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OOO the Fggt Clockdog that laughs at his own TRALALA says: MY BREEEEEEEEEEEEEATH Pochi says: WHAT'S WRONG WITH EEEET? It's manly D: OOO the Fggt Clockdog that laughs at his own TRALALA says: I AM NOT MANLY Pochi says: WELL THAT'S RIGHT, I LIED OOO the Fggt Clockdog that laughs at his own TRALALA says: i: O:* Pochi says: SIS IS VERY PRETTEH AND HIS BREATH IS MINTY FRESSSSSH PF. WHUT? OOO the Fggt Clockdog that laughs at his own TRALALA says: LOWAT O O Pochi says: YEAH, YOU BETER LUL. ..BETTER* OOO the Fggt Clockdog that laughs at his own TRALALA says: MY BREATH PUNCHES YOU. BECAUSE IM DRINKING HAWAIIAN PUNCH. ___________________________________________ Pochi says: GIVE ME A BANDAID WITH OVARIES OOO the Fggt Clockdog that laughs at his own TRALALA says: .... Pochi says: MAYBE I COULD HAVE SEX WITH IT. POSSIBRY. OOO the Fggt Clockdog that laughs at his own TRALALA says: *GIVES YOU A BANDAID AND THROWS YOU TWO EGGS?* ___________________________________________________ ♂♂♂: :3 ♂♂♂: seewhutidid here? OOOreo: xD smbcha: Question is smbcha: Is the room full of boys? smbcha: xD ♂♂♂: YEP smbcha: >:D ♂♂♂: THREE BOYS AND THREE MALE SIGNS OOOreo: xD OOOreo: FFFFFFFFF ♂♂♂: thats gold right thur. what timing. ♂♂♂: PROFILING ON IS __________________________ NotFound404: IM BACK ITI Cyclone.: TYRRET ATTACK NOT SUCCESSFUK. Cyclone.: *UL. SpaceCore.: this SpaceCore.: LEMON GLaDOS-: is that a lemon NotFound404: ...also my OOO name is lingering Chell...: OHMIGAD A LEMON NotFound404: ITS SRILL ALIVE NotFound404: STILL* OOO signed out. Chell...: Lemons make GLaDOS orgasmic NotFound404: ..oh.