
User Since:

Since iscribble is a bitch and deleted all my former profiled stuff, I'll just start with some newer things. The older stuff might be put back up later, since I have it on DA. In the meantime, here's some new funny shit: ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ Abigail-: ...... She's not really there.... she's not..... Riley-: Abby... Riley-: ((Some deep shit goin' on here.)) Max- burries head in shoulder Max-: She's not there... Max-: ((TAB PHAIL)) Riley-: ((.................)) Riley-: ((ROFLMAO)) Riley-: ((THAT WAS SO EPIC)) Abigail-: ((Shutthefuckup)) Riley-: ((OH MY GOD)) Abigail- burries head in shoulder Riley-: ((I'm profiling this shit.)) ~~~~~~~~ Andrea-: ............ Andrea- tackles Jess from behind Andrea-: >_> Andrea-: <_< Andrea- gropes Andrea-: I CLAIM THESE MOUNTAINS IN THE NAME OF VIETNAM! Andrea- runs away Jessica-: AKRLJGALK- Jessica-: WTFISWRONGWITHYOU- ~~~~~~~~ Hunter-: I have a question Hunter-: Has anyone else hd the craving for KFC chicken in the middle of the night? Hunter-: because right now i do and im wondering if thats werid Jessica-: I always have weird cravings in the middle of the night Jessica-: Right now, I could really go for some cup noodles |:T Jessica-: Thatshitissogoodman Hunter-: .... Hunter-: FUCK Hunter-: Someone ate the last bit of chicken... Hunter- sobs Jessica- patpats Jessica-: There there...there's nothing to eat in my house either Jessica-: father is going shopping tomorrow Jessica- heroic stance Jessica-: THAT MEANS THERE WILL BE NOMS. Jessica-: C| ~~~~~~~ Lawyer.Sam: Your honor, it's obvious that Mr. Snyder killed Sniffu the turtle Defendant.Max-: You have no proof! Lawyer.Sam smirks Lawyer.Sam: Actually. We have solid evidence that you did it. Lawyer.Kristen-: Mr. Snyder, please, let me handle this. Lawyer.Kristen- clears throat Lawyer.Kristen-: SHUT THE FUCK UP Lawyer.Sam: ....... Lawyer.Sam: That's not how you talk in a courtroom >:T ~~~~~~~~ Sniper.Abigail-: I can just picture... Sniper.Abigail-: *knock knock* Sniper.Abigail-: Abby: Hm? *gets up sleepily to answer door* Sniper.Abigail-: Riley: ... Hi, uh... sorry... uh... I-I couldn't sleep... >///> Sniper.Abigail-: Abby: ...... *sighs* You woke me up... just to- eh. *steps aside* Right. come in. Riley.Scoot: Dawhawww Riley.Scoot: I'm debating on whether to actually have her do that or not |D Sniper.Abigail-: lmfao Sniper.Abigail-: well, she's your oc Riley.Scoot: Hmmm...could just timeskip...buuut it'd be cute.. Riley.Scoot: Hmmm...decisions decisions... Sniper.Abigail-: decisions Riley.Scoot: Hmmmmm e3e Riley.Scoot: Damnitidk Riley.Scoot headdesks Sniper.Abigail-: well, which would you rather? Sniper.Abigail-: and besides, whenever i can't make a decision Sniper.Abigail-: i always debate very carefully Sniper.Abigail-: and decide what to do. Sniper.Abigail- flips coin ~~~~~~~~ Jessica-: LOLWHUT Jessica-: MORE PORN LOL Raae: hsdkjfsa Raae: and why is alfred so tall Raae: and topping Raae: why Andrea-: kinky shit right der Andrea- SHOT Jessica-: LOLANDREA Raae: it's mad kawaii though-- Raae: LOL Andrea-: oh porn, how you corrupt youth... Jessica-: I love how they cover the naughty bits with- what are those called again? XD Andrea-: dicks? Raae: mochimerica Raae: thats mochimerica Raae: on america's dick Jessica-: Mochi- LMAO Raae: aka florida Raae is shot Jessica-: MOCHIMERICA ON A- WHAT Jessica-: WHAAAT Jessica-: Noooo Jessica-: I am not living on America's dick Andrea-: Jess Andrea-: you live Andrea-: on america's Andrea-: balls Jessica-: Noooo Jessica-: NOOOO Jessica- headwalls Jessica-: GOD Andrea-: sorry Raae: lmao im sorry jess Raae: XD Andrea-: If it helps, I'm one of his nipples. I think. Jessica-: OmgI'mintearsROFL Jessica- is cracking up Raae: idk what california is Andrea- lives nowhere Andrea-: California is his ass Raae: LOL Raae: YES Jessica-: LOL Raae: YEEES Raae: BWAHAHA Andrea-: Texas is really his dick Raae: thats funny Jessica-: WHY ARE WE THINKING OF WHICH STATES ARE AMERICA'S NAUGHTY BITS? Raae: Texas is Jessica-: Lmao Raae: his glasses Andrea-: Florida be his other junk Raae: in his trunk Jessica-: Lmao Raae: aka california Andrea-: yes Raae: LOL man im craking myself up Raae: XDD Andrea-: okay Jessica-: "NO. NOOO. I DO /NOT/ LIVE ON AMERICA'S DICK." Raae: WAIT Raae: why Raae: IS ALFRED SO HUGE Raae: Like Jessica-: Whut Raae: His shoulders Raae: are so broad Andrea-: It'd cuz he's seme Raae: and England's like Andrea-: and wants to look seme Raae: seland Raae: FFF Jessica-: When you said huge Andrea-: sealand is a wimp Jessica-: I thought of something different Jessica-: ............... Raae: i knw jess Jessica-: HURR Andrea-: same Raae: i know Raae: XD Andrea- highfives Jess- Wait no, Jessica-: But then I was like "MOCHI IS COVERING IT UP? HOW CAN YOU TELL?" Jessica- shot Andrea- goes to highfive Jess, but instead gropes. Jessica-: DASGKLJ Andrea-: :D Jessica-: DAMN IT NOT AGAIN! D//< Andrea-: <3 Jessica-: FFFF- Andrea-: Youknowyouloveit~ Jessica-: Hahaha-shutup >T Andrea-: <333 ~~~~~~~~ Nathvia: The news? Nathvia: FFF Jessica-: I can't watch the news without getting depressed Nathvia: My mom puts on the news before she leaves for work every morning Nathvia: "I don't wanna watch this :T" Raae: ikr Nathvia: "Too bad I already changed the channel." Raae: "A horrible shooting at a school--" "OH GOD WHYYYYY /sob" Nathvia: And all the forest fires or whatever Jessica-: "The economy is failing, the government is being even stupider, there were five murders in an old folks' neighborhood this morning, here's pet of the week, BACK TO YOU, STACY." ~~~~~~~~ On our magical quest for roleplay ideas: Andrea-: police officer and inmates Andrea-: OH MY GOD Jessica-: wha- Andrea: "With that wig, you remind me of Julia~" Jessica-: ROFL Andrea- dies a little on the inside\ Jessica-: OHGOD Jessica-: THAT JUST Jessica-: NO Jessica-: NO MAN Andrea-: XD Andrea- cracking up Jessica- too lol Jessica-: that is so wrong Jessica-: on sooo many levels Andrea-: exactly ~~~~~~~~ Andrea-: double yuri all the way across the sky Jessica-: ROFL Jessica-: Ohgod Andrea-: :P Jessica-: Almost choked on my coke Andrea-: yeah, yeah so intense Andrea-: what does it mean? Jessica-: DAMMIT STOP TYPING THIS SHIT RIGHT WHEN I TAKE A DRINK -later- Andrea-: DOUBLE YURI, OMG Andrea-: IT'S SO BRIGHT AND FULL OF LESBIANS Jessica-: Ihateyouthere'scokeallovermyshirtnow ~~~~~~~~ Chell- rolls around Chell-: Welp Chell-: Imma go now Chell-: Because Chell-: I'm dyin' heah Chell-: Soooo Chell-: I bid you both good night Chell- shoots a portal at the wall and salutes ~~~~~~~~ Max-: Sam, stop bringing feelings into this Max-: You'll scare the Max off. ~~~~~~~~ Kristen.: your call for sam's reaction Kristen.: though i vote for her not even saying anything and make out on teh couch Kristen. SHOTSHOTSHOT Sam-: FFF- Sam-: All that sexual tension has to go somewhere- Sam- bricked Kristen. brick'd for agreeing Sam-: PFFHAHA Kristen.: GFOIBNF I never said I did! Kristen. shut up. Sam-: The green text knows all Kristen. I am the ominious god of green lettering. Sam-: :O Sam-: Ohshat Kristen. none dare question my authority Kristen.: Well fuuuuck you. Sam- bows to the green text god Kristen. lightening striken Sam-: dfjkhgs Kristen.: FFFFFFFF- ow. ~~~~~~~~ Kristen-: The end. Kristen-: WAITWAITWAIT Kristen-: "Ooh Mister Kristen" a Fanfiction Kristen-: Kristen: Sam, I am home now. *smoulder* Kristen-: Kristen: And I am looking so sexy and also my jacket fell off? Kristen-: Sam: Ooh, Mister Kristen, ooh! *swoon* Kristen-: Sam: Let's do it! Kristen-: Kristen: Yes. Kristen-: Kristen: And I will leave Streak in the room. Kristen-: Sam: *Gaze* Kristen-: MEANWHILE IN A 20 MILE RADIUS OF THIS EVENT Kristen-: CIA Agents Raging Kristen-: Luke: *rips paper* THIS ISN'T FAIR! I HAVEN'T REACHED 2,000 HITS ON THE FANPAGE! Kristen-: Men turning gay Kristen-: Max: ... Whut? Kristen-: IT WAS AMAZING Kristen-: the end. Sam-: THE NOISES THAT ARE COMING FROM MY MOUTH RIGHT NOW- ~~~~~~~~ Andrea- slumps on couch, cringes, adjusts wincing and muttering ow a few times, then slumps back down Jessica-: ono Andrea-: i refuse to shrug Andrea-: im in pain Jessica-: I'msorryyy Andrea-: it's okay Andrea-: i'm just so blegh Andrea-: it hurts so bad Jessica-: What did you do to it? :c Andrea- holds onto dramatically and feebly Andrea-: I... don't know... Jessica- clings and pets Jessica-: ;n; Andrea-: Idon'tthinkIhavemuchlonger Jessica-: D: Andrea- coughs Andrea- and winces rubbing neck and cursing Jessica-: ;o; Jessica- holds Jessica-: DON'T DIEEE Andrea-: I-I... Andrea-: Just... please let me die in your arms Jessica-: ;n; Jessica- holds close Andrea- so damn dramatic aren't i? Jessica-: shshshshh no talking ;o; Jessica- yes you are Andrea- whimpers and closes eyes Andrea-: Can you tell me... about... Florida again... Jess? Andrea- coughs again wincing Jessica-: It's hot as balls here and we have mosquitoes the size of a small terrier Jessica-: I mean- IT'S A BEAUTIFUL PLACE AND I WISH YOU COULD HAVE SEEN IT Jessica- sawb Andrea-: Yeah... mosquitoes... I MEAN- seeing Florida! Andrea-: Jess... come closer... Jessica-: Yes? What is it? ;n; Andrea-: I love you. Jessica-: ;A; Andrea- dies Jessica-: DKFGJFKGJ Jessica-: NOOOO Jessica- clings to lifeless body and sobs Jessica-: DON'T LEAVE MEEEE Andrea- le dead Jessica-: I LOVE YOU TOOO >A< Jessica- creys ~~~~~~~~ Kristen-: ((Oh, fuck, Max's message didn't send.)) Sam-: ((Lolnope)) Max-: Sex. Max-: Sex. Max- signed out. Sam-: ((Max just said sex twice and signed out)) Sam-: ((WAT.))