyzel dies laughing as well Loading... ChibiMel-: SHEA Jeb-: you do know that when i said we should just be friends it was a joke right? XD Shea.: HEY ChibiMel-: NO tinyzel slaps shea Shea.: .. tinyzel: bad Shea.: Ow.. tinyzel: shea bad Shea.: Zel.. ;-; ChibiMel-: lolllollo rainin: ono i dont even Shea.: Why would you slap me? T_T Ceci.-: eue i will never let that go tinyzel: bad shea Shea.: Now my feelings are hurt.. ;A; tinyzel: BC ~~ Leah..: i was in dan's board and they are doing this draw off thingy, i didnt want to join so i left. Leah..: i invited all of mah friends to this one Kei.: oooh. Leah..: yup Leah..: a couple have dropped in Kei.: I more or less jumped in Kei.: head first Kei.: hnnng Leah..: thatswhatshesaid Leah..: imean Kei.: NOT Kei.: THAT Kei.: HEAD Kei.: YOU Kei.: amagash. Leah..: HHHNNNNGGGGG Leah..: lmao Kei.: OTL Leah..: xD Kei.: I'm saving that one lol Leah..: lolol Leah..: do et -- mewluna98: holy mewluna98: shit mewluna98: calm mewluna98: your mewluna98: tits Lee.Lee: ( . Y . ) Lee.Lee: LOL Lee.Lee: fgjksdfx Lee.Lee: su Lee.Lee: rt Shine-: ....WOW mewluna98: LEELEEPLS Shine-: WOOOOOW Lee.Lee: LOOOL Lee.Lee: omfg Lee.Lee: imsodone ~~ xarler: HEY im blonde Ceci.-: > A > Lee.Lee: LOL xarler: *throws self off a balcony* xarler: *almost said throw self off a bacon xarler: Wouldve validate what u said xarler: XD Lee.Lee: omfg --- Kei.: can u guys guess my favorite gem? Lee.Lee: EFKJDF Lee.Lee: DEEZ NUTS Lee.Lee: KEFJD Lee.Lee: DG4DFGR4T445 Kei.: B| Shine-: LEAH Shine-: U NEED TO CHILL