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I realize that there are a lot of cows in my gallery. ._. Khan Dawg says: HOLY SHIZNAP! GIANT ARACHNIDS! Khan Dawg says: ZOMBIES PUT SADDLES ON THEM! Khan Dawg says: THEY'RE RIDING THE SPIDERS!! ×°Kitty Kitty Bang Bang°× says: OH GOD OH GOD WHERES MY BOOM STICK?! ×°Kitty Kitty Bang Bang°× says: ITS UNDER THE COUCH, BUT ITS TOO FAR UNDER AND I CAN'T REACH IT ;A; Khan Dawg says: HOLD ON I'LL JUST THROW GABU AT THEM! Khan Dawg says: Gabubu: :'D...wait whut? Khan Dawg says: *grabs Gabu* REACH FOR THE STARS AND ELIMINATE THINE ZOMBIES OF INJUSTICE! *throws him* ×°Kitty Kitty Bang Bang°× says: I BELIEVE IN YOU GABU BABY!! ×°Kitty Kitty Bang Bang°× says: Pazuzu: ._. what the hell... Khan Dawg says: Gabubu: I HATE YOOUUUUUuuuuuu *Wild Gabubu used self destruct* Khan Dawg says: WERE SAVED!! Khan Dawg says: LETS TAKE A MOMENT TO HONOR OUR HERO ×°Kitty Kitty Bang Bang°× says: PEPPERMINT TIEM! Khan Dawg says: YAY\ ALL HAIL HITSUHITSU.