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Sothe: LOLWHAT Sothe: wheezes MeistenHosen wanks sothe hard MeistenHosen: << Ruse: i only do that when they ask me to- Sothe: this always happens Ruse: i mena Sothe: LOL MeistenHosen: rofl bodytemp1: wtf did i just read Sothe ejaculates Kankri.Vantas: butts rinse: what the heck is happening Sothe: what rinse: guys really ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meevoai: Lask will just stand and whisper while making a puppy face. Meevoai: "EXPAND DONG" Gae-: LKJDSFH hoshikosan: honky dong ;) Gae-: @ v @ "/whispers expand dong" Lask: WHHHHHHH Meevoai: ^^^^^^ Lask: OOOMMG ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MeistenHosen: must kullekt awl seben dergen bawlz ccc: 2 sumon muh chen lounge Molmol: yush!!!! gotta catch them all MeistenHosen: and becum an hero ccc: save the earth and ppl