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[02:10 AM] Uxe: kisses your ankles apologetically [02:10 AM] Chompy.: ih ave appointment on monday but its early appt so sure [02:10 AM] Uxe: masturbates to said action apologetically [02:11 AM] Storyestry: Undyne do you need to get off. [02:11 AM] Uxe: not at all [02:11 AM] Napsta: anything not early in the morning will be good for me [02:11 AM] Napsta: wow story [02:11 AM] Napsta: asking that so publicly [02:12 AM] Napsta: scandalous [02:12 AM] Uxe: KJHSDSFKJHFLDSHFSD [02:12 AM] Storyestry: He started it!!! [02:12 AM] Uxe: Me: masturbates apologetically [02:12 AM] Uxe: story: are you horny? [02:12 AM] Uxe: bay: WOW STORY [02:14 AM] Uxe: you are very funny but i wouldnt call you a joke :thinking: [02:15 AM] Chompy.: my appearance is a joke [02:15 AM] Napsta: me fuckin too chomp [02:15 AM] Chompy.: sorry, wanted to join self degrading bandwagon [02:15 AM] Uxe: STOP DEGRADING YOURSELVES [02:16 AM] Uxe: I'll provide degradation [02:16 AM] Uxe: sexy degradation [02:16 AM] Storyestry: I think you're both wonderful. [02:16 AM] Uxe: story you're such a slut [02:16 AM] Uxe: oh [02:16 AM] Uxe: you werent degrading yourself [02:16 AM] Uxe: carry on [02:17 AM] Storyestry: WHAT THE HECK!!! [02:17 AM] Uxe: FHKSJDF [02:17 AM] MadRam: wrow [02:17 AM] Chompy.: my god [02:18 AM] Uxe: we all laugh and joke but oyu know.. [02:18 AM] Uxe: shes not denying it [02:20 AM] Napsta: ugh i fucking hate tehse lightning ear things [02:22 AM] MadRam: lightning wha? [02:22 AM] Storyestry: Denying is a trap, you prove your guilt if you do or not [02:23 AM] MadRam: ........???????????????????????????? [02:23 AM] Uxe: ilu story [02:24 AM] Storyestry: Like when you're a kid, if you deny something they're all 'HAHA LOOK HOW MUCH THEY'RE DENYING IT MUST BE TRUE!' and if you don't it's like 'AHA THEY DON'T DENY IT IT'S TRUE' [02:24 AM] Storyestry: aw/// [02:24 AM] Uxe: presses finger to your lips [02:24 AM] Uxe: shh [02:24 AM] Storyestry: cvfgbhnj// [02:24 AM] Uxe: leans in close to your ear and whispers [02:24 AM] MadRam: ............ [02:24 AM] MadRam: im lost [02:24 AM] Uxe: you're a slutty widdle babie [02:24 AM] Chompy.: [02:24 AM] Napsta: lightning ear enemies in okamiden [02:24 AM] Napsta: annoying little bastards [02:24 AM] Storyestry: omfg [02:24 AM] MadRam: STORY [02:25 AM] Storyestry: WHAT [02:25 AM] MadRam: YOU FUCING CONFUSED ME WHEN I WAS ASKIGN NAPS WHAT THEY MEANT [02:25 AM] Storyestry: I AM SORRY THERE IS MORE THAN ONE CONVERSATION [02:25 AM] Uxe: i love ram [02:25 AM] MadRam: I JUST REALIZED THAT [02:25 AM] Uxe: you just realized that i love you? it's been years [02:25 AM] Napsta: LMAO [02:25 AM] MadRam: BUT THE RESPONSE [02:25 AM] MadRam: WAS SO LATE [02:25 AM] Napsta: stop confusing them undyne [02:25 AM] Chompy.: i come back from drawing naked witch and I see a disaster [02:25 AM] Napsta: ill beat you up [02:26 AM] Uxe: HALF NAKED WITHC [02:26 AM] MadRam: i wanna see [02:26 AM] Chompy.: DID I FUCKING SAY HGALF [02:26 AM] Storyestry: They said full naked not half naked [02:26 AM] Uxe: no [02:26 AM] Uxe: my brain made that uo [02:26 AM] Napsta: they didnt even say full naked [02:26 AM] Napsta: this conversation is a huge trainwreck [02:26 AM] Uxe: the part of my brain that's like [02:26 AM] Storyestry: I know they didn't say full naked I was saying it to imply [02:26 AM] Uxe: "be a modest gentleman" [02:34 AM] MadRam: the deploying vagina missiles was made on april 11th 2016 a day after my birthday [02:34 AM] MadRam: amazing [02:34 AM] Uxe: they WERE your birthday gift from me [02:35 AM] Chompy.: reads this [02:35 AM] Chompy. t poses out of here [02:35 AM] Uxe: grabs [02:35 AM] Chompy. signed out. [02:35 AM] Uxe: MOtherfucker [02:35 AM] Uxe: STAMPS FEET [02:35 AM] Storyestry: dsfghjk [02:36 AM] Storyestry: they no clipped [07:46 PM] MadRam: IM HOOOOOME [07:46 PM] Chompster.: WELCOME HOME [07:46 PM] Storyestry: WELCOME HAME!!! [07:46 PM] MadRam: hame [07:46 PM] Audibly: welcome bome [07:46 PM] Chompster.: shut [07:46 PM] MadRam: bone [07:47 PM] MadRam: i love how it was story that made the typo and chomp told me to shut [07:47 PM] Storyestry: I madei t on purpose [07:47 PM] MadRam: madei [07:47 PM] Storyestry: that one wasn't on purpose [07:47 PM] Chompster.: OH [07:47 PM] Chompster.: I DID TYPE RIGHT [07:47 PM] MadRam: HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA [09:18 PM] MadRamm: HOMO ERECTIES [09:18 PM] MadRamm: DGHFBJSKL;' [09:18 PM] MadRamm: ON TV [09:18 PM] MadRamm: GRANDPA REPLYED [09:18 PM] Chompster.: IW AS LIKE [09:18 PM] MadRamm: ITS UPRIGHT [09:19 PM] MadRamm: IM DEA [09:19 PM] MadRamm: D [09:19 PM] Chompster.: HOW DARE YOU TO CALL GUNARI HOMO ERECTIES [09:19 PM] Uze: HOIFHSOIDFHSDOFJGISODJSDFDJG[DFJGPSDHG [09:19 PM] Uze: HOMO ERECTIES [09:19 PM] Uze: HOMO.. ERECTIES.. [09:19 PM] Uze: SDFLKJSHDFOISDF [09:19 PM] Uze: HOMO.. ERECTUS**** [09:20 PM] Uze: IM CRYING [03:28 AM] Uze: WHO [03:28 AM] Uze: WHO GAVE GRAY TINY FOOT [03:28 AM] Chompy.: THE LEGEND OF DRAGULAA [03:29 AM] MadRam: chomp [03:30 AM] Chompy.: I DID NOT [03:30 AM] Chompy.: DO NOT [03:30 AM] MadRam points to radis then [03:30 AM] Uze: yes you did [03:30 AM] Uze: KITY [03:30 AM] Uze: it was story all alng [03:30 AM] Uze: no [03:30 AM] Uze: bigger twist [03:30 AM] Storyestry: IT's /NEVER/ ME [03:30 AM] radis: :) [03:30 AM] Uze: it was me myself [03:30 AM] radis: yes [03:30 AM] Storyestry: That's plausible... [03:31 AM] MadRam: true [03:31 AM] radis: it was you [03:31 AM] radis: ckgvljhbmknj!l, [03:31 AM] Storyestry: AMFKDLAMDFKLAMDF [03:31 AM] radis: FU U [03:31 AM] Uze: fuck U [03:31 AM] Uze: FUCK U [03:31 AM] radis: NO FU U U! [03:31 AM] Uze: IM DYING [03:31 AM] MadRam: good [03:31 AM] radis: good [03:31 AM] Uze: good [03:32 AM] Storyestry: ASDRFGh [03:32 AM] Storyestry: WIND GUARDIAN LEVIOSA... [03:32 AM] Storyestry: Oh Gardian [03:32 AM] Uze: i cant believe reika is hermione [03:32 AM] Storyestry: That was really funny tho [03:32 AM] Storyestry: ADMFKLDMFa [03:33 AM] radis: lol [03:33 AM] MadRam: who's ron [03:33 AM] Uze: gunari [03:33 AM] Storyestry: CFVGBHNJKL [03:33 AM] Chompy.: HEY [03:33 AM] MadRam: well he is a whiny bitch [03:33 AM] MadRam: it fits [03:33 AM] Chompy.: I JUST CAME BACK WHAT [03:33 AM] Chompy.: WH [03:33 AM] Chompy.: FJSA;JASFSDF [03:33 AM] Uze: i cant believe [03:33 AM] Chompy.: FIRST OF ALLLL [03:33 AM] Uze: ram just murdered KT baker [03:34 AM] Chompy.: JFSD;FSJS;FAD;JAFD;FDSA;FDSSFD;A [03:34 AM] Uze: i cant mim laughing [03:34 AM] MadRam: my jaw, chest, stomach and head hurt from laughing [03:34 AM] MadRam: im gonna barf [03:35 AM] Chompy.: BARF, YOU CUCK [03:35 AM] Storyestry: omg no [03:35 AM] Storyestry: take a break [03:35 AM] Storyestry: NO [03:35 AM] Uze: their jaw, their chest, their pussy and their crack [03:35 AM] Uze: check it out [03:35 AM] MadRam: o[jkL>dgnz\]f [03:35 AM] Uze: im etearing up [03:35 AM] radis: they cant even write now [07:51 AM] MadRam: YOU ARE SUCH A TROLL [07:52 AM] Uze.: SDFSDFLSDLK [07:54 AM] Uze.: RASM [07:54 AM] Uze.: RAM [07:54 AM] Uze.: YOU TELLTALE [07:54 AM] MadRam: :) [07:54 AM] MadRam: you would have been found out regardless [07:55 AM] MadRam: yer art is so fine i can see it from the moon [07:55 AM] Uze.: SDJFSODFJ [07:55 AM] Uze.: LKSDJALDSA [07:55 AM] Uze.: i sent a finished pic to kity [07:55 AM] Uze.: and she went [07:55 AM] Uze.: "OMG THE THING.." [07:55 AM] Uze.: "THE.." [07:55 AM] Uze.: "AMERICA KNUCKLES" [07:55 AM] MadRam: AMERICA KNUCKLES [07:56 AM] Uze.: DSFSDFLSHDF [07:56 AM] Napsta.: AMERICA KNUCKLES [07:56 AM] Uze. signed out. [07:56 AM] MadRam: can we get a photo of knuckles going full out patriotic for america please [07:56 AM] Napsta.: america too stronk [07:56 AM] Uze. has entered the board. [11:36 AM] MadRam: charlie: DRAWS NSFW CUDDLES [11:36 AM] kity.. has entered the board. [11:36 AM] Uze.: LKJLSDFS [11:36 AM] kity..: u douches [11:36 AM] Uze.: DONT CALL ME OUT BEFORE IVE EVEN COMMITTED THE CRIME [11:36 AM] kity.. has left the board. [11:36 AM] Uze.: :36 PM] Uze. whispers to kity..: DONT CALL ME A SHOWER [11:36 AM] kity.. has entered the board. [11:36 AM] kity..: drcfiyhgubijuonk [11:36 AM] kity..: U SRIOUS [11:36 AM] Uze.: DORP KICKS [11:37 AM] kity.. falls odwn and make a earthquark