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EPIC MOMENTS ON ISCRIBBLE ARE EPIC. Emmi-chan: (Maddy, I'm dragging you into this RP. You two are my maids of honour. :D) Bah-krha: Can I wear a cute frilly dress and then drag Ryou into the back room? *shot* Krissy-chan squeals jumps and claps "YAY!" Bah-krha: KIDDINGlulz Emmi-chan: (Sure. Go ahead.) Krissy-chan: (LOL) Bah-krha: LOL Emmi-chan: (as long as you come.) Krissy-chan: (After the wedding maybe, I can sign the witness papers) Bah-krha: i will cum, you can count on that Bah-krha: xD Krissy-chan: (LOL Emmi-chan: (ROFL) Krissy-chan: ) Bah-krha: *dorky smile* Bah-krha: XD Emmi-chan: *seperates after a minute or two* Kakashi, you put it on the wrong hand. *laughs* Bah-krha: LMAO Bah-krha: NOOOOOOOOOOOB Emmi-chan: (LMFAO) Bah-krha is shot SAIYAN WAR! Itachi-grl: Just saiyan RyouLurv: lmfao RyouLurv: know wot im saiyan Itachi-grl: NOPE~ :D Emiri: lmao RyouLurv: LISTEN TO WHAT I'M SAIYAN Emiri: ok, wanna try something else? Emiri: xD RyouLurv: lmfao Itachi-grl: I CANT WHEN I'M SAIYAN SOMETHING TOTALLY DIFFERENT RyouLurv: OKAY CALM DOWN AND START SAIYAN WHAT YOU WANNA BE SAIYAN Emiri has to go for dinnah? RyouLurv: aww okay D: RyouLurv: Ttyl! <3333 Emiri: Ttyl! Itachi-grl: THATS WHAT SHE'S SAIYAN Emiri signed out. RyouLurv: LOL RyouLurv: I HEARD WHAT SHE WAS SAIYAN Itachi-grl: BUT YOU IGNORED WHAT I WAS SAIYAN RyouLurv: THAT'S CUZ I WAS SAIYAN WHAT I WANTED TO BE SAIYAN Itachi-grl: BUT I WAS SAIYAN SOMETHING JUST AS IMPORTANT RyouLurv: I DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT WHAT UR SAIYAN Itachi-grl: MAYBE YOU SHOULD, I WAS SAIYAN SOMETHING IMPORTANT RyouLurv: I GOT IT THE FIRST TIME YOU WERE SAIYAN IT Itachi-grl: I ONLY WAS SAIYAN IT ONCE, AND YOU WERENT LISTENING BECAUSE YOU WERE SAIYAN ANSWERS TO WHAT EMILY WAS SAIYAN! Itachi-grl: (Triple threat ;]) RyouLurv: (hot dayum) RyouLurv: GET OVER WHAT I'M SAIYAN MMK Itachi-grl: I CANT, SAIYAN WHAT YOU WERE SAIYAN DIDNT MAKE SENSE WITH WHAT I WAS SAIYAN, ONLY TO WHAT EMILY WAS SAIYAN!!! Itachi-grl: (BEAT THAT) RyouLurv: WTF ARE U SAIYAN Itachi-grl: I WISH I NEW WHAT I WAS SAIYAN, WHAT YOU WERE SAIYAN AND WHAT EMILY WAS SAIYAN, BUT LATELY I CANT UNDERSTAND WHAT ANYONE IS SAIYAN WHEN THEY'RE SAIYAN IT! Itachi-grl: (Can we be done?) Itachi-grl: (This is starting to require brain power XD) RyouLurv: OKAY I'M DONE SAIYAN