
User Since:

CERTIFIED SHITPOSTER MUN [12:08 AM] janky whispers: im going to save you the public shaming Ariel [5/18/2017 6:23:24 PM] Nicolas Busta Nut: yell heah yeall heah yell hea yeLL HEAH YELL HEAH YELL HEAH YELL HEAH YELL HEAH YELL HEAH YELL HEAH YELL HEAH YELL HEAH YELL HEAH YELL HEAH YELL HEAH YELL HEAH YELL HEAH [07:35 PM] truehayden.: hes into watersports -_- [07:35 PM] Junk signed out. [07:35 PM] truehayden.: I KILLED JUNK [07:35 PM] Junk has entered the board. [07:35 PM] truehayden.: DLGNDOSLGG [07:35 PM] Junk signed out. [01:11 AM] Vabam: truehayden.: royale castration [1:48:10 PM] Kit: HAHAHAHAH [1:48:54 PM] Kit: Gosh ur so [1:48:58 PM] Kit: dODD [1:49:03 PM] Kit: Dodd [1:49:10 PM] Kit: :^) [1:49:13 PM] Kit: Why [1:49:19 PM] Kit: :^ )* [1:49:22 PM] Lask: NUE [1:49:24 PM] Lask: BYE [1:49:48 PM] Kit: He ran so [1:49:51 PM] Kit: Fausto [1:49:55 PM] Lask: bye [1:50:00 PM] Lask: ur going to jail [1:50:06 PM] Lask: kit your shit together dude [1:50:15 PM] Lask: : ) [1:50:37 PM] Kit: Boudwedd more like HAUTwedd [1:50:42 PM] Kit: AHJSSIS [1:50:48 PM] Lask: JESUS [1:52:07 PM] Lask: this is ur lask chance dude.... its dulla-ver now. [1:53:03 PM] Kit: Im [1:53:06 PM] Kit: LMAO [1:53:21 PM] Lask: end my shit existence before its too late [1:53:34 PM] Lask: like... vadamn. [1:53:40 PM] Kit: Jfc [1:53:47 PM] Lask: U STARTED THIS [1:53:51 PM] Lask: IM GOING TO END IT [1:53:55 PM] Lask: BEFORE ANYONE ELSE GETS HURT [1:54:00 PM] Lask: HOLDS THE GUN TO YOUR HEAD [1:54:45 PM] Kit: Alavabam i summon a f-IZzy drink in my hand [1:55:11 PM] Lask: this is becoming a kit-atstrophy [1:56:13 PM] Kit: :^)ccc [1:56:23 PM] Kit: I think i ran out of name puns [1:56:38 PM] Lask: good [1:57:16 PM] Lask: dani-ed to repent starts now. [04:41 AM] wufos: vore me maurice [12:47 AM] Llask: help im [12:47 AM] ooaa: IM- [12:47 AM] fakehayden.: sharting [02:20 AM] fakehayden.: say fuck you if youre in this board and youre my friend [02:21 AM] blueadept: fuck u [02:21 AM] banevading: fuck you [02:21 AM] fakehayden.: HEHEHDH [02:21 AM] pecan: FUK YOU [02:21 AM] GOREman: fuck u bitch [12:48 AM] Lucifer whispers: i hope when you eat a peanut, it has a slightly weird after taste [04:25 AM] sumosnap whispers to dorobanko: ummmmmmmmmmmMMMMMMMMMMM? [04:25 AM] dorobanko whispers: fist me [12:45 AM] Vabam whispers: you have cursed me with the permanent impression of making a piss joke out of everything [03:21 PM] Vabam: im going to self insert an oc just to cut fallon's arms off [03:21 PM] limboy: what triggers people to attack my ocs [05:44 PM] lame0: god [05:44 PM] hup: LOL [05:45 PM] sumosnap: absolutely no end i love this meme forever [05:45 PM] haxss has entered the board. [05:45 PM] sumosnap: hmm [05:45 PM] haxss: goooodeevenin [05:45 PM] sumosnap: hax [05:45 PM] lame0: RUN [05:45 PM] sumosnap: [05:45 PM] hup: izzy x meme [05:45 PM] lame0: NIO [05:45 PM] antler has entered the board. [05:45 PM] sumosnap: JAN [05:45 PM] sumosnap: [05:45 PM] lame0: NO DONT DO IT [05:45 PM] sumosnap: KDOSLFSDG [05:45 PM] haxss: FOR FUCKS SAKE [05:45 PM] hup: NO [05:45 PM] ju.nk has entered the board. [05:45 PM] hup: NONONON [05:45 PM] lame0: ITS A TRAP [05:45 PM] antler: IZZY [05:45 PM] haxss: THIS AGAIN [05:31 PM] faezer: god my roommate took a shit 30 minutes ago and it still stinks [05:31 PM] sumosnap: omfg [05:32 PM] sumosnap: get some frebreeze [05:32 PM] faezer: ur doin IT [05:32 PM] sumosnap: my condolences fae [05:32 PM] faezer: i don't have..i litter [05:32 PM] sumosnap: AKJFLDG [05:32 PM] faezer: ty, im inviting u to my funeral [05:32 PM] lame0: omg [05:32 PM] sumosnap: thank u [05:33 PM] sumosnap: i will play this in your honor [05:33 PM] sumosnap: this is why i dont deserve friends sHSFNFhdg [05:33 PM] faezer: lmao [05:33 PM] gozat signed out. [05:34 PM] lame0: IZZY [05:34 PM] lame0: IM [05:34 PM] sumosnap: ASDKJSjDGFKDZFKG [05:34 PM] lame0: SCCREECHING [05:34 PM] sumosnap: AHAHHSFASDGKDGS [05:34 PM] sumosnap: I LOVE LICKSWF [05:34 PM] lame0: IM TEAING UP [05:34 PM] sumosnap: I SENT THIS TO MY FRIENDS FOR 4 YEARS NO JOKE [05:34 PM] lame0: I CANT IM LAUGHING SO HARF [05:34 PM] sumosnap: its the greatest one out there [05:34 PM] sumosnap: SFSDGDFHFD [05:35 PM] sumosnap: i think i put this in maurice's playlist [05:35 PM] sumosnap whispers to dollop: [05:35 PM] lame0: LMAO [05:35 PM] lame0: OMG [05:35 PM] dollop whispers: NO!! [05:36 PM] sumosnap: [05:35 PM] sumosnap whispers to dollop: [05:35 PM] dollop whispers: NO!! [05:36 PM] sumosnap whispers to dollop: YES AMBER YE [05:36 PM] dollop has entered the board. [05:36 PM] sumosnap: SPEAK FO THE DEVIL [05:36 PM] c22 has entered the board. [05:36 PM] c22 has left the board. [05:36 PM] dollop: dont be sharin yer BAD MEMES [05:36 PM] sumosnap: NO I LVOE THIS MEME [05:36 PM] sumosnap: FUCK YOU [05:36 PM] dollop: BAD [05:37 PM] sumosnap: tell that to tate bonch [05:37 PM] dollop: idk where tate is but [05:37 PM] sumosnap: he just had a GOOD LAUGH [05:37 PM] dollop bad meme [05:37 PM] sumosnap: NO [05:37 PM] sumosnap: tch....youre a bad meme [05:37 PM] dollop: IT AINT 2012 ANYMO [05:37 PM] sumosnap: in my heart [05:37 PM] sumosnap: it will always be [05:37 PM] sumosnap: 2012 [05:37 PM] dollop: my memes are quality and ykno it [05:38 PM] sumosnap: ive sent this meme to you for FOUR FUCKING YEARS AMBER [05:38 PM] dollop: I KNOW PLS END IT [05:38 PM] sumosnap: NEVER [05:38 PM] sumosnap: my favorite meme [05:38 PM] TheCount: I can't believe this I came up with a new poly ship and [05:38 PM] TheCount: they are all blond [05:38 PM] guest2543 has entered the board. [05:38 PM] sumosnap: KJAKjksf [05:38 PM] TheCount: and all have something to do with the mixing of chemicals [05:38 PM] lame0: IM [05:38 PM] lame0: DYING [05:38 PM] sumosnap: i wanna give this oc hoop earrings [05:38 PM] TheCount: and have gold in their palettes [05:38 PM] sumosnap: THERE YOU ARE TATE [05:39 PM] lame0: HERE I AM [05:39 PM] sumosnap: see amber he's dying [05:39 PM] lame0: do it [05:39 PM] lame0: end me [05:39 PM] sumosnap: AS,JFJSDKGDFG [05:39 PM] dollop: bad meme taste [05:39 PM] sumosnap: FUCK YOU [05:39 PM] guest2543 has left the board. [05:39 PM] lame0: LOL [05:39 PM] potatchip: donnnnnnnnnnmmm [05:39 PM] sumosnap:; [05:39 PM] sumosnap: dont diss my fucknig memes [05:39 PM] potatchip: HEY ALSO I LOVE THIS OC [05:39 PM] potatchip: they cute [05:39 PM] gozat has entered the board. [05:39 PM] sumosnap: YOU DOO??? thnak u [05:39 PM] sumosnap: his name is mochi [05:39 PM] opiate has entered the board. [05:40 PM] opiate: hisses [05:40 PM] dollop: [05:40 PM] dollop: good meme [05:40 PM] dollop: A SON [05:40 PM] dollop: grabs [05:40 PM] potatchip: DO U hav a tumblr or twitter :o [05:40 PM] potatchip: bc i lov... [05:40 PM] opiate: BGGAUUA [05:40 PM] opiate: IM GRAB [05:40 PM] dollop: snooches [05:40 PM] opiate: dad....famther//// [05:40 PM] sumosnap: ahh i saved tysm [05:40 PM] dollop: ive missed u [05:40 PM] opiate: i miss u too dadi [05:40 PM] sumosnap: noah [05:40 PM] sumosnap: [05:40 PM] opiate: cries blood [05:40 PM] opiate: o [05:40 PM] dollop: DOND O IT [05:40 PM] opiate: whats th is [05:40 PM] potatchip: coolcool! [05:40 PM] sumosnap: JASFOSLDGDFG [05:40 PM] opiate: bye [05:41 PM] opiate has left the board. [05:41 PM] sumosnap: NOAH [05:41 PM] sumosnap: KDFMHKLDFH [05:41 PM] dollop: LMAO [05:41 PM] sumosnap: IMC RYING [05:41 PM] dollop: LOOKIT WHAT U DON [05:41 PM] opiate has entered the board. [05:41 PM] hup has entered the board. [05:41 PM] sumosnap: IM SOBBING [05:41 PM] sumosnap: FUCK [05:41 PM] opiate: dfgtyhu [05:41 PM] sumosnap: JAKGSFDG [05:41 PM] sumosnap: HI SAMII [05:41 PM] sumosnap: SAMMI [05:41 PM] sumosnap: NAOH [05:41 PM] sumosnap: naoh [05:41 PM] hup: eyyyy [05:41 PM] sumosnap: fuck [05:41 PM] opiate: dammi [05:41 PM] sumosnap: noah [05:41 PM] sumosnap: SAMMI [05:41 PM] hup: lma o [05:41 PM] sumosnap: dammi [05:41 PM] hup: *pats* [05:41 PM] sumosnap: sammi look [05:41 PM] opiate: no [05:41 PM] opiate: no [05:41 PM] opiate: dont [05:41 PM] opiate: d [05:41 PM] lame0: NO [05:41 PM] opiate: dont [05:41 PM] dollop: ENOUGH [05:41 PM] lame0: DONT IT [05:41 PM] sumosnap: KJMKSFLSDG [05:41 PM] lame0: DONT DO IT [05:41 PM] lame0: ITS A TRAP [05:41 PM] sumosnap: IM LAUIGHNG OS MCUH [05:42 PM] hup: OH MY FU K [05:42 PM] hup: i got someone right next to me i wasn't expecting [05:42 PM] hup: *falls* [05:42 PM] lame0: GOD [05:42 PM] lame0: IZZY WHAT HAVE YOU DONE [05:42 PM] sumosnap: ASFKLJSDIGK [05:42 PM] sumosnap: IM SUCH A BAD FRIEND [05:42 PM] sumosnap: AUDHGFHDFH [05:42 PM] hup: SCREE [02:16 AM] sumosnap: you will regret that purchase [02:16 AM] tTOBIi: OIGUDHUIDGHOLFD [02:16 AM] tTOBIi: DSUIGHFDHD [02:16 AM] tTOBIi: YOU [02:16 AM] tTOBIi: YOU FUCK [02:16 AM] sumosnap: HAHA [02:16 AM] tTOBIi: YOU FUCKING [02:16 AM] tTOBIi: FUK [02:16 AM] tTOBIi: I CAN'T BREATH ANYMORE [02:16 AM] sumosnap: PRINGLES ADVERT [02:16 AM] sumosnap: DKGDFLGDFG [02:16 AM] tTOBIi: GOOD BYE [02:16 AM] tTOBIi: FUCKING HATE YOU IZZY [03:32 AM] ooaa: shitOC would gently place the llama outside the car [03:32 AM] sumosnap: in the [03:32 AM] ooaa: close the door [03:32 AM] sumosnap: cold [03:32 AM] sumosnap: alone [03:32 AM] ooaa: turn oxygen level to zero immediately to startle maurice awake [03:32 AM] sumosnap: and then what ;) ;) [03:32 AM] sumosnap: SAMKLDSD [03:32 AM] ooaa: WOW FUCK [03:33 AM] sumosnap: TE FUNNIEST MEME [03:33 AM] ooaa: GOD [03:33 AM] sumosnap: AND THEN WHAT ;) *PRISON POSE [03:33 AM] ooaa: NOOOOOOOOOOO [03:33 AM] sumosnap: hjasfkdsgKMLDSGFSDG [03:33 AM] ooaa: sdhjsfhdjfhdjhfd [12:03 AM] JasonDean: could I like grind the bricks down into a fine like bottle full of dust? [12:03 AM] JasonDean: and like [12:03 AM] JasonDean: put water in it [12:03 AM] JasonDean: and drink it [12:03 AM] JasonDean: that could be tolerable [12:03 AM] veronicasawyer: WHY ARE YOU STILL FUCKNIG UP THE JOKE [12:03 AM] veronicasawyer: IM ALUGIHNG [12:04 AM] JasonDean: I'm just thinking about how eating a ton of bricks would be possible [12:04 AM] JasonDean: and like [12:04 AM] JasonDean: the least comfortable [12:04 AM] JasonDean: is the baby like made up of the usual matter babies are made up of [12:04 AM] JasonDean: also are the bricks like clean [12:04 AM] JasonDean: are the sanitized???? [12:04 AM] veronicasawyer: TOBI [03:38 AM] FishNBowl: taco team [03:38 AM] FishNBowl: ( ° ʖ °) [03:38 AM] FishNBowl: SHIT [06:06 AM] jazzmeup: nap in me [06:06 AM] hellabeans: NAP IN ME [06:06 AM] jazzmeup: i am worm [06:06 AM] hellabeans: OH MY GOD [06:06 AM] jazzmeup: KLmladsgmKLS [06:06 AM] hellabeans: *worms into worm [12:13 AM] BlueWhat: sumosnap: Mum, mum, mum! *prison pose* I was banned! [03:57 PM] crustman: okay!! [03:57 PM] crustman: im erect [03:57 PM] Avacadont: What [06:58 AM] hellabeans: DONT TOUCH ME im gay [06:14 AM] sumosnap: But you don't ask with respect. You don't offer friendship. You don't even think to call me Godfather. Instead, you come into my house on the day my daughter is to be married, and you ask me to do murder for money. [06:15 AM] Goonger: omfg [06:15 AM] saikaidos: Dear Godfather... Please come over to Lollypop to help me publish (With Friendship :D ) [06:15 AM] saikaidos: lol [06:16 AM] saikaidos: Please Godfather, I ask for your friendship [12/22/2016 3:17:47 AM] GET THE MAAACE: im sitll listneing, i love this so muchh wtf sdfkjdkgdfg [12/22/2016 3:18:12 AM] Conner: I know, it's so beautiful [12/22/2016 3:18:18 AM] GET THE MAAACE: like you [12/22/2016 3:19:00 AM] Conner: aw IZZY you're so sweet I mmm *picks you up [12/23/2016 1:48:13 PM] GET THE MAAACE: I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU [12/23/2016 1:48:20 PM] Conner: *grabs all your doodles [12/23/2016 1:48:24 PM] Conner: *grabs YOU [12/22/2016 10:35:24 PM] Conner: IZZYYYY [12/22/2016 10:35:30 PM] GET THE MAAACE: CONNIEEEEEEEEEE [07:55 AM] crisiseve: sek is capable of stealing my hear [07:56 AM] Rindeer: t [07:56 AM] crisiseve: thank yo [07:56 AM] crisiseve: u [07:56 AM] Rindeer: welcom [07:56 AM] Rindeer: e [09:08 PM] ooaa whispers: dicks dicks dicks [08:13 PM] Ryng. has entered the board. [08:13 PM] pootisbird: you fucking bitch [11/20/2016 3:00:31 PM] Conner: ÀAAAAAAA [11/20/2016 3:00:51 PM] GET THE MAAACE: **tearducts produce shart [11/20/2016 3:00:59 PM] Conner: WHAT [11/20/2016 3:01:01 PM] GET THE MAAACE: JASFNKJIDSGNDG [11/20/2016 3:01:24 PM] Conner: Got some shart in my eye- [11/20/2016 3:01:28 PM] GET THE MAAACE: FUCK [12:02 AM] Vabam whispers: "SUMOSHART" sounds like "a really large shart. like so big i may as well have shit my pants" emphasis from caps [02:33 AM] shart: GOONY [02:33 AM] ooaa: sweet dreams [02:33 AM] shart: SWISS DREUMS [02:33 AM] shart: WHIPPED [02:33 AM] shart: CREUMS [02:33 AM] ooaa: LOL [02:33 AM] ooaa: dreum about meu [02:33 AM] shart: silent [02:33 AM] shart: screums [02:34 AM] ooaa: midnight screuming [02:34 AM] shart: dreum about meurice and aubu [02:34 AM] shart: and [02:34 AM] ooaa: AUBU [02:34 AM] shart: rangeu [02:34 AM] shart: shareu [02:34 AM] ooaa: howeu [02:34 AM] shart: norwheu [02:34 AM] ooaa: LOOOOL [02:34 AM] shart: conneu [02:34 AM] ooaa: samureu [02:34 AM] ooaa: euzzy [02:35 AM] shart: KASMFLDSG [02:35 AM] shart: angeu fruend [02:35 AM] shart: this is so steupif [02:35 AM] shart: IM LAUIGHNG [02:35 AM] ooaa: AURE WE FREUNDS YET [02:35 AM] ooaa: stupif [02:35 AM] shart: cauen weu touech buetts [02:36 AM] ooaa: alweuys. [02:36 AM] aves.: connie go to bed [02:36 AM] shart: FTYGHU [02:36 AM] shart: YES [02:36 AM] shart: WORK [02:36 AM] shart: go [02:36 AM] shart: gogogogo [02:36 AM] aves.: go the fuck to sleep [02:36 AM] shart: a.b sleups rangeurs aeuss [02:37 AM] ooaa: WAHOOOOOOOAAAAAA [02:37 AM] shart: shoveu yoeu inteu beud [02:37 AM] ooaa: sobmeuns [02:37 AM] shart: SLEUPS [02:37 AM] shart: SLEUP* [02:37 AM] shart: soup [02:37 AM] shart: soeup. [02:37 AM] aves.: sleups [02:37 AM] shart: GO TO BEUD [02:37 AM] ooaa: STEUP IM CREUING [02:37 AM] shart: DSGDZFHDFH [02:38 AM] ooaa: LEEUL [02:38 AM] shart: SLEEUP [02:38 AM] shart: yoeu haveu woreuk [02:38 AM] ooaa: *peuces aweuy [5/12/2016 10:32:36 PM] Connie Choi: actually no i'll just have to chew on ranger, I think he'd taste like smores [5/12/2016 10:32:44 PM] A decaying citizen: uh sorry [5/12/2016 10:32:58 PM] A decaying citizen: that's a.b's job [5/12/2016 10:33:12 PM] Connie Choi: a.b would fry me [5/12/2016 10:33:10 PM] A decaying citizen: oH MY GOF [5/12/2016 10:33:30 PM] Connie Choi: freakin' slug me like he did with Fucko [01:37 PM] Kill: kill me [06:54 PM] c4m: I CANT BERth [06:54 PM] c4m: AAAAAAAAAAAAAA [06:54 PM] aves.: berth [06:58 PM] projectjhope whispers: I Cant Get In The Board [06:58 PM] projectjhope has entered the board. [06:58 PM] c4m: LODSGDKSFHMKDLFH [06:58 PM] projectjhope: I Am In [06:58 PM] projectjhope: JKEWKWEDO [03:38 AM] owlhead: hips dont lie is a go to [03:38 AM] misse.: these hoes aint loyal [03:38 AM] owlhead: lol [03:38 AM] sweetbeets: My heart will go on [03:38 AM] owlhead: talk dirty to me [03:39 AM] misse.: we're no strangers to love [03:39 AM] owlhead: cant touch this [03:39 AM] sweetbeets: but you didn't have to CUT ME OUT [03:39 AM] misse.: too hot, hot damn [03:39 AM] owlhead: bringing sexy back [03:39 AM] sweetbeets: hello [03:39 AM] sweetbeets: its me [03:39 AM] owlhead: hello [03:40 AM] owlhead: is it me youre looking for [03:40 AM] sweetbeets: if you believe it [03:40 AM] owlhead: bye bye bye [03:42 AM] misse.: show me yours and i'll show you mine [03:42 AM] Pepsi: xD [03:42 AM] sweetbeets: to the left to the left [03:42 AM] owlhead: r.e.s.p.e.c.t [03:42 AM] fwergwregrw has left the board. [03:42 AM] misse.: now JUMP [03:42 AM] misse.: everybody wants to be a cat [03:42 AM] solran: done [03:43 AM] owlhead: alone in the world is a little catdog [03:43 AM] misse.: we got machines BUT THE KIDS GOT JESUS [03:43 AM] sweetbeets: are yah ready kids [03:43 AM] owlhead: do the sex offender shuffle [03:43 AM] misse.: are you ready [03:43 AM] misse.: are yOU READY [03:43 AM] misse.: ARE YOU READY [03:43 AM] sweetbeets: RIGHT FOOT LETS GO [03:44 AM] Emiiresa: MY BODY IS READY [03:44 AM] misse.: ARE YOU READYYYYYYYYYYYYY [03:44 AM] misse.: [pause] [03:44 AM] misse.: YOUR MAKEUP IS TERRIBLE [03:44 AM] sweetbeets: Who do we ask for help [03:44 AM] sweetbeets: when we dont know which way to go [03:44 AM] misse.: i-i-i-i-i keep on hoping we'll eat cake by the ocean [03:45 AM] owlhead: to the window, to the wall [08:52 PM] Envu has entered the board. [08:52 PM] sumosnap: id like my cummies super sized [08:52 PM] Envu has left the board. [04:46 AM] sumosnap: LIL SHIT STAIN [04:47 AM] hellabeans: if.. maurice grabbed his robo arm and smacked shitOC like a mosquito he WOULD be reduced to a stain!! [12:55 PM] Lance.: bitch watch voltron with me [12:55 PM] Lance.: please [10:00 PM] electropol: gj sumo [10:00 PM] pranko whispers: u did this to me [10:00 PM] Blaize: the person who [10:00 PM] Wii.: Way to go, Sumo |D [10:00 PM] electropol: ye done it again [10:00 PM] pranko whispers: u [10:00 PM] sumosnap: KJMSOFLKSDF [10:00 PM] Blaize: mentioned ass sticks in the first place [10:00 PM] pranko whispers: bro i forgot which board [10:00 PM] pranko has entered the board. [10:00 PM] sumosnap: ASFSDJGNSDKG [09:57 PM] Wii.: Oh, the asterisks? lol [09:58 PM] yobonbon: ooo [09:58 PM] yobonbon: and yish the stars [09:58 PM] pranko: i read [09:58 PM] pranko: Oh, the steroids? [09:58 PM] pranko: bye [09:58 PM] yobonbon: at first i read the ass sticks [09:58 PM] pranko: mm [09:58 PM] sumosnap: DSV,DGFKL,DGF [09:58 PM] pranko: ass sticks [09:58 PM] guest1760 has left the board. [09:58 PM] sumosnap: man those ass sticks [09:58 PM] Blaize: Ass sticks [09:58 PM] yobonbon: LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [09:58 PM] sumosnap: better than dildos bro [09:58 PM] pranko: HHH [09:58 PM] pranko: STOP [09:58 PM] yobonbon: SO MUCH BETTER [09:58 PM] yobonbon: HIGH QUALITY [09:58 PM] pranko: OH MY GUDKCING FGOD [09:58 PM] sumosnap: i like it when the splinters pierce my anal cavity [09:58 PM] yobonbon: buy 2 get 1 free [09:58 PM] Blaize: I just imagines like a lollypop shaped like an ass [09:58 PM] LuxLixWolf has entered the board. [09:59 PM] pranko: PLEASE [09:59 PM] Wii.: hey [09:59 PM] dumbboi: ass sticks.................. [09:59 PM] pranko: JESUS GOD [09:59 PM] sumosnap: lJKOLASFKDS [09:59 PM] yobonbon: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [12:07 AM] sumosnap: fish fisting material [12:07 AM] Percival-: SDIHFJk [12:07 AM] Sgt.Deli: i wanna draw more art of him but cirKUGBHN ORILKNF [08:10 AM] a0: Sweet dreams are made of cheese [08:10 AM] a0: who am I to dis a brie [08:11 AM] Archaeopteryx: no they're made of bird feed [08:11 AM] a0: I cheddar the world and a feta cheese [08:11 AM] sumosnap: LMAO [08:11 AM] Archaeopteryx: LMAO [08:11 AM] a0: everybody's looking for stiltion [09:12 AM] rkv: fuk [09:13 AM] rkv: yea dude eat all the moldy bread [09:13 AM] sumosnap: moldy bread [09:13 AM] sumosnap: mmm [07:17 PM] brugie has entered the board. [07:17 PM] Rillrex: im the dog that howls at the tv when i hear other dogs howl [07:17 PM] brugie has left the board. [12:11 AM] frasier. has left the board. [5/12/2016 10:25:16 PM] Connie Choi: exams. ....*stares into the void [5/12/2016 10:25:24 PM] A decaying citizen: *is the void [5/12/2016 10:25:27 PM] Connie Choi: whoa you [5/12/2016 10:25:29 PM] no.: same.. *rolls into the void [5/12/2016 10:25:32 PM] Connie Choi: holy [5/12/2016 10:25:34 PM] Connie Choi: you guys [5/12/2016 10:25:36 PM] no.: wait [5/12/2016 10:25:41 PM] Goopster .: Connie, I feel like Nepeta is actually a good representation of you [5/12/2016 10:25:42 PM] A decaying citizen: AHAHAHA [5/12/2016 10:25:44 PM] Connie Choi: AAHAHAHAHAHAHA FUCK [5/12/2016 10:25:46 PM] Connie Choi: FUCK [5/12/2016 10:25:51 PM] Connie Choi: MY EYES THEY CRY FOOD [5/12/2016 10:25:52 PM] Goopster .: DAWNED [5/12/2016 10:25:59 PM] Goopster .: WHAT IS YOUR SIGN?? [5/12/2016 10:26:01 PM] A decaying citizen: aw what but karkat is so fucking mean to nepeta right [5/12/2016 10:26:04 PM] Goopster .: I MUST KNOW [5/12/2016 10:26:04 PM] no.: LIBRA [5/12/2016 10:26:07 PM] Goopster .: AAAAH [5/12/2016 10:26:11 PM] no.: I'M SCALES [5/12/2016 10:26:13 PM] no.: WOW [5/12/2016 10:26:14 PM] Goopster .: IM A CAPRILIBRA [5/12/2016 10:26:15 PM] Connie Choi: maybe we weren't meant to be, izzy [5/12/2016 10:26:27 PM] A decaying citizen: FUCK YOU CONNIE i can chagne that fuck you astrology [5/12/2016 10:26:28 PM] A decaying citizen: fuck [5/12/2016 10:26:37 PM] Goopster .: haha [5/12/2016 10:26:39 PM] Goopster .: much karkat [5/12/2016 10:26:46 PM] Connie Choi: omfg [5/12/2016 10:24:40 PM] A decaying citizen: i think cancerians can click with all zodiacs in some aspects its just so hard to get us out of our shell [5/12/2016 10:24:48 PM] no.: I'VE BEEN STUDYING FOR MY EXAM TOMORROW [5/12/2016 10:24:51 PM] no.: I'M SORRY [5/12/2016 10:24:52 PM] Goopster .: SHELL [5/12/2016 10:24:56 PM] A decaying citizen: HOLY SHIT good luck [5/12/2016 10:24:56 PM] Goopster .: CAUSE YOU'RE A CRAB [5/12/2016 10:24:58 PM] A decaying citizen: HAHA PUSN [5/12/2016 10:24:58 PM] Goopster .: AHAHA [5/12/2016 10:24:59 PM] A decaying citizen: PUNS [5/12/2016 10:25:06 PM] A decaying citizen: pusn [5/12/2016 10:25:13 PM] Goopster .: pusn [5/12/2016 10:25:16 PM] A decaying citizen: me [11:55 AM] spacefawn: EVERYONE HERE IS FRIENDS ENOUGH TO YELL AT EACH OTHER WITH CAPS LOCK AND I'M JUST LIKE LOL WHAT'S HAPPENING [11:55 AM] coolkidrox123: I WANT COCK [11:55 AM] spacefawn: wWHAT [11:55 AM] hooyeah: OH [11:06] opalized entered this board. [11:06] crybaby.: i object [11:06] crybaby.: slams fist on table [11:07] Kumaa: ovERRULED [11:07] crybaby.: FUCK YOU [11:07] opalized switched to the lobby. [9:44:04 PM] Yong Kim: strolls in [9:44:17 PM] Ambeep: jaebae [9:46:45 PM] Yong Kim: ambuwambu [9:46:52 PM] Ambeep: das me [9:46:52 PM] Yong Kim: jaesidesi [9:46:55 PM] Ambeep: omg [9:47:13 PM] Yong Kim: ariars...? [9:47:24 PM] Yong Kim: noantana? [11:23] guest6666: aw yeah frog are wonderfuk [11:23] guest6666: i [11:23] guest6666: wonderful too [03:22] ERambo entered this board. [03:22] ERambo switched to the lobby. [03:22] ooaa: but the gentlest orgy is happening [03:22] ooaa: why leave [11:37 PM] ooaa: AHAHAHAHA [11:37 PM] MaskSenpai: DO I SAVE HIM OR PUNCH HIM [11:37 PM] ooaa: my demon experienced the joy of motherhood for only 6 hrs and now he ded by water punch [11:38 PM] tearco: PUNXH HIM IN THE FUCKING [11:38 PM] tearco: NECK [11:38 PM] tearco: CAUSE THATS [11:38 PM] tearco: WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE [11:38 PM] tearco: HE JUST [11:38 PM] tearco: DLGKJMNLFKG [11:38 PM] tearco: PEW [11:38 PM] ooaa: WHAT WOULD DAD DO [11:38 PM] MaskSenpai: CAHDFLKAJE [11:38 PM] ooaa: think of the children [11:38 PM] tearco: FUCKING SIKE? THINK IM GUNNA SAVE YOU HO? [11:38 PM] tearco WRONG [11:38 PM] ooaa: HAHAHAAHAH [11:38 PM] tearco: SLUG HIM NI TH ENECK [11:38 PM] MaskSenpai: RAEFKDJA;KLE [11:38 PM] tearco: KLFMKL [11:39 PM] MaskSenpai: IM [11:39 PM] MaskSenpai: LAUHGIN TO OHARD [11:45 PM] tearco: THNAKS CONNIE [11:45 PM] MaskSenpai: KILL HIM BUT NOT REALLY [11:45 PM] tearco: he punchES TH EFUCKING WATER NOW [11:45 PM] tearco: EZXACLT YDJFHLFG [11:46 PM] ooaa: also the water from my mouth [11:46 PM] tearco: MAKE HIM SUFFER BUT [11:46 PM] MaskSenpai: NEXT EPISODE ITLL BE LIKE NOTHING EVER HAPPENED [11:46 PM] MaskSenpai: LMFAO [11:46 PM] tearco: DONT KILL HIM [11:46 PM] tearco: FGHGFKLHNVLGH [11:46 PM] ooaa: HE DEAD [11:46 PM] tearco: NO PELASE [11:46 PM] tearco: PELASE NO...I NE VER ASKE FROT HIS [11:46 PM] tearco: WTF HE MEETS MAURICE [11:46 PM] ooaa: he's drowned! [11:46 PM] tearco: "HEY FUCKER" DFHKJGH [11:46 PM] MaskSenpai: LFMAO [11:46 PM] ooaa: UH AHAHA MAYBE. I DUNNO. [11:46 PM] tearco: "YOU TOO? LMAOOOOO CALLED IT" [11:46 PM] ooaa: forest demons arent usually so lucky [11:46 PM] MaskSenpai: CALLED IT [11:46 PM] MaskSenpai: ADLKFJEALKE [11:46 PM] tearco: KLIDJSUGKLDG [11:46 PM] MaskSenpai: IM WHEEZING [04:34 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DUDE PICK A LETTER AND WE HAVE TO SAY EVERY SENTENCE WITH [04:34 AM] ricekebabYEAH: THE LETTER [04:34 AM] MaskSenpai: ITS ALL IZZYS FAULT [04:34 AM] MaskSenpai: D [04:35 AM] ricekebabYEAH: deez nuts [04:35 AM] ooaaa: damnit [04:35 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DANGER DANGER DANGER [04:35 AM] MaskSenpai: DUDE DICK DA DETTER DAND DWE DHAVE DTO DAY DEVERY DENTENCE DITH DHE DETTER [04:35 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG [04:35 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DUCK DO DONNOE [04:35 AM] MaskSenpai: DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [04:35 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DUCK DO DONNIE [04:35 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DUCKKKKKKKKK [04:35 AM] ooaaa: DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [04:36 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DUCKIGN DESU DHRUST [04:36 AM] MaskSenpai: DESU DHRUST [04:36 AM] MaskSenpai: DAHAHHAHAAHAH [04:36 AM] ooaaa: DICEKEBAB [04:36 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DESU [04:36 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DAD [04:36 AM] ooaaa: DOOSHEEE [04:36 AM] MaskSenpai: DIM DONNA DANCH!!! [04:36 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DUCK DY DASS DAWAII DESU DA [04:36 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DAMPON [04:36 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DAJMNFKDSMGL [04:36 AM] ooaaa: D'EW. [04:37 AM] MaskSenpai: DERE DOMES DAT DOI [04:37 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DALLSTAR [04:37 AM] MaskSenpai: DO DHIT DADDUP [04:37 AM] ooaaa: D'ADADADADA. DUCK. [04:37 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DET DKREKT [04:37 AM] ricekebabYEAH: D'IM DAUGHING DO DARD [04:37 AM] MaskSenpai: DRY DY DA DOVER [04:37 AM] MaskSenpai: DRAWLING DIN DY DRAWWWWWWWL [04:38 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DY DRETZELS [04:38 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DASKKKKKKKKKKKKKK [04:38 AM] ooaaa: DESKKKKK [04:38 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DUSK [04:38 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DOOSK [04:38 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DJGKDLG [04:38 AM] ooaaa: DERSKKKK [04:38 AM] MaskSenpai: DY DRYED DO DAAAARD DAND DOT DO DAAAARRR [04:38 AM] ooaaa: DAAAAA'AADADAADA [04:38 AM] ooaaa: DUK! [04:38 AM] MaskSenpai: DUT DIN DHE DEND DIT DOESNT DEVN DATTERRRRR [04:39 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DUCKING SHITOC [04:39 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DOOOOOOOOOO [04:39 AM] MaskSenpai: DHITOC [04:39 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DI DUCKED DUP [04:39 AM] MaskSenpai: DIZZY [04:39 AM] MaskSenpai: DAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHHA [04:39 AM] ooaaa: DIRTOC? DUMPOC... DUMPSTEROC... [04:39 AM] MaskSenpai: DUM DUMPSTER [04:40 AM] MaskSenpai: DONNIE DHOI [04:40 AM] ooaaa: DOK DOOUUUU. [04:40 AM] ooaaa: DUCK DOU DO DUCH DUYS [04:41 AM] ooaaa: danchhh [04:41 AM] MaskSenpai: DIM DONNA DAD [04:41 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DOONIE [04:41 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DOYNE DEST [04:41 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DONE [04:41 AM] MaskSenpai: DOYNE DEST [04:41 AM] ooaaa: DUCK. [04:41 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DONE DAHAHAH [04:41 AM] MaskSenpai: DIM DARDASHIAN [04:41 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DUCK [04:42 AM] ooaaa: darken. [04:42 AM] MaskSenpai: DHEN DILL DHIS DEND?????? [04:42 AM] ooaaa: DEVONN [04:42 AM] ooaaa: dad [04:42 AM] MaskSenpai: DAD [04:42 AM] MaskSenpai: DEI [04:42 AM] MaskSenpai: DIE [04:42 AM] ooaaa: deppuku [04:42 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DARGLES DEACH [04:43 AM] ooaaa: DUAHAHA [04:43 AM] MaskSenpai: DUCK DOU [04:43 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK [04:43 AM] MaskSenpai: DPITS DLOOOD [04:43 AM] MaskSenpai: DUMPS DOFF DA DLIFF [04:43 AM] ooaaa: DPITS DATER [04:43 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DIDLO [04:43 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DILDO [04:43 AM] MaskSenpai: DIDLO [04:43 AM] ooaaa: DIOOOOOO [04:43 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DUCK [04:43 AM] MaskSenpai: DIIOOOOOOOOO [04:43 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DIOOOOOOOOOOOOO [04:43 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DWRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY [04:43 AM] MaskSenpai: DAKLDFJALEK;FWKED [04:43 AM] MaskSenpai: DWRRRYYYYYYYYYY [04:43 AM] ooaaa: DUDAMUDAMUDA [04:44 AM] MaskSenpai: DORITO DHINS [04:44 AM] MaskSenpai: DORITO DENPAIS [04:44 AM] MaskSenpai: DODO'S DIZARRE DADVENTURE [04:45 AM] ooaaa: DOSING DY DHIT [04:45 AM] ooaaa: DO DARD. [04:45 AM] ooaaa: DUCK [04:45 AM] MaskSenpai: DUCCK [04:45 AM] ooaaa: duck duck doose [04:45 AM] MaskSenpai: DAKE DIT DTOP [04:45 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DOOKY DCARY DELEKTONS [04:45 AM] MaskSenpai: DL;FKJEAKL;FJ [04:45 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DUCK DI DANT DYPE [04:45 AM] MaskSenpai: DOO DOOPY DOR DE [04:46 AM] ooaaa: dop, drop d'and doll [04:46 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DIS DHIT DRACKING DE DHE DUCK DUP [04:46 AM] MaskSenpai: DAGRESSIVE DAB [04:47 AM] ooaaa: DUCKMOBILE [04:47 AM] MaskSenpai: DEST DIN DHIT DHIT OC [04:47 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DHITMOBILE [04:47 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DARIO DART [04:47 AM] MaskSenpai: DLAKFJKAEWLAJ [04:47 AM] MaskSenpai: DARIO DART [04:47 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DASCAR [04:47 AM] MaskSenpai: DAURICE [04:47 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DAULITY [04:47 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DACKING DA DUCK DUP [04:47 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DUUCK DEEE [04:47 AM] MaskSenpai: DOOREECES DEESES [04:48 AM] MaskSenpai: DELP DE [04:48 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DIM DUTTIGN DIS DON DY DOFILE [04:48 AM] MaskSenpai: DHAT DAVE DE DONE??? [04:48 AM] ooaaa: DVERYTHING [04:48 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DICE DEGS DAISY DUKES [04:48 AM] MaskSenpai: DOOOOOOOOOOOOO [04:48 AM] MaskSenpai: DTOP DIT [04:48 AM] ooaaa: DOOT DOOT [04:48 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DOOTS [04:49 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DYSTERY DINK [04:49 AM] MaskSenpai: DESU DHRUST!!!! [04:49 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DRINK [04:49 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DCUK [04:49 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DUUUUUUUUUUUUU [04:49 AM] MaskSenpai: DOOBY DNACKS [04:49 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DUCK [04:49 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DOK [04:49 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DUK [04:49 AM] ooaaa: 360 DO DOPE [04:49 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DRIK [04:49 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DUGG [04:49 AM] MaskSenpai: DRIK [04:49 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DRIGG [04:49 AM] MaskSenpai: DOK [04:49 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DOPE [04:49 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DANK DAS DUCK [04:49 AM] MaskSenpai: DANK DEMES [04:50 AM] MaskSenpai: DEPE [04:50 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DUNNA DEE DYSELF [04:50 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU [04:50 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DIM DAUGHING DO DARD [04:50 AM] MaskSenpai: DUYS DLEASE [04:50 AM] MaskSenpai: DI DANT DO DON DANYMORE [04:50 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DO DE DTOP [04:50 AM] ricekebabYEAH: ??? [04:50 AM] MaskSenpai: DES!!!!! [04:50 AM] ricekebabYEAH: OKAY [04:50 AM] ricekebabYEAH: we're [04:50 AM] ricekebabYEAH: done [04:50 AM] ricekebabYEAH: fUCK [04:50 AM] MaskSenpai: FUCK [04:50 AM] ricekebabYEAH: IM ALGUHIGNG [04:50 AM] MaskSenpai: L;SAFJAEWLK; [04:50 AM] ricekebabYEAH: SO HARD [04:50 AM] MaskSenpai: THAT WAS AWFUL [04:50 AM] ricekebabYEAH: THAT WAS [04:50 AM] ricekebabYEAH: A FUN [04:50 AM] ricekebabYEAH: GAME [04:50 AM] ricekebabYEAH: SDGKLDLSG [04:50 AM] ooaaa: GUHHH [04:50 AM] MaskSenpai: NEVER AGAIN [04:51 AM] ooaaa: brb also ahahaha [04:51 AM] ricekebabYEAH: mk [04:51 AM] ricekebabYEAH: succ [04:51 AM] ooaaa: hey what if [04:51 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DUCC [04:51 AM] ricekebabYEAH: hm? [04:51 AM] MaskSenpai: JFALS;KAEWKF [04:51 AM] ooaaa: i put honey in my eye [04:51 AM] MaskSenpai: ITS A CURSE [04:51 AM] ricekebabYEAH: NO [04:51 AM] ricekebabYEAH: NO???????? [04:51 AM] ricekebabYEAH: WTF [04:51 AM] ooaaa: what would happen [04:51 AM] ricekebabYEAH: CONNIE [04:51 AM] ricekebabYEAH: NTF [04:51 AM] ricekebabYEAH: I [04:51 AM] ricekebabYEAH: THERE WOULD [04:51 AM] MaskSenpai: DANI DHE DUCK [04:51 AM] ricekebabYEAH: BE HONEY IN YER EYE? [04:51 AM] ricekebabYEAH: WHY WOUILD. YPOU [04:51 AM] ricekebabYEAH: LDFKHLFH [04:51 AM] ricekebabYEAH: WHAT IS DOOT [04:51 AM] MaskSenpai: NOOT [04:52 AM] MaskSenpai: i dont ever want to do that again KLFJAEL;KAFJ FUCK [04:52 AM] ricekebabYEAH: dusk dlease [04:52 AM] MaskSenpai: DARGLES DLEACH [04:52 AM] ricekebabYEAH: FUCK [04:52 AM] ricekebabYEAH: FRIKC [04:52 AM] ricekebabYEAH: FGUCKG [04:52 AM] ricekebabYEAH: FGUFUGUFGUFUGFU [04:52 AM] MaskSenpai: LAWJLAJFA [04:52 AM] ricekebabYEAH: DIZZY [04:52 AM] MaskSenpai: DIZZY [04:52 AM] MaskSenpai: DUSK [04:52 AM] MaskSenpai: DONE [04:53 AM] ooaaa: HAAHAHA [07:07] flashhh: this entire convo is a giant wet fart sound effect