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I'm Roku-kun and/or RRoku. I enjoy using words. I try to be positive. And I'd like to get to know you. RRoku: Maybe I should leave RoxasROFL: Nuuuu Roku... D: RoxasROFL: Group hug? :3 RRoku: No one would miss me... (yesiwentthere) RoxasROFL: That's not true... I would. xD RRoku: xD Xembra: Group hug!!!!! I approve! *big thumbs up!* Riku-: ROKU NO!!!!!!!! Riku-: I WOULD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Russia.: I dont know you that well but i would :D RoxasROFL: LOL. :D RRoku feels loved.<3 RRoku: I LOVE GROUP HUGS Riku- glomps Roku and pins him down so he cant leave Riku-: NO! Riku-: dont go Riku-: BAD! Xembra hugs RRoku RRoku huggles all<3 RRoku: Thanks guys xD RoxasROFL: .... :3 Roku-kun: Well my first kiss went a little like this... Falcon: and twist? Roku-kun: in the back of the car Falcon: on the way to the bar Roku-kun: i got you on my lips Falcon: i got you on my lips Roku-kun: at the foot of the stairs Falcon: with my fingers in your hair Roku-kun: baby this is it Falcon: i take it you got some today? Roku-kun: xD You know me too well.