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JDraven93: but my friend threw crosses like they were BOOMERANGS Mituna.Captor: What's up? o.o JDraven93: telling them on how satinsts are hunting me down to bring Lucifer back to life Mituna.Captor: o___o JDraven93: yea Mituna.Captor: And I thought I was having a rough week. __________________________________________________ MaggiesMurder: Ahh Emma. MaggiesMurder: You should do fucking stand up. Ugly.: :B MaggiesMurder: Seriously. Ugly.: Lolno. Ugly.: I'd be afraid. Ugly.: I'd be afraid that people would laugh at me. ._. ______________________________________________________ Ugly.: D: Ugly.: The only secret I have Ugly.: Is that underneath my clothes Ugly.: I'm naked. MaggiesMurder: XD MaggiesMurder: Well it's not a secret anymore, now is it? ;3 Ugly.: And that sometimes I don't wear a shirt to class. MaggiesMurder: o.o MaggiesMurder: Thank god they can't see you XD Ugly.: Yep. Ugly.: It's really awkward when you put on a mini-voice-play kind of thing in class and you take off your shirt 'cause it's hot and then it ends up being a romance. MaggiesMurder: o__o That does sound really awkward.. Ugly.: I had to do my best not to act weird the entire time. Ugly.: o-o;; MaggiesMurder: I'd have a damn hard time not acting weird xD Ugly.: "I-I love you, Kevin...please..." Ugly.: OH FUCK LET ME PUT ON A SHIRT ______________________________________________________ Pitch-: OMG Pitch-: MAGGIE Pitch-: The other day MaggiesHome: o.o Yeah? Pitch-: i was in a shop Pitch-: with jack Pitch-: and we kinda know this shop keeper dewd Pitch-: and i was looking at the condoms. Pitch-: as you do. Pitch-: and he said MaggiesHome: xD Pitch-: YOU HAVING SEX?! Pitch-: im like o-o Pitch-: no? Pitch-: HES LIKE ITS GOOD Pitch-: im like i know? Pitch-: hes like Pitch-: YOU WANT LARGE?! Pitch-: im like o-o Pitch-: no? Pitch-: hes like Pitch-: TOO SMALL!?! then he gave me a trash bag. ______________________________________________________ Pitch-: -gets soap. MaggiesHome: xD Pitch-: xD MaggiesHome: Oh yeah, hold it against me. Pitch-: o-o MaggiesHome: o.o Pitch-: the soap? MaggiesHome: Maybe >-> MaggiesHome: DON'T DROP IT. Ugly.: Let the fire bathe him, no soap is needed MaggiesHome: -Splashes water on you o.o Pitch-: -SUPERSLOWMOACTIVATE- Pitch-: -drops soap MaggiesHome: o-o Pitch-: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Pitch-: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Pitch-: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Pitch-: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Pitch-: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Pitch-: OOOOOOOOOOOOOO MaggiesHome: What.. Pitch-: -soap hits floor MaggiesHome: Have you done.. Pitch-: -all look down Pitch-: NUUUUUUUUU Pitch-: D:< Pitch-: -covers buttocks. MaggiesHome: Who's gonna pick it up.. Pitch-: Ugly. MaggiesHome: -slowly backs towards wall.. Pitch-: This is why they need squirty soap bottles. Pitch-: Wait... Pitch-: they have those D:< MaggiesHome: And you can still drop them :D MaggiesHome: -picks it up >-> Pitch-: Fuuuuuu Pitch-: Stop hitting me! Pitch-: -surprize buttsmex MaggiesHome: ;-; I'm not hitting you MaggiesHome: Obby. Pitch-: Not you space entered this board. Pitch-: him Pitch-: -points to space MaggiesHome: o-o Pitch-: the timing was just Pitch-: so Pitch-: so Pitch-: great Pitch-: XD MaggiesHome: Ikr? xD ______________________________________________________ Pitch-: -grabs ugly by the back of her head with both hands and pulls her down as i bring up my knee and connect it with her face :D ! MaggiesHome: o-o MaggiesHome: Dear god babe, calm down.. Pitch-: I can assure you Pitch-: It's for the good of mankind MaggiesHome: o-o Pitch-: I'm making ugly less ugly oDo Ugly.: o - o Pitch-: Unless it's backfiring Ugly.: Dafuq Pitch-: And she's getting worse MaggiesHome: o.o Pitch-: le cock. Ugly.: -Kicks in the testicles.- Ugly.: There. Pitch-: MWAHAHA Pitch-: DECOYS Pitch-: DECOYSSSS MaggiesHome: So wait.. You have no balls? MaggiesHome: O__o Pitch-: No they're right here. Pitch-: -pulls down bandana. MaggiesHome: o-o Pitch-: They're on my chin you see. MaggiesHome: o___o Pitch-: xD Ugly.: -Kicks chin- Pitch-: god maggie Pitch-: you're in a weird FUUUUUU MaggiesHome: e-o MaggiesHome: You know.. MaggiesHome: Pain is mesured by units Pitch-: Decoys round 2! Pitch-: Mwahaha MaggiesHome: And the human body can take up to about 45 units of pain before it's unbearable Pitch-: i forced my balls up my buttocks when i was small. MaggiesHome: And being kicked in the balls can range from 400-9000 o3o Ugly.: You have some awkward anatomy problems Pitch-: I do. Ugly.: I think you should see a doctor Pitch-: I really do. Pitch-: v-v Pitch-: I know :( MaggiesHome: x< I still love you though<3 Pitch-: I'm scared MaggiesHome: Even if you have balls in your ass o-o Pitch-: They're gunna cut off my chin balls. Pitch-: v-v Pitch-: I named them. MaggiesHome: XD Pitch-: Leeeeeroyyy andddddd Pitch-:Jimmy ______________________________________________________ Welcome to! Please choose a board to start. MaggiesMurder whispers to Ugly.: Oh my god ._______. Ugly. whispers: What? MaggiesMurder whispers to Ugly.: Jake just dumped me.. ._. MaggiesMurder whispers to Ugly.: Don't say anything though.. Ugly. whispers: DID HE REALLY MaggiesMurder whispers to Ugly.: APRIL FOOLS BIOTCH >:D MaggiesMurder whispers to Ugly.: lD MaggiesMurder whispers to Ugly.: I'm so mean Ugly. whispers: I started crying, you lowly asshole. xD MaggiesMurder whispers to Ugly.: XD OH GOD MaggiesMurder whispers to Ugly.: I'm sorry ;u; ______________________________________________________ Ugly. whispers: Then drop that fuckface. _____________________________________________________ I'm team "I don't give a fuck, now shut up, sit your ass down, and watch the fucking movie before I hit YOU with a car." _____________________________________________________ MaggiesMurder: This summer, we should have a paint fight eue Pitch-: o.o Pitch-: Lol we should -3- MaggiesMurder: I'd be fun o.o Pitch-: Yeah sure o.o Pitch-: xD MaggiesMurder: Then we could just.. Go swim in the bayy o.o MaggiesMurder: xD MaggiesMurder: We don't have to MaggiesMurder: Was just an idea -3- Pitch-: No I'd like to -3- MaggiesMurder: Orly? Pitch-: It's childish. MaggiesMurder: Pfft- Pitch-: Don't get to do much childish things Pitch-: anymore v-v MaggiesMurder: x< MaggiesMurder: Well then. MaggiesMurder: When you visit MaggiesMurder: Let's just grow up again<3 MaggiesMurder: :3 ______________________________________________________ I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. It's not. The worst thing in life is ending up with people who make you feel all alone. -Worlds Greatest Dad _____________________________________________________ Wolfe.: I screwed gravity. Wolfe.: it was a one night stand. ______________________________________________________ Pipster: Then I'll be his Edward ;-; And he'll be my Bella<3 ______________________________________________________ Pipster: Hey Emma Pipster: -holds up damp cloth Ugly.: Yeah? Ugly.: o_o Pipster: Does this smell like chloroform to you? o.o Ugly.: Hm. What does Chloroform smell like? Pipster: o.o Idk, why I'm asking you Ugly.: -Sniff- Pipster: You are so Pipster: Gonna get raped some day xD _____________________________________________________ MaggiesAGhost: "Go pie and fuckk then D:" MaggiesAGhost: Lol Ugly.: I think pie could be a verb Ugly.: GO PIE YOURSELF, BITCH MaggiesAGhost: YES. _____________________________________________________ Ugly.: None of these will probably work, though Ugly.: Jussayin Ugly.: Never been in a relationship, so... MaggiesMurder: How so? o.o Ugly.: I AM NOT HELD LIABLE FOR ANY AWKWARD SITUATIONS THAT DOUBLE IN AWKWARDNESS IF YOU FOLLOW MY DIRECTIONS. _____________________________________________________ Ugly. whispers: -Poke- Ugly. whispers: MaggieMaggieMa-- SHIT. MinionMinionMinion Ugly. whispers: Okay. So you aren't at your computer currently. PREPARE FOR SPAM. Ugly. whispers: Cleaned-up corporation progress Ugly. whispers: Dying in the process Ugly. whispers: Children that can talk about it Ugly. whispers: Living on the webways Ugly. whispers: People movin' sideways Ugly. whispers: Tell it til your last days Ugly. whispers: Buy yourself the motivation Ugly. whispers: Generation nothing Ugly. whispers: Nothing but a dead scene Ugly. whispers: Product of a white dream Ugly. whispers: I am not the singer that you wanted Ugly. whispers: But a DANCER Ugly. whispers: I refuse to answer Ugly. whispers: Talk about the past, sir Ugly. whispers: Wrote it for the ones who want to Ugly. whispers: GET AWAY Ugly. whispers: Keep runnin~ Ugly. whispers: Hm. The awesomeness of MCR doesn't seem to be telepathically luring you back to your computer. Ugly. whispers: Perhaps my mind is not strong enough D: Ugly. whispers: I must practice. Ugly. whispers: Da da da da Ugly. whispers: Da da da da Ugly. whispers: Elmo's world Ugly. whispers: Da da da da Ugly. whispers: Da da da da Ugly. whispers: Elmo's world Ugly. whispers: Elmo loves his goldfish Ugly. whispers: And his crayons, too Ugly. whispers: Elmo loves something else, yeah Ugly. whispers: AND ELMO LOVES YOU Ugly. whispers: 8D Ugly. whispers: Still nothing? Ugly. whispers: I AM WEAK Ugly. whispers: D8 Ugly. whispers: I'm all alone Ugly. whispers: There is no Minion to keep me company Ugly. whispers: All there is is my sister's Justin Bieber posters to converse with D: Ugly. whispers: Ferdinand has gone, Maggie Ugly. whispers: He was sent off to war, leaving me to hope for him Ugly. whispers: Maximus is help, but I still miss Ferdinand... Ugly. whispers: I can't bear it, Maggie D: Even my fantasy love has left me Ugly. whispers: T_T And as I'm lying about it you still aren't coming back. Ugly. whispers: MAGGIE IF YOU COME BACK RIGHT NOW Ugly. whispers: I WILL GIVE YOU ALL THE COOKIES THAT I CAN BAKE D: Ugly. whispers: AND CAKE Ugly. whispers: AND FUDGE Ugly. whispers: AND BROWNIES Ugly. whispers: D: Ugly. whispers: AND WE WILL START FUN IN THE SKY Ugly. whispers: AND TROLL WAL-MART Ugly. whispers: Oh, Maggie. D: Where have you gone? Ugly. whispers: To another dimension? Should I be worried for your safety? Ugly. whispers: Are you fighting off aliens in... The TWILIGHT ZONE? D: Ugly. whispers: HOLY SHIT WHY DIDN'T YOU TAKE ME ON YOUR ADVENTURE Ugly. whispers: I WOULD HAVE HAD SO MUCH FUN FIGHTING OFF THE ALIENS D: ____________________________________________________ Ugly. whispers: :B So whatsupppp?" MaggiesMurder whispers to Ugly.: Japanese homework =u=;; MaggiesMurder whispers to Ugly.: History homework MaggiesMurder whispers to Ugly.: Art homework MaggiesMurder whispers to Ugly.: Email not working MaggiesMurder whispers to Ugly.: Stress stress stresssssssssssssssssss Ugly. whispers: D: Ugly. whispers: I can make Japanese FUN Ugly. whispers: Translate the Japanese in Party Poison :B *Has always wanted to know what the fuck she says* MaggiesMurder whispers to Ugly.: Oh yeah? .__. Ugly. whispers: Oh yeah/ MaggiesMurder whispers to Ugly.: ;-; I'm already translating shit.. Ugly. whispers: xD Okay Ugly. whispers: Well Ugly. whispers: Teach me the Japanese swears. Ugly. whispers: So I can shout them in public places and not get yelled at. MaggiesMurder whispers to Ugly.: AT THE BEGINNING:Everybody! The car is filled with gasoline. The suitcase is filled with bombs. Life is short, lots of dangers in the future. So let's dance! NEAR THE END: You wanna be famous? Seriously? Wanted so much that, I'm gonna explode! THE ENDING: So when the party gets out, Let's dance together, Till the party breaks down, Until the body hurts, Now everybody get down, Let's dance together, Now everybody get down,Until the body hurts, Till the party breaks down tonight, Until the body hurts, Until the body hurts MaggiesMurder whispers to Ugly.: That's the song MaggiesMurder whispers to Ugly.: Yaru is fuck MaggiesMurder whispers to Ugly.: Idk any other ones Ugly. whispers: :O Ugly. whispers: You are the smartest person I will ever know. MaggiesMurder whispers to Ugly.: It's called Google. ;D Ugly. whispers: You are the smartest person I will ever know. ______________________________________________ LandonsLuxery: Ellis. Pan.: Aww, Emma your probs confucked right now Pan.: Maggie. LandonsLuxery: I am going to get you your homosexual for your birthday. :| LandonsLuxery: I promise. LandonsLuxery: Landy-wandy? o-o LandonsLuxery: That a good nickname? :B Pan.: XD Pan.: Yay Pan.: Try for the sale hun Ugly.: xD LandonsLuxery: I'mma get you the most expensive Homosexual out there~ LandonsLuxery: eue Ugly.: I'M EXPENSIVE Ugly.: AND HOMOSEXUAL LandonsLuxery: QUICK Ugly.: :O Pan.: haha LandonsLuxery: PUT THIS BOW ON YOUR HEAD AND GET IN A BOX. LandonsLuxery: You Ugly.: Yes! LandonsLuxery: SHall be Ellis' birthday Homosexual :B Ugly. gets a sexy bow that she's been waiting to use for ages that has tiny ducks painted on it. Ugly. gets in box :D Pan.: Omg Pan.: Yay LandonsLuxery: Omg yes<3 Ugly.: SURPRISE 8D LandonsLuxery: SURPRISEEEEE <:D Pan.: I'l:O Pan.: *:O LandonsLuxery: HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY ELLIS<3 Pan.: You got me a HOMESEXUAL?! LandonsLuxery: YES. Pan.: How could you afford this? Pan.: <3 LandonsLuxery: I have my ways eue<3 Pan.: lol Ugly. jumps out of box and jumps on top of Pan. :D Pan.: No bake sale then? Pan.: Holyshitrape Ugly.: xD LandonsLuxery: XD Ugly.: Maggie LandonsLuxery: Emma LandonsLuxery: IT'S LANDON Ugly.: *Landy-wandy Pan.: Well I'm off to bed. Coming with Emma ;) LandonsLuxery: Yayyy :D LandonsLuxery: Obby >u> Ugly.: I WANT A HOMOSEXUAL FOR MY BIRTHDAY TOO D: LandonsLuxery: I'll get the video cameraaaa~ Ugly. folows Panny-poo into bed. :B Ugly.: Oh shit Pan.: And btw Emma this started from my fb status Ugly.: I just realized Pan.: Advert says: Save 50% on home essentials.I heard (for some bizarre reason): Save 50% on homosexuals.Say what? Ugly.: That there's a pervert in here watching us Pan.: Ohshit Ugly.: PERVALERT Pan.: At least it's not like tinychat Pan.: Anyway sweeties... I gotta go. LandonsLuxery: -slinks farther into the closet Pan.: I shall speak to you tomorrow... Perv-less Pan.: XD Ugly.: Aw ._. Pan.: Maybe I'll see you earlier then Maggie... o-e Ugly. clings D: LandonsLuxery: o.o Okiee~ Ugly.: Happy Early Birthday :D LandonsLuxery: Yess :D Pan.: It's not for... 2 hours and a month Pan.: But thank youuu<3 Ugly.: I am the best present. Ever. LandonsLuxery: Yes you are. Pan.: Hell yeah Pan.: Bye now LandonsLuxery: I WANT AN EMMA FOR MY BIRTHDAY D: LandonsLuxery: Bye<3 Pan.: SHE'S MINE LandonsLuxery: ;-; LandonsLuxery: FINE. LandonsLuxery: Jake will be my present then. Pan.: But you can have me and then you'll get buy on eget one free Ugly.: Bye :D Pan.: *one LandonsLuxery: o: Pan.: 'cus you get Emma too Pan. signed out. LandonsLuxery: Fuck, I should buy her o-o Ugly.: *us Ugly.: :D LandonsLuxery: AND PUT THIS CONVO ON MY NEW REG WALL >:D LandonsLuxery: -goes to copy n paste eue Ugly.: xD ___________________________________________________ Welcome to! Please choose a board to start. Loading... LandonsLuxury: -.- LandonsLuxury: I was typing out "THey're amazing live" You entered :o. LandonsLuxury: When the tab decided to restart it's self c: Ugly.: Nooo Ugly.: Maggie left Ugly.: Where Ugly.: The twilight Zone? Ugly.: OH SHIT Ugly.: OH SHIT Ugly.: Lag. Ugly.: You're back. Ugly.: wb. _____________________________________________________ Pipster whispers to Ugly.: ;u; And now.. You've.. Vanished.. Pipster whispers to Ugly.: Into the Twilight Zone perhaps? D: Pipster whispers to Ugly.: COULD IT BE THAT MY LINK HAS FORCED YOU TO TRAVEL BACK IN TIME Pipster whispers to Ugly.: INTO ANOTHER DIMENSION?! Pipster whispers to Ugly.: WHAT HAVE I DONEEE?! DX Pipster whispers to Ugly.: EMMA, DARLING! COME BACK TO ME! Ugly. whispers: I AM ALWAYS IN THE TWILIGHT ZONE. Pipster whispers to Ugly.: o-o Wb __________________________________________________ Roses are Red Violets are Blue He's for me And not for you But if you try and take my place I'll take my gun And shoot a fucking hole in your slutty face. :| _____________________________________________________ Roses are Red Violets are Blue What the fuck Is wrong with you?! -My brother, Jeremiah. ____________________________________________________ Pipster: CHEESY PICKUP LINE WAR. >:D Ugly.: OH YEAH. Pipster: I have skittles in my mouth, wanna taste the rainbow? Ugly.: Is your name "Avada Kadavra"? 'Cause you've got a killer bod. Pipster: They say that skin is the largest organ in the human body. But not for me. Ugly.: The Sorting Hat says you should be not only in my house, but in my bed. Pipster: DO you know karate? 'Cause your body be kickin' gurlllll Ugly.: If I was to look in the mirror of Erised, I'd see the two of us, together. Pipster: I'll be the Dairy QUeen, you be the Burgar King; If you treat me right, I'll do it your way. Ugly.: -They're totally not all gonna be Harry Potter things- Pipster: xD Ugly.: Did you just say "Petrificus Totalus" on me? 'Cause I'm real hard. Pipster: LOFL Pipster: Nice one. Ugly.: Pipster: Damn gurll, you're so stunning, I forgot my pickup line. Ugly.: I'm a portkey. Touch me, and you'll be in my bed in no time. Pipster: Babe, I'm no Fred Flinstone, but I can make your bedrock. ;D Ugly.: Y'know, when I said "Accio hottie," I didn't expect it to work. ;D Pipster: Your daddy must have been a baker, because you've got a nice set of buns. _____________________________________________________ Pipster-: Dude. Pipster-: The serntence Pipster-: I never said she stole my money Pipster-: Has 7 different meanings e-e Pipster-: *Sentence Ugly.: :O Pipster-: If you stress a different word each time you say it, it totally changes the meaning xD Ugly.: "I never said she stole my money. I never SAID she stole my money. I never said SHE stole my money. I never said she STOLE my mo--" "Emma, what the fuck are you doing in there?" ______________________________________________________ Ugly.Bitch: ...I fucked up that song real bad, didn't I? MaggiesMurder: xD No, I thin kthat's my fauly MaggiesMurder: *Fault Ugly.Bitch: We both fucked up together 8D Ugly.Bitch: I was gonna say "fucked together" but then I was like "...Shit." ______________________________________________________ Ugly.: I hate it when people ask me for advice and they're like "WELL FUCK OFF! All you're doing is being mean to me." When I'm giving them honest critique Ugly.: Here's the cold, brutal facts Ugly.: Wake up and smell those rancid roses Ugly.: But then they spray some frebreeze on those roses Ugly.: And act like it's gone Ugly.: Hooray for metaphors :D MaggiesAlone: o.o