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Epic Convo's: _______________________________ TakeOffUrPantz: CAPS PARRATAAY? Juicieroot: PANTS TakeOffUrPantz: HUH Juicieroot: YEEEEEEEEEEYUH catcat9 switched to the lobby. xSinox: PARATTAYYYY TakeOffUrPantz: mmhmm Nomberss: hell yeah Juicieroot: I'VE GOT THE BOOZA Juicieroot: *BOOZE Nomberss: WOOT Nomberss: wait your underage D:< TakeOffUrPantz: HELL YES Juicieroot: LULZ I'LL BRINGE THE BOOZA TOO _____________________________________ Sami645 entered this board. Nomberss: YOU ARE F**KED UP MAN xSinox: cuzif you aren't Juicieroot: fff Juicieroot: yeah Nomberss: lol not you sami, i like you Juicieroot: XDDDD Juicieroot: looool Nomberss whispers to Juicieroot: i dont even know sami Juicieroot whispers: XDDDDDDDDDDD __________________________________________ Wobniar whispers: Nomberss whispers to Juicieroot: Wobniar whispers: <--- you click the link first Nomberss whispers to Juicieroot: im not Juicieroot whispers: NO U TakeOffUrPantz: his Ex GF and my BFFFL Nomberss whispers to Juicieroot: YOU Juicieroot whispers: it has the word spiters in the link >:| Nomberss: Wobniar whispers: SOMEONE ELSE CLICK THE LINK FIRST Juicieroot: DO IT Nomberss: please Nomberss: im not gunna Juicieroot: OR M,E Juicieroot: *or me Juicieroot: brb Nomberss: pants click it TakeOffUrPantz: no Nomberss: im not gunna Juicieroot: ... OK I WILL Nomberss: yay Juicieroot: .... i'm scared Juicieroot: D:> Nomberss: CLICK IT Nomberss: Wobniar whispers: Juicieroot: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Juicieroot: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Nomberss: FINE I WILL Juicieroot: IT'S THAT PICTURE Nomberss: what picture?? -didnt click yet- TakeOffUrPantz: o3o Juicieroot: of the spider Nomberss: oh its just a gian spider. w.e. Nomberss: *giant TakeOffUrPantz: ohhhhhhh _________________________ Nomberss: lml my friend fell asleep xD wimp. Nomberss: cant stay up late for crap Juicieroot: DRAW ON THEIR FACE Juicieroot: WITH A SHARPIE Nomberss: i was texting him o-o Juicieroot: .....oh ________________________________ Nomberss kicks you in da nutz Nomberss: wait Nomberss: nvm Nomberss: your a chick x Nomberss: *xD JuicierootYES.: AAAAUGHHHH THE PAAAIAINNNN JuicierootYES.: AAAUGGHGHGHHHHH JuicierootYES.: MY BALLSSSSS JuicierootYES.: AHSGDKFJHDG Nomberss: what balls? Nomberss: WHAT ARE YOU HIDING FROM US?!?1 JuicierootYES.: .... wat JuicierootYES.: I JuicierootYES.: I UON'T JuicierootYES.: ... NKOW] JuicierootYES.: *KNOW JuicierootYES.: DASMMIT Nomberss: YOU Nomberss: FAIL Nomberss: AT JuicierootYES.: DAMMI JuicierootYES.: T Nomberss: SPELLING JuicierootYES.: AKBHVLKVF JuicierootYES.: I CAN'T SEE THE KEYBOATD Nomberss: lol JuicierootYES.: THE KEYBOARY _________________________________ Nomberss: lol im all like you still up? to my friend and hes like yep and im like jesus man you gotta sleep and hes like yuppers and im like god yer immpossible and hes like im possible. wait.... im not sure. Juicieroot: XDDD Nomberss: lol i luv talking to him JuicierootYES.: ohoho Nomberss: ?? JuicierootYES.: *wiggles eyebrows* JuicierootYES.: OHOHO Nomberss: nyeeh... wut? Juicieroot: *wink wink nudge nudge* Juicieroot: OH HO HO Juicieroot: HOHOHOHO Juicieroot: -.^ Nomberss: oh shuddap Nomberss: he has a gf Juicieroot: lol finally you get it XD Juicieroot: ...oh Nomberss: no i got it from the beginnig i was making you seem stupid :3 ______________________________________ thunder12: what the heck is that blue thing? Juicieroot: XD Juicieroot: it's your mother Nomberss: buuurn Juicieroot.: XD thunder12 signed out. __________________________________ Juicieroot: NINJA YOU STAY Nomberss: luv you <3 NinjaDingDong: Fine, I'll stay, but i wont reply and that stuff Nomberss: wait NinjaDingDong: Naruto ish only 20 mins long NinjaDingDong: ;D Nomberss puts sheet over juicie Nomberss: RUN NOW! NinjaDingDong switched to the lobby. Nomberss pulls sheet off __________________________ Nomberss sits on floor next to ed Juicieroot. drinks ed's orange juice Nomberss read that wrong Juicieroot.: LOOL Juicieroot.: OLOLOL Nomberss: what?J uicieroot.: XD what did you read it as? Nomberss: first what do you think i read it as Juicieroot.: ... you thought of it first Juicieroot.: you tell Juicieroot.: :D Nomberss: -not it- Nomberss: you fist Nomberss: *first Juicieroot.: NOSE GAME Juicieroot.: *touches nose* Nomberss: damn Juicieroot.: aww yeah Nomberss refuses to untiul after you do Juicieroot.: ... i forgot mine Nomberss: no you didnt Juicieroot.: damn Juicieroot.: KJSFDGDF Nomberss: tell meh Juicieroot.: I DUNNO Juicieroot.: lulz caps Nomberss: you really dont Nomberss: was it bad? Juicieroot.: kinda Nomberss: o.o tell Juicieroot.: i srsly forgot Juicieroot.: |D Nomberss: than how do you know it was kinda bad? Juicieroot.: because Nomberss: because...? Juicieroot.: i'm a wizard Juicieroot.: bacause i remember it was bad? Nomberss: dayum Nomberss: ewww doesnt sound good Juicieroot.: godammit just tell me XD Nomberss: i was just thinking you were drinking his blood o-o _______________________________________________ Nomberss.: oh and hes extremly good at eniis :D Nomberss.: *tennis Juicieroot.: LOL i saw that wrong Nomberss.: me too >.> __________________________ -for the record my bro said die jews he was kidding though we were being stupid at 12:28 am ^-^- Nomberss.: DIE JEWS! Nomberss.: my bro is kidding about that ^-^" Nomberss.: he typed that Juicieroot: " I said concetrated juice! not concetrate the Jews!" Juicieroot: oh Juicieroot: XD Nomberss.: he luuuuvvvsssss jews >-^ Juicieroot: ^hitler quote Juicieroot: XD ________________________________________ Juicieroot: HAHAHAHAHAHHAH Juicieroot: AHAHHHEHA Juicieroot: hahahahshh Juicieroot: asduhl;bvjj nomberss: whoa Juicieroot: ok nomberss: calm yourself Juicieroot: i'm done nomberss: good __________________________ nomberss: if pro is the opposite of con than is congress the opposite of progress? soom entered this board. Juicieroot: woah man Juicieroot: i don't even know that congress is Juicieroot: XD xSinox signed out. nomberss: american joke -__- Juicieroot: oooh Juicieroot: oh yeah Juicieroot: XD nomberss: congress is our government Juicieroot: OOOH Juicieroot: LOOLOL ________________________________ Nomberss-: i have sprie Nomberss-: *sprte Nomberss-: *sritep Nomberss-: OK HOWD THAT ONE HAPPEN?!? Nomberss-: *s Nomberss-: p Nomberss-: r Nomberss-: i Nomberss-: t Nomberss-: e Nomberss-: * Nomberss-: there _________________________ Sino-: im like 5'3 Nomberss: im not even 5 feet tall xD Sino-: :O Nomberss: o3o Sino-: all my friends are short Sino-: <33 Sino-: or taller than me Nomberss: good things come in small pakages Sino-: LOL Sino-: i wish i was short Nomberss: and cant sepell Nomberss: o-o ___________________________________ (the epic part: I called juicie a fact xD) JUICIEROOT signed out. Sino-: apparantly not Nomberss: derp Nomberss: her laptop fails Nomberss: she'll be fact Sino-: NOM Nomberss: yeah? Sino-: FUN FACT: Sino-: I REALLY HAVE TO SHIT RIGHT NOW Nomberss pushes you into el banjo Nomberss: or however you spell it Sino-: LOL Sino-: ily so much Sino-: <33 JUICIEROOT entered this board. _____________________________ Nomberss: OMG L HAS BASSHUNTER!! xSinox: FORT WALLA WALLA TO GET PANTS OR THE DALLES WHERE WE END OUR JOURNEY xSinox: LOL Nomberss: PANTS __________________________________ xSinox: okay so earlier today I was playing Minecraft and my bro was watching and I was telling hi about it xSinox: *him xSinox: so i was talkin and shit xSinox: and i had just recently switched it onto easy instead of peaceful which means monsters will spawn xSinox: and it turned night time which is when monsters start fucking going on a murder rampage xSinox: and i heard a spider xSinox: and i was about to go out on my porch and look around at all the lil monsters below my epic cliff xSinox: so i heard the spider loudly and clearly and im like "man i hope its not ON my house" xSinox: so i walked onto my porch xSinox: suddenly xSinox: I LOOK UP AT MY ROOF xSinox: AND A FUCKING SPIDER JUMPS ON MY FACE xSinox: AND I SCREAMED AND EVERYONE STARED AT ME xSinox: AND THE SPIDER KNOCKED ME OFF MY CLIFF WHILE ATTACKING ME AND I TOOK A LOT OF DAMAGE AND THEN BELOW MY CLIFF A HOARD OF FUCKIN ZOMBIES AND SHIT ATTACKED ME AND THE KILLED THE DAMN SPIDER DEAD xSinox: THEY xSinox: created a plan. xSinox: and it worked xSinox: :| xSinox: thats my story xSinox: it scared the shit out of me xSinox: so honey, how was your day? __________________________________ Nomberss: muy dificil... Essidi: idk how but Essidi: I saw "my duck" at first glance Nomberss: lol