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Mo-: ...Aren't you like his butt-buddy or something? Mo-: You're supposed to know these things. Belle: Lmfao. Belle: Screw the kids, tell him to get online. Hazard.: Ex butt-buddy. It didn't work out. Mo-: LOL. Hazard.: You had to remind me? Hazard. whispers: Japanese people fucking suck. >:/ Mo- whispers to Hazard.: omg! No, i didn't. Did they show that hottie jacobs abs? ;O Hazard. whispers: Omg, yes, I was drooling over them. OMG, I had to watch it like 60 more times. :D Hazard. whispers: Do you like down comforters? I like down comforters, like omg they're so awesome. Everyone should have one. Hazard.: Pff, fine fag. Mo-: Says the one who eat penis for breakfast ;) Hazard.: They're great for breakfast. >:/ Hazard.: Fucking assholes let me die. >:O Mo-: Jesus, Adam, angry? xD Mo- whispers to Froth: At my gmas bday party.. Froth whispers: oh xD that sounds like fun man Mo- whispers to Froth: Dude i know. Mo- whispers to Froth: party all day err day. Mo- whispers to Hazard.: You used to be my bitch.. D: Wtf happened. Hazard. whispers: I became a pimp. :P Spot.Finnigan: ok this is just creepy Mo-: lmao Spot.Finnigan: bye Spot.Finnigan switched to the lobby. Mo-: pussy ._. Mo- whispers to Hazard.: Call me daddy. MindRush whispers: pfft egh dik :P MindRush whispers: idk* o.o BEST TYPO EVER. ;D lolno. Hazard.: You're making it fat. >:O Mo-: It's you. Hazard.: Thanks. <3 Hazard.: Fag. -_-