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[06:00 PM] Llask: welcum 2 my hot cheeto premadeno - [04:45 PM] runningflame signed in. [04:51 PM] MonsterTeef whispers to runningflame: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA [04:52 PM] runningflame signed out. - [02:56 PM] MonsterTeef: dude a piece of granola bar shot up my nostril [02:56 PM] MonsterTeef: nothing uch happening tho [02:56 PM] coo..: omg [02:56 PM] coo..: are [02:56 PM] coo..: you okay [02:57 PM] Llask: i cant believe teef is fucking dead [02:57 PM] coo..: were you sniffing the granola bar [02:57 PM] Llask: snNNOOORF - [03:41 PM] MonsterTeef whispers to Llask: I WILL TWIST UR NIPPLES SO HARD THAT YOU'LL DISPENSE M&M'S [03:41 PM] Llask whispers: COME IN HERE AND TrY MY BINCH [03:41 PM] Loading yawns. [03:41 PM] Board Description: eats dirt [03:41 PM] Llask: DO IT MOPTHERFUCKER PULL THE TRIGGER [03:41 PM] MonsterTeef: I 'M H E R E - 02:16:53 <Peridong> SXAE 02:16:59 <xaxa> makes a naruto amv 02:17:00 <xaxa> PERo 02:17:15 <Zugzwang> -CLOSES CHAT- 02:17:19 <xaxa> i reVIVe u 02:17:26 * Peridong CLEARS CHAT - [05:38 PM] MonsterTeef: llask that's gay [05:38 PM] Llask: i [05:39 PM] Llask: understandable have a nice day [05:39 PM] trashpan: FKJHDS - [07:51 PM] MonsterTeef: at one point we had asbestos in a part of our building [07:51 PM] trashchan: mmm inhale that shit [07:51 PM] bowl: its good for the soul [07:51 PM] bowl: breathe it right up [07:52 PM] bowl: oh fuck flash [07:52 PM] bowl: brb [07:52 PM] bowl signed out. [07:53 PM] MonsterTeef: the asbestos got to him [07:53 PM] bowls has entered the board. [07:53 PM] MonsterTeef: and took his life [07:53 PM] MonsterTeef: oh shit its a miracle - [07:53 PM] trashchan: asbestos cured him - [11:50 PM] trashchan: oh mannn! I popped a bonger >:(( - 19:22:48 <gakupo> goku is my favorite vocaloid - 22:11:43 <trashchann> bust a nut in my cowboy butt,,, 22:11:59 <trashchann> my life motto now - 01:48:47 <Peridong> i send u all my memes 01:51:37 <trashkin> yes this is mutual meme trade now 01:52:12 <Roy> is this what true friendship looks like now 01:52:26 <Roy> it's beautiful