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A rice cake is a delicious treat! I like to buy it in China Town. It is soft and chewy and sweet. // Shelilla entered this board. Shelilla: reason, why do i always say ur username as 'raisin' in my head. Reason: Because Reason: Í'm delicious in scones Shelilla: exactly Shelilla switched to the lobby. MAGICALWITCHY: SOMEONe needs to smack MAGICALWITCHY: that ciggerette outta their mouth MAGICALWITCHY: whatcha choco-: LOLOL MAGICALWITCHY: -SMACK- LET'S BE FRIENDS choco-: OMG MAGICALWITCHY: II JUST SAVED YOUR LIFE MAGICALWITCHY: YOU'LL THANK ME WHEN YOU'RE FORTY MAGICALWITCHY: lkfasjdfklajsdlkf//fjakldsf nooo ANY CUTENESS YOU BELIEVE YOU SEE IS IN FACT A REFLECTION OF YOU choco-: omfg choco-: i'm speechless choco-: BUT I _BELIEVE_ MY REFLECTION IS U WHICH MAKES U CUTE AS WELL MAGICALWITCHY: faskdf OROBOROUS MAGICALWITCHY: OROB..US...ORO... MAGICALWITCHY: OROROROSNAKE MAGICALWITCHY: yes choco-: LOL PhiloCat whispers: YEAH. so BONDING TIME TODAY AT WORK I GUESS Reason: faksdfj HAHHAA 'remember that guys dick'' ; - ( Yeah Reason: ' Reason: 'JFLSDAJF FUCK Reason whispers to PhiloCat: FASF fjfalksj OF ALL THINGS xDarkfusion: when you try so hard but you don't succeed :^ ( Reasonss: when you get what you want but not what you need Dororo: when ur so tired but u cant sleep 09:31] Specks-: omfg [09:31] Specks-: INSAN NO [09:31] Specks-: INSANNO [09:32] Specks-: DON'T DO IT [09:32] Reasonss: i'M LAUGHING SO HARD [09:32] Specks-: STOP INSAN [09:32] Reasonss: H DOSN'T KNOW WHAT A FUCKING DINOSAUR IS OK [09:32] Reasonss: H THINKS IT'S DRAGON [09:32] Reasonss: S [09:32] Reasonss: AND H IS SO HAPPY [09:32] Reasonss: I'M FUCKING DAD [09:32] Reasonss: thhis IS TH ND OF INSAN [09:32] Specks-: RIP INSAN [09:32] Specks-: INB4 INSAN BECOMES T-REX CHOW [01:03] nyan-chan: why is the music from high school musical so good sometimes [01:03] Rivaille: LOL [01:04] Rivaille: oh yeh nyan i fixed my internets kinda [01:04] Rivaille: the guy boosted it abit [01:04] Tomorrow: because we;re all in this together, nyan [01:04] Rivaille: still cant download but i can watch my shows [01:04] Rivaille: so yay [01:04] Tomorrow: and after we get your head in the game [01:04] host entered this board. [01:04] Tomorrow: we can bop to the top [01:04] Tomorrow: 8v [01:04] nyan-chan: i dont dance no [01:05] Tomorrow: >:o [01:05] Rivaille: cats dont dance