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新年あけましておめでとうございます!( Translation: Happy New Year!) 95% of people would go nuts if Nick Jonas jumped off a building. 4% would yell JUMP. If you are the 1% that would push him, copy this and paste it and put it in your profile! 95% of kids today would have a mental breakdown if "Miley Cyrus" was about to jump out of moving helicopter. Copy and paste this if you're one of the 5% yelling "jump idiot". Copy and Paste this to your channel if your think Barney is a threat to humanity Copy and Paste this to your channel if you think Dora should be locked up 92% of teen population would be dead if the Jonas Brothers decided breathing wasn't cool. Put this on your channel if you would be one of the 8% laughing in the background, and LISTENING TO REAL MUSIC!!! *started by MosaicSplash*