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ectoBiologist switched to the lobby. DiStricTT.: There he goes, off to do the windy thing again. DiStricTT.: Homestuck isn't finished yet... DiStricTT.: Needs more DirkxLatula. DiStricTT. - "Reasoning, at its finest." ceph entered this board. DiStricTT.: I don't care if it's unrequited, those two need to meet and if nothing happens, I don't care about that either. DiStricTT.: It's a theoretical suggestion. ceph switched to the lobby. KarkatV-: HI, MY NAME IS KARKAT VANTAS AND WELCOME TO FUCKASS. Synchronization entered this board. Shadow-the-H: Gotta go fast. Synchronization switched to the lobby. BolognaVirus entered this board. AirDivisionIII: I want a promotion. BolognaVirus switched to the lobby. Tee entered this board. yachies entered this board. gerp entered this board. Kaguro entered this board. Kaguro: how about Kaguro: talon Kaguro: talon is cool Kaguro: xd Kaguro: its impossible to draw iwth mouses Kaguro: D;D;;D;D; Kaguro: Kaguro: this kinda looks Kaguro: like the dishonored mask Kaguro: IT IS Kaguro: OMFG Kaguro: WITH MY MOUSe Kaguro: ITS IMPOSSIBLE Kaguro: IS YOUR MOUSE AT 5800 DPI Kaguro: OMFGGG Kaguro: did you already draw his Kaguro: hero cape Kaguro: ?_? AirDivisionIII: So impossible with a mouse. Kaguro: xDD Kaguro: DRAVEN IS EVERYWHERE Kaguro: IN THE LEAGUE OF DRAVEN AirDivisionIII: ^ Kaguro: okay Kaguro: thats a interesting Kaguro: conversation AirDivisionIII: Draven in all lanes. Kaguro: thats what they said Kaguro: .... yachies: gimme a champion yachies: and discribe it Kaguro: rammus Kaguro: ball Kaguro: spike Kaguro: looks kinda like bowser Kaguro: always carring around a princess Kaguro: wants to hug someone with his taunt Kaguro: has no quotes Kaguro: nope Kaguro: xD AirDivisionIII: stacks health items Kaguro: ya Kaguro: he got Kaguro: okay Kaguro: xd Kaguro: DUDE Kaguro: HES NOT WEARING Kaguro: THORNMAIL Kaguro: OMFG Kaguro: DRAW HIM IN A THORNMAIL AirDivisionIII: is too tank and can't die Kaguro: AND WHERE IS HIS WARMOGS ARMOR OVER THE THORNMAIL? Kaguro: APPARENTLY TANKS BUY Kaguro: A LOT OF ARMOR yachies: needs more armor Mr.Foxy entered this board. Kaguro: well ads buy a lot of swords Kaguro: so its jsut Mr.Foxy switched to the lobby. Kaguro: logical AirDivisionIII: DON'T FORGET THE BOOTS Kaguro: where is his ultimate? Kaguro: an earthquake AirDivisionIII: I love this. Kaguro: where is his frozen heart? Kaguro: nice... Kaguro: noobs... Kaguro: ..... Kaguro: WHERE IS THE Kaguro: SUNFIRE Kaguro: CAPE Kaguro: OMFGGG Kaguro: WTF IS WRONG WIT HU Kaguro: lOOOL AirDivisionIII: xD Kaguro: xDDDD Kaguro: where is his banshees Kaguro: they got a lot of aps yachies: perf Kaguro: ya + a shield Kaguro: and his orb of winter Kaguro: ??? Kaguro: he just getting poked down Kaguro: wow Kaguro: nice Kaguro: where is the jungler machete Kaguro: ?_? Kaguro: HE SOLD HIS SUNFIRE CAPE Kaguro: OMFG yachies: no fu Kaguro: HE SOLD IT yachies: can't sell the sunfire cape man Kaguro: SEE Kaguro: THEN DRAW IT Kaguro: THE ELDER LIZZARD Kaguro: MACHETE Kaguro: WELL Kaguro: ME NEITHER Kaguro: xD Kaguro: why did he buy the ad jungle item Kaguro: noobs Kaguro: omfg Kaguro: no it wasnt yachies: ok who next Kaguro: where is rammus Kaguro: in this picutre Kaguro: shacooo Kaguro: xd Kaguro: no skin? omfg... Kaguro: report Kaguro: ..... Kaguro: u sure Kaguro: ?_? Kaguro: welll Kaguro: he could have bells Kaguro: wow Kaguro: that looks Kaguro: nice... Kaguro: he needs to look Kaguro: crazy Kaguro: omfg Kaguro: wow Kaguro: he looks chinese Kaguro: how about his Kaguro: significant Kaguro: nose Kaguro: ?_? Kaguro: ya Kaguro: he got Kaguro: Kaguro: OMFG Kaguro: CHEATING Kaguro: why is he Kaguro: a dickface Kaguro: he looks fat Kaguro: is that Kaguro: a hitler Kaguro: beard Kaguro: ?? Kaguro: so Kaguro: draw his 2 knifes Kaguro: where is his shoulder armor Kaguro: OMFG Kaguro: is he a Kaguro: hair stylist Kaguro: omfg Kaguro: ? Kaguro: omfg Kaguro: xddd Kaguro: looked like ascissor AirDivisionIII: I'mdying Kaguro: SO WHICH CRAZY PSYCHO CLOWN Kaguro: IS MAKING BBQ Kaguro: FOR HIS OPPONENTS Kaguro: OMFG Kaguro: OMFGGG Kaguro: .... Kaguro: xDDD Kaguro: OMFGGG Kaguro: YOU SHOULD SEND THIS TO RIOT Kaguro: SO IT GETS ONE OF HIS ANIMATIONS Kaguro: GETITNG A GRILl Kaguro: WHILE REACLLING Kaguro: OIMFGG Kaguro: xDDD kinono entered this board. Hermith entered this board. Kaguro: he jsut got shoulder armor Kaguro: on one side Kaguro: omfg kinono signed out. Hermith signed out. Kaguro: your totally failing Kaguro: WHY HAS HE SO MUCH ARMOR Kaguro: HES GRILLING Kaguro: THE WRONG SIDE Kaguro: OMFGGGG Kaguro: THE WRONG SIDE Kaguro: YACCHI Kaguro: OMFGGG Kaguro: YOU DESTROYED HIM Kaguro: why are there some particles flying around? Kaguro: are those some stains Kaguro: from the sauce Kaguro: okay Kaguro: okay Kaguro: WELL Kaguro: HE GOT Kaguro: 2 ARMS Kaguro: WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED Kaguro: THAT Kaguro: and no hand Kaguro: A HAND Kaguro: ITS NOT Kaguro: xDDDD Kaguro: OMFGGG Kaguro: WHY Kaguro: IS HE Kaguro: GRILLING Kaguro: LUX Kaguro: ? Kaguro: OMFG Kaguro: does rammus have a nap Kaguro: kin Kaguro: red Kaguro: on the right Kaguro: he got Kaguro: black Kaguro: on the left Kaguro: red Kaguro: yea Kaguro: red spikes Kaguro: btw Kaguro: where are the spikes Kaguro: on his SHOULDERS Kaguro: OMFGG Kaguro: oh yea Kaguro: he got 2 Kaguro: xd Kaguro: IT NEEDS TO BE Kaguro: PUFFY Kaguro: ITS NOT PUFFYBULOUS ENOUGH Kaguro: THATS A WORD Kaguro: he got a spike Kaguro: on his crotch Kaguro: no joke Kaguro: protection Kaguro: first Kaguro: where is the sauce Kaguro: you cant eat bbq Kaguro: without sauce Kaguro: WHO DOES THAT Tee: Kaguro: YOU KNOW YOUR LYING Kaguro: well Kaguro: WELL Kaguro: OMFG Kaguro: r u like Kaguro: one of those Kaguro: mentalists Kaguro: that knows Kaguro: everything about ppl Kaguro: by watchin in their Kaguro: faces Kaguro: OMFG YOU THERE Kaguro: YOU EAT WITHOUT SAUCE Kaguro: what kind of face has ken Kaguro: ketchup face Kaguro: mayo face Kaguro: no sauce Kaguro: special sauce Kaguro: mustard Kaguro: water Kaguro: xDD Kaguro: xDDDD Kaguro: okay Kaguro: ken is picky about his sauce Kaguro: .... Kaguro: hmm Kaguro: a lot of details Kaguro: wait Kaguro: fiddlesticks Kaguro: WHERE IS HIS KEY Kaguro: IT HAS ONLY 2 weird how-do-you-call-it key thingies Kaguro: not 3 Kaguro: hes totaly kens style Kaguro: he got a pony tail Kaguro: a small one Kaguro: no Kaguro: hes looking Kaguro: to the right Kaguro: well Kaguro: where is his Kaguro: hair Kaguro: chest hair Kaguro: coming out of his shirt Kaguro: OMFG Kaguro: xDDD Kaguro: ya Kaguro: he should look like a korean Kaguro: like a pizza delivery Kaguro: boy Kaguro: with a elvis hair Kaguro: his* Kaguro: wtf Kaguro: is that Kaguro: a one-wheeler Kaguro: where is his scythe Kaguro: apparently elvissticks doesnt need 2 wheels Kaguro: on his bike Kaguro: ;P yachies: Kaguro: lool Kaguro: xd Kaguro: well Kaguro: you cant draw Kaguro: HIS SCYTHE Kaguro: i dotn see it Kaguro: ya Kaguro: there is a crow sitting on the scythe Kaguro: OMFG Kaguro: THAT LOOKS LIKE A SEAGULL Kaguro: well Kaguro: they are all Kaguro: white Kaguro: so they are Kaguro: seagulls Kaguro: now it looks like a regular bird Kaguro: xDD Kaguro: well Kaguro: i cant see the difference Kaguro: is he a circus Kaguro: artist Kaguro: with his Kaguro: one wheel Kaguro: motorcycle Kaguro: "you cant see it " Kaguro: "see" Kaguro: okay Kaguro: well i cant see the second wheel yea Kaguro: so he is a circus artist Kaguro: xDDDD Kaguro: WTF IS HE Kaguro: ELVISCIRCUSSTICKS Kaguro: xDDDDDD Kaguro: naa Kaguro: with his hair Kaguro: in the wind Kaguro: xDDDD Kaguro: he looks like hellrider for poor ppl Kaguro: ... Kaguro: .... Kaguro: okay Kaguro: okay Kaguro: how would you like Kaguro: an anivia Kaguro: NO Kaguro: ITS ANIVIA Kaguro: omfg wait Kaguro: need to turn down Kaguro: my mouse Kaguro: xdd Kaguro: OMFG Kaguro: IF I MOVE MY MOUSE LIKE 1MM ITS LIKE HALF THE SCREEn Kaguro: HOW SHOULD I DRAW Kaguro: LIKE THAT Kaguro: yea Kaguro: its anivia Kaguro: what Kaguro: xddd Kaguro: ... Kaguro: well Kaguro: she got a haircut Kaguro: ... Kaguro: wait Kaguro: she got red eyes Kaguro: now i see Kaguro: how it is Kaguro: finished Kaguro: your turn Kaguro: that was easy Kaguro: ;DD Kaguro: now her eyes Kaguro: are super Kaguro: osom Kaguro: kinda looks the same Kaguro: like anivia Kaguro: xddd Kaguro: thing Kaguro: okay Kaguro: well Kaguro: look Kaguro: lulu is bigger Kaguro: than anivia Kaguro: so anivia could be the yordle Kaguro: na its real Kaguro: thats how she looks Kaguro: in the gane Kaguro: game Kaguro: HOW CAN YOU LAY DOWN Kaguro: OMFG Kaguro: no Kaguro: not really Kaguro: you place yourself Kaguro: infront of your pc Kaguro: laptop Kaguro: as good Kaguro: as pcp Kaguro: Kaguro: draw Kaguro: that Kaguro: D; Kaguro: i made the original Kaguro: SEE Kaguro: SHE CAN TELL Kaguro: ITS GOOD Kaguro: LOOKIN Kaguro: SEE? Kaguro: ITS GOOD LOOKIN Kaguro: SHE SAID IT Kaguro: ya Kaguro: elvis-from-the-circus-sticks Kaguro: tee Kaguro: you need to stap her Kaguro: from laying Kaguro: down Kaguro: NO Kaguro: DRAW MORE Kaguro: NO Kaguro: U DONT WANT TO Kaguro: LAY DOWN Kaguro: YOUR POSSESED BY EVIL SPIRITS Kaguro: tee Kaguro: tell her Kaguro: NO Kaguro: well Kaguro: where is the color Kaguro: okay Kaguro: okay Kaguro: okay Kaguro: xddd Kaguro: im bad Kaguro: at zezinho98 entered this board. Kaguro: things Kaguro: like that zezinho98 switched to the lobby. Kaguro: NO Kaguro: OMFG Kaguro: OMFOGMOFMG Shadowrain entered this board. Shadowrain switched to the lobby. KS entered this board. Kaguro: SEEE Kaguro: EVEN HE Kaguro: CAN TELL Kaguro: ITS ANIVIA Kaguro: OMFG Kaguro: IM GOOD Ika-kun entered this board. Kaguro: ITS GOODLOOKIN Kaguro: EVERYONE CAN TELL Kaguro: ITS ANIVIA Kaguro: OMFGGG Kaguro: NOOO Ika-kun: thank you Kaguro: xddd Kaguro: rice Kaguro: for rice Kaguro: xDDDD KS: ryze Kaguro: draw smth Kaguro: NO Kaguro: SHE ISNT Kaguro: in every detail Kaguro: omfg Kaguro: where is the detail? Kaguro: no Kaguro: your not Kaguro: thats the evil spirit Kaguro: that got control Kaguro: of your body Kaguro: idd Kaguro: so gross Kaguro: omfg coffee doesnt taste good Kaguro: i cant hear you Kaguro: why is everyone of you eatin fast food Kaguro: so often Ika-kun: I think you need a nap. Kaguro: omfg KS: kaguro is talking to himself Kaguro: I GOT A LITTLE TRAUMA Kaguro: FROM MY CHILDHOOD Ika-kun: yes, you need a nap. Kaguro: LET ME HANDLE MY STUFF Kaguro: ;DDD Kaguro: yea Kaguro: everyone can tell its anivia Ika-kun: this has a remix of the pokemon theme Kaguro: told you yacchi Kaguro: it looks exactly like anivia RedHelmet28 entered this board. RedHelmet28 switched to the lobby. Kaguro: no one Kaguro: NO ONE Kaguro: well Kaguro: anivia and ryze Kaguro: battle of the gods Sketchpad entered this board. Kaguro: ;P Sketchpad switched to the lobby. gerp: ryze is a god ? Ika-kun switched to the lobby. Kaguro: NO Kaguro: YOUR NOT Kaguro: well Kaguro: no one is a god Kaguro: but Kaguro: they are blue gerp: oh gerp: ok Kaguro: so Kaguro: now its Kaguro: ryze Kaguro: ITS RYZE Kaguro: EVERYONE CAN TELL Kaguro: NO YOUR NOT Kaguro: GOING Kaguro: TO SLEEP Kaguro: OMFGGG Kaguro: THATS THE SAME gerp: omnomnom gerp: okk Kaguro: ;( Kaguro: why is everyone Kaguro: going Kaguro: omfgg Kaguro: gero Kaguro: how about gerp: wat Kaguro: you draw some Kaguro: black shyvanna gerp: im eatimg go awai Kaguro: i had an ice dragon shyvanna in my ranked today Kaguro: OMFG Kaguro: OMFOMGOMFOG Kaguro: why is everyone Kaguro: doing Kaguro: something gerp: cuz gerp: we are Kaguro: weird Kaguro: doing things that are not worth it to do Tee: hungty Kaguro: ;( Kaguro: omfgg Tee: hungry even Smith entered this board. boomibom: hi Smith: hi Solar-vulpis: hi Smith switched to the lobby. sheepuu: And, I love all Butterflies uwu boomibom: i hate all incests boomibom: *insects NotAirDivIIYet: Should I get rid of this obscenity? Tee: If you want to xD NotAirDivIIYet: I mean, not even Teemo deserves this. xD Tee: lmao Tee: I wonder who the other champ is Tee: lol NotAirDivIIYet: Fizz and Rumble?? Tee: LOL NotAirDivIIYet: omfg NotAirDivIIYet: That's Mundo I think, because of the needle in the arm. Tee: LOL Tee: I think you are right NotAirDivIIYet: WAIT NotAirDivIIYet: DR. FUMBLE Tee: omg Tee: dat is scary NotAirDivIIYet: Dr. Fumble too OP. Tee: he will fumble you out of your lane NotAirDivIIYet: + he is a doctor Tee: oh m Tee: my NotAirDivIIYet: He's trained to do it. KS entered this board. Tee: ignore the Im KS: hello elise Tee: go away KS switched to the lobby. Tee: I win NotAirDivIIYet: Congratulucians. notKS entered this board. notKS: hi! ^_^ Tee: no NotAirDivIIYet: More like notKonvincing notKS: asl NotAirDivIIYet: no/no/no boomibom: OMFG boomibom: KITTY boomibom: ADORABLE KITTY boomibom: IS IT PEEING ON THE BOMB boomibom: SO ADORABLE :3 Moonii: yiff Togaymi: yiff me Wtf: ^ litium switched to the lobby. slinkiee entered this board. slinkiee: Haay Omfg: Hey. slinkiee switched to the lobby. Omfg: Aight. Omfg: My face was just turned into an arm. Duran entered this board. Kzo: hes one tanky gator Duran switched to the lobby. Husband-san whispers to Boyfriend: /info Husband Husband-san whispers to Boyfriend: Do it. Husband-san whispers to Boyfriend: It's you from the future. Finesse entered this board. Breviht: Hah. I get it. "Home Stuck". Breviht: lol Finesse switched to the lobby. Piko-tan: ... Breviht: War has changed, Piko-tan. Breviht: Bluh bluh proxy battles. Bluh bluh Metal Gear. Breviht: War has changed. Finesse entered this board. ErenJeagurt: Finyess. Finesse: fineyayaydaysdysdgdyivrsdxoijmss ErenJeagurt: khjhkfwhjkwhefwlhjfw!! Finesse: erhujydghrdehajfsdjh wasy fuwAKs yrkdEKUSYF vkudfsY V dfvc ErenJeagurt: jkh kH IY8yf8hfh kjhkhkhjkh';';[ fjlwh ˆ¥´∑ˆ¨˙´∑∆˚∫•¥ª™•¥∂™˙∂∂˙™˙™¬˙∂™˙ ∂¨™∂¨˚©$11.50 Finesse: wut da fuk ErenJeagurt: :D ErenJeagurt: But Finyesspls, otherwise. HeirOfBlood: im just really excited by how much progress has been made since then, without being ruined HeirOfBlood: * fingers crossed in luck * The-Batter: Shhh don't jinx it ;w; HeirOfBlood: ; u ; KnightOfDoom: YwH. KnightOfDoom: yEAH* KnightOfDoom: wAIT,,, KnightOfDoom: Yeah* The-Judge: Please, call me <p style="JuDGE:ment;"> in that exact casing, including the brackets, get it wrong and I'll never forgive you. The-Judge: I am but a kitty, let me feast on your catnip. DoodleSheep: wat DoodleSheep signed out. The-Judge: Never. The-Judge: Question the Judge. ThisTabStr8Up signed out. Preussen. entered this board. ArminArIert: all i see are titan pickles Preussen. switched to the lobby. Welcome to! Please choose a board to start. ProEmeraldTaric whispers to Lucifer: Gems. Loading... You entered URF. Bite-en-bois entered this board. Catwithhorns entered this board. Catwithhorns switched to the lobby. dee96 signed out. ProEmeraldTaric: G-... ProEmeraldTaric looks around. ProEmeraldTaric: Gems? Kripsea entered this board. Kripsea switched to the lobby. oliesia entered this board. oliesia switched to the lobby. Lucifer whispers: are truly Lucifer whispers: truly Lucifer whispers: outrageous ProEmeraldTaric whispers to Lucifer: :D Juuni entered this board. Catwithhorns entered this board. Juuni: hi Catwithhorns: hi ProEmeraldTaric: Hello. ProEmeraldTaric: Can I interest either of you in some gems? ProEmeraldTaric: I have a gem for every occasion. LauriAJ entered this board. LauriAJ: hi TuneFish: elluh LauriAJ: how are you doing? LauriAJ wants to be a crew on the ship iktomi LauriAJ signed out. ProEmeraldTaric: That was rather... ProEmeraldTaric: Peculiar. Welcome to! Please choose a board to start. Loading... a0-: free boob Slenderman-: No eyes, no mouth, and I still get service. a0- signed out. Reiner.Braun screeches and flies away. Welcome to the lobby. Invalidity. whispers to mr.krabs: dO YOU FEEL IT NOW, MR. KRABS!? mr.krabs signed out.